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Archive for the Sofiia Chuprikova Category




Sofiia Chuprikova Topless Shoot of the Day

Sofiia Chuprikova is some hot chick who gets naked on the internet – with my kind of last name because it sounds like something I can mail order, or could have mail ordered if I was American and she was into that type of thing.

I did some google on her and found very little, but was happy to see that she only posts on instagram once a month, and her last pic wasn’t even of her..

Because I hate these vapid girls who try to get likes, chase likes like they matter, even though you can buy them for 3 dollars….

She’s been at this instagram thing since 2015 or 2016 from my extensive research and I will assume she’s got some rich boyfriend which is a win in instagram terms…and doesn’t need to post anymore…I can assure you that she’s not out there in med school or volunteerring in orphanages or doing anything that matters instead of instagram…she’s just playing it cool…

But these pics of he make me thinks she’s still out there doing things, but then again, I have no idea when they were shot…I mean Sofiia Chuprikova could even be dead from an opiate overrdose or a bad instagram date and I’m recycling old things…cuz of the tits that will live forever in cyberspace.

Posted in:Sofiia Chuprikova




Sofiia Chuprikova is the Naked Blonde Chick of the DAy

Not all models are created equally and not all models are even models…and I don’t know where this Sofiia Chuprikova chick falls into the mix…because we live in a world where everyone is a fucking model – taking cheesy staged pics – and confusing people like me from figuring out who is getting paid and legit and who is just some college aged kid with a dream they’ll never have to actually work.

Her instagram coupled with this shoot leads me to believe it doesn’t really matter what her deal is because I get to see her naked…and that’s all we really care about.

It’s actually my favorite thing about this entitled generation, they all think they have what it takes to make it..and they get naked trying…

Posted in:Sofiia Chuprikova




Sofiia Chuprikova Naked Hot Chick of the Day

Sofiia Chuprikova is some model…who may not be an actual model, but she gets naked on instagram, which means she’s enough of a model for me….

I’ve never seen so many girls get naked for the sake of getting naked on the internet…it’s just this viral trend, they once was for fidget spinners, or Nike, or The Gap, or any real brand that the masses participated in…only it’s getting naked on the internet…

It’s the cool thing, the it thing, the trendy thing, the now, the current, the new…and it’s almost overwhelming…because there are just so many fucking people who get naked…over and over and over…naked…and that to me…is wonderful.

Sofiia Chuprikova …sounds Russian enough…is naked…but only has 13,000 followers on IG…so give her more love…because she’s naked…

Posted in:Sofiia Chuprikova




Sofiia Chuprikova Nude Phootshoot of the Day


Fist time post Sofiia Chuprikova because she’s not very famous, she doesn’t have a very big following, but she looks amazing and deserves the love all these instagram girls eventually get if they continue to do nude photoshoots for photographers addicted to taking nude pics of girls – any girls – so long as they are girls who get naked….and I love nudity…not for some weird spiritual reason, you know that whole cleansing your hippie soul and being free, but because I am a voyeur and a voyeur needs an exhibitionist, and an exhibitionist is usually a narcissist on a mission to be more important or successful than they are…strictly based on their looks..and ability to get naked in photos…and thank god for that…because this is the kind of thing I need and in case you didn’t know…this is all about me…

Seriously, if instagram or social media never happened, think of all the vaginas I wouldn’t get to see, and all the nudity I had access to would be gutter porn – that always existed – and physically going out and seducing women…or going to some nude beach….which in both cases doesn’t star girls like Sofiia Chuprikova..the Russian Queen….but rather girls you don’t want to see naked, but have to see naked because it’s all you can get…and bad naked is better than no naked.

This is all so confusing.

Posted in:Sofiia Chuprikova