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I am – Uglies in Love of the Day

Everyone is always fucking with ugly people and going on about how the uglies never get laid or hook up with people etc, but did you ever notice that it’s the ugly people who get together and stay together? While the rest of us are arguing with our boyfriends or girlsfriends, breaking up and getting back together, the uglies are just chillen you know? Eatin a bag of dorito’s or whatever.

It’s the ugly people who end up sitting on a porch together when they are 78 years old and uglier then ever. Everyone else has been divorced 3 times by then and is going to die old and alone in a home where they only change your diapers once a day, and rarely turn you when you are bed ridden, leading to bed sores.

People who are good looking always seem to think that something better will come along and therefore never want to commit to anybody for longer then they have to, for fear that there just may be someone more suited ie: hotter.

I dunno about you, but I will take love with an ugly person over shitty diapers and bed sores any day.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Park Fight of the Day

I have been of the opinion for a long time that men who fight do so only because they have small dicks and are trying to over compensate and women who fight do so only because they think they have something to prove in that “I can do anything a man can do.” type of way. Its pretty sad actually when I go out to bar or any other place for that matter and see grown fucking people picking a fight with someone else like its highschool and everyone is going to meet near the oak trees to watch. Grow the fuck up.

PS The way the cops just stand there for a bit is pretty fantastic. I also like the part where the bitch takes off her shoe.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Fat Hookers in a Limo of the Day

I hate limos and the people who ride in them, and it’s not just because I’m poor and will probabaly never ride in one myself. Everytime I see a limo, its some fucking drunk highschool kids hanging out the top of it, or some idiot club goers who want to look like they are all ballin’ deluxe when they roll up to some spot.

Its like bringing an escort to your ex girlfriends wedding. Sure shes hott, and maybe you’ll get to fuck her, but in the end, everyone knows shes only there cause you are paying her to be.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Gay Dancer of the Day

I love when people do shit on the street for money, and not because I’m interested in what they do, but because I like to laugh at people when they are desperate. It makes me feel good about my own shitty life. It’s even more funny when I see someone who is really good at what they do doing it it, because it proves I was right all along that even if you work really hard at something and want it really bad, theres still a good chance it’s going to get you nowhere.

Remember that, folks.

hugs and kisses
Marie-eve Martinez

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I am – Folk Park Dancing of the Day

Normal people scare the shit out of me for the most part, simply because they’re lives are dull and boring, and on a daily basis I get into enough shit that would most of them have a fucking heart attack. Anyone who knows me knows that I know how to have fun. However, if this video ever becomes my version of fun, I will shoot myself in the fucking head.

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I am – Homeless Man and His Dog of the Day

I’ve been on this real kick lately ragging on homeless people on the site and even in real life. I even threw an orange soda on one (he did kick a car door when panhandling tho). Then Sugar Nell sent me this video and I pretty much hate myself and realize that if, in fact, there is a hell, I am most certainly going to be there. This video made me happy and sad aat the same time, but mostly it just made me hate the world even more then I already do. *hugs and kisses*

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I am – stepRAP of the Day

Our NYC correspondent, Sugar Nell, has been doing a fantastic job rounding up stepTV for us, and today is no exception. I’m not sure where she got a video camera from and I certainly know she didn’t pay for it, but with her you never really know. Nell is a mystery like that, and that’s why we love her. Enjoy it while you can though, because my guess is buy next week she will be starving and sell the thing for food or booze.

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I am – Homeless Doorman of the Day

There’s two kinds of homeless people in this world. Well probably more, but for the sake of the point I’m trying to make we will say there is two. So, there’s two kinds of homeless people in this world. There’s the ones that think they are somehow entitles to some of everything we have, like that squeegee-punk-fuck I threw my orange soda on who kicked the door of that car the other day. Then, there’s ones like this guy. they know their life is shit, yet there they are smiling big to the world around them, even though they never eat, sleep on concrete and probably have fleas.

I was at the bar last night and came upon some old guy drinking straight from his beer pitcher, going on and on about how people are too obsessed with keeping things clean, and that we need germs to help us build immunities, and that when the world goes to shit in like 5o years, its the homeless that are going to come out on top because they will be more immune to shit then the average person.

Then he veered off onto talking about how “he’s no pervert” but when watches the animal channel and sees a male lion fucking a female lion he gets super turned on. Thats when I grabbed my vodka/soda and made my way over to the other side of the bar.

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I am – Geriatric Aerobics of the Day

I’m only 18 and narrow minded so I think old people doing pretty much anything is funny. the thing I hate the most is those bitter old people, who complain about everything and think everyone in the world owes them something because they are old. That’s bullshit. My friend is a weed dealer, and sells to this old lady we all call “Gramma”. She can smoke any of you lot under the table, has a mouth like a trucker and is fukking happy every time I see her. She’s lived a great life, and despite it’s ups and downs, maintains a pretty happy outlook on things. She’s gonna die pretty soon I bet. That’s not so happy.

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I am – Balljogger of the Day

I never understood people who exercise, probably because I am 18, and dont have to worry about saddle bags and love handles yet. Actually I don’t even know what a love handle is. I did get a gym membership this one time. My boyfriend had cheated on me and left me heartbroken and tender and frail. I had convinced myself, like most idiot girls, that if I was thinner he would somehow regret leaving me. I guess the joke was on me, cause when I saw him with the girl he cheated on me with, she had an ass way fatter then mine. I guess he just loved the chunk. I stopped going to the gym that day.

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