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Archive for the St Patrick Day Stripper Category




St Patrick’s Day Ladies of the Day

I am sure that in the last 20 years of doing this site I’ve shat on St Patrick’s day….

Not because I hate the Irish, I’m not racist against white, ginger, Guinness drinking Leprechauns who have a silly language and do silly jigs….in fact I think they are silly and entertaining…

But because I hate when normies decide to partake in hard day drinking after some stupid fucking parade….which I have avoided my entire fucking life…but I have randomly ended up at irish pubs later in the night on St Patrick’s day and the fat girl, beer drinking stragglers throwing themselves on every drunk dude around has just left me uneasy, like “this isn’t a crowd I want to be around”…..because I am not the guy they are trying to fuck, so I prefer watching girls trying to fuck dudes in bars to be hot, you know, I’m a spectator.

So yeah, drunk normies, the worst, drunk fat chicks who drink beer and hang around the bars long after the day of drinking is done, almost the worst….and St Patrick’s is just a load of shit…at least locally….

But that doesn’t mean I can’t do a round-up of girl on the internet producing shitty St Patrick’s Day content….it’s kinda what I do around here….post shitty pics from the internet with dumb commentary that doesn’t matter…It’s a habit….

Posted in:St Patrick Day Stripper




Some St Patrick’s Day Strippin’ Snuff Film of the Day

Here’s some youtube snuff flim that was shot for Saint Patrick’s day where bitch is singing some Schwayze tune while stripping into her underwear. I can only assume that this girl’s gone missing because the creepy behind the camera has taken her into the basement and raped and killed her because that’s just the vibe I am getting from the shit, but at least her last moment on video was one spent in her panties while slutting out drunk. It’s a legacy with more meaning than that bitch who invented the xray machine, at least by my standards, which we all know are pretty one-sided and perverted.

Posted in:St Patrick Day Stripper