I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the stepNEWS Category




Naked and Dancing and Other Videos of the Day

Crazy Mooning

Crazy Neighbors

Naked Pinata

Chav Cause Crash

Dude says Kill Me – To The Vegas Shooter

Man Dresses as Woman to Avoid Arrest

Aggressive Guy on the Plane

Drunk Racist in North Carolina

Man on the Powerlines…

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Naked Lady on the Road and Other VIdeos of the Day

Naked Crackhead in Las Vegas

Iranian Tax Driver VS Wife

Drunk Guy Interviewed About Vegas Shooting

Moose Getting Chased by 3 Dogs

White Trash Chick Fight

Window Cleaning in Bangkok

Bears VS Car

22 Year Old Girl Gets Shot by a Dude after Filming His Fight

Police Get Chased out of Town

Crackwhore Stealing Cigarettes Fail

Bikini Ass Watching Planes of the Day

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Sex in Public Between Two Cars and Other Videos of the Day

Find this Bird Killing Asshole and Kill Him

Attempted Murder of the Day

Stampede at the Railway

Zombie Found in truck

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Masturbating Burglar and Other Videos of the Day

AirBNB Guest of the Day

Robbers Get Confronted by Guard Chiuahuas

Dog VS Tiger

Gecko Escapes Snake

Dump Truck Hits Height Limit Pole and Kills Oncoming Driver

Woman Who Hates Dogs – Pretends she has Dog Allergy – Gets Taken Off Plane

Woman GIves Birth in Hospital Elevator

Corrections Officier Gets Taken Out By Inmates

Police Gets Shot on the I80

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British Woman Ran Around Bangkok Naked and Other Videos of the Day

Big Guy Goes Down….

Snake in the Toilet

Bus Driver Gets Attacked

One Against Three in a Fight

Poor Nurse Shark Killed Nursding off a Guy

Dude Dressed like a Coke Bottle Robs a Restaurant

Drunk Brawl

Sex in the Parking Lot…

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Sex in Public and Other Videos of the Day

Naked Protestor with Awesome Tits

Couple Fuck in Parking Lot in Atlanta

Dog Steals Scooter

Cocaine Packing Machine

Russian Snake Handler Dies After Getting Bit by Snake

Texan University Brawl

Parent Runs Over Teacher

Two Women – One Sewer

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Help Find the Pooping Jogger of the Day

I figure if I can use the sheer size and influence of this site for good, I might as well..

You know all these fans and followers sitting on the end of their ergonomic chair at their shitty job, or sinking into their soiled couch like me, waiting for my next post – like it is the message of the messiah and it could be….

So why just post celebrity garbage that doesn’t matter – when I can try to do some social justice, or find some criminals and make the world a better place

ANd that is why I am posting this video of the Pooping Jogger who poops on the sidewalk outside of some woman’s house for whatever reason…ultimately because she’s a star.

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Woman Sucking Man’s Fingers in Subway and Other Videos of the Day

18 Year Old Gets Caught Getting Head from a Girl’s Mom…This is Her Busting him…

Cat Won’t Leave Owner’s Grave

Car with Body Found Underwater after 18 Years

1950s Beauty Pageant

Angry Homeless Guy VS Cops

Really Fucked Up Burn Out

Glass Falling During Mexico Earthquake

Playing with Lady Boy’s Breasts

Stripclub does a Topless Car Wash

Weird Chinese Prank

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Public Sex with a Fat Chick and Other Videos of the Day

Wife VS Mistress

Flying Sex Doll of the Day

Phone Stolen of the Day

Suntanning Man Gets Run Over

Bus Driver KIlled By His Own Bus

Old Man on his Scooter Driving Down Middle of Road

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Police Fear Naked Spanking Man and Other Videos of the Day

Woman Pisses in the Fountain

Sex Swing Fail

Toronto Stabbing…

Flies Fucking

Nanny VS Baby – WAHT

Woman VS PTSD Dog

Russian Car of the Day

Man Steals Lobster from Store

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos