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Archive for the Tate McRae Category




Tate McRae Does Splits of the Day

Tate McRae was a slutty child dancer on reality TV because her Canadian parents had a dream for her.

I read a story about a Canadian NFL prospect, who is going to be at the NFL Draft, that moved from Canada to the USA to get into a prep school before heading to Stanford where he solidified himself as a contender for the NFL…

Tate McRae’s Canadian finding success in the USA is a lot more shameless bottom feeding through reality TV, social media provocation, big tit and other manipulation tactics.

The dancer they’ve created into a popstar because they saw she had an audience with her random IG carousel updates that give you a glimpse into her day, or her week….curated like a journaling cat lady or hipster magazine…because she’s a try hard, you have to be a try hard to make it, otherwise you’re a try not hard enough and end up no where…

Anyway, pop star or not, she remains a dance slut and she posted a picture doing the splits for the creepy dudes into young pop chicks with tits doing splits..

That will be the name of our band…

creepy dudes into young pop chicks with tits doing splits..

Posted in:Tate McRae




New Slutty Pop Star Tate McRae’s Thick Legs Dancing of the Day

It’s amazing to think that people still find shitty music and retard dancing something worth watching….

I find dancing one of the stupidest things for low IQ people to do while drooling all over themselves….

So watching it is way fucking worse…

Sure, watching a stripper dance is fine, because there’s a endgame that includes them getting naked, but going into it know that no nakedness is happening, makes the whole thing a waste of time.

Sure, hitting the dance floor when drunk, at a bar, club, resort or wedding in hopes of grinding up and dirty dancing up on some chick, like Patrick Swayze but with a dick that is less dead and rotten…you know for a cheap thrill, a voluntary ass grab designed as an accidental ass grab, pressing up on another human to help fight your lonliness and POSSIBLY getting laid if you’re a strategic enough rapist is fine…

But watching this shit means there is something wrong with you.

The success of TikTok mans there is something wrong with you.

When you send me a “funny” video from the internet and there is dancing in it…there is something wrong with you.

Normalizing dancing is one of the saddest things that has happened in our society…


That being said, Tate McRae is a dance child from Canada, her dad is likely a spy who works in Oil and raised her in some Arab countries before sending her to LA to become a reality star.

She’s got one of those faces that some may find hot, they present her as if she’s hot, she posts provocative outfits for attention.

She’s recently dropped a new album, she’s performing it as she would.

They’ve got big plans to make big money off her tits, so I’ll contribute to that since she’s pantsless.

I don’t really like it, but it’s not about me….it’s about you are you deep deep sadness.


Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae’s Slutty Content for a New Generation of Shitty Pop of the Day

Tate McRae is a pop star for the new generation, because the entertainment industry needs some kind of icons and idols to do their part to shape the generation or at least to mooch off of the generation in an attempt of profiting off the generation that is typically uninterested in icons and idols unless they are Youtubers, because they are the stars of their own movie.

I appreciate the death of celebrity and the attempt to hold on to celebrity through music, because people need music….

I far prefer the use of tits and whore content to clickbait and generate views because it’s so low level, low hanging fruit, obvious and lazy, but clearly it works.

Even in the WOKE era of WOKENESS, the whores managed to spin the whoring as empowerment and inclusivity….even fat whores were able to shine….while hating on the toxic white male who elevates and pays the whores for being whores.

Luckily, we’re leaving wokeness behind…so the whores can shine without some thesis statement or intellectual interpretation of the whoring….

It’s like “I have tits, I show tits, I have some fame, I want more fame, I use tits to achieve those things, people like tits”…..

AND LUCKY FOR US…cuz we like tits

Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae To Jerk Off To of the Day

Rawr….Tate McRae bringing the Tarzan fetish…

The entertainment industry needs to feed you bitches to jerk off to, it’s their low hanging fruit strategy to control your minds.

I don’t think they are as capable of captivating the average man anymore, or at least not as effectively as they used to.

The majority of people have no interest in the media, or the entertainment industry, except how it applies to their own narcissism.

They’ll like a song, make it about them, stream the song, head to the concert they’ll selfie themselves singing along to the song for their own feed, but they don’t give a fuck about who that singer is fucking or what that singer tells them to buy or vote for.

We’ve detached and become the content creator era where we are the stars, at least some of us, I’ve never been much of a big deal…and I’ve known it.

The entertainment industry will still endorse people they’ve vetted in attempts to keep the brainwashing tactics alive, at least knowing they can secure SOME people into their trap, better than NO people, even if it is far less people than they once herded wherever they needed to herd them.

Tate McRae, a Canadian, who’s dad works in OIL and who great up in Arab Emirates before being sold to Reality TV in California….is their hope, their young dancer, their new Britney Spears with the tits out…..and she’s got the tits out…

This is from her new music video, but she also did a campaign for Hailey Baldwin Beiber’s cosmetic brand, because she’s IN THE MACHINE….so jerk off to her, they want you to.

Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae Strong Legs of the Day

Tate McRae is the Canadian Ballerina who grew up in Russia or the Middle-East or some shit because her dad was a spy or an oil industry executive.

In being a spy or an oil industry executive, he could afford to ship his kid off to some dance reality show to build an audience and foundation to launch her bigger career.

It’s pretty easy to game the system if you really want to.

Now she’s the most important of pop stars and celebrities. Highly followed on social media, dating other influencers, doing all the fun things you never got to do when you were her age because you worked at a grocery store bagging groceries and still do. It’s a job.

She is one of the people they are trying to make a big name out of, so they push her through the various channels like Christmas concerts put on by the radio company that owns all the radio stations, someone you want to suck up to and perform for.

I don’t know about you, but nothing says Christmas like strong legs in skimpy shorts….I mean my Christmases were spent at the strip club watching Mexican strippers crush melons for Lady Guadalupe…..so this feels like my perverted home. Nostalgia.

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Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae’s Slutty Stripper Stance of the Day

Tate McRae’s one of those reality stars turned social media stars turned pop star, because they do whatever they can to create these industry puppets to seduce the minds of the youth.

The good news is that she’s got tits and is slutty in her content delivery, because that’s how you stay relevant, at least to me…

Sure, you got the social media, the reality stardom, the record deal and a family back in Canada who sold you off at a young age…

But you don’t really thrive until you are doing stripper-like things, but not as a stripper, not even as an OF girl, but as a pop act that they can exploit, sell tickets, merch and whatever else they do with the likes of Taylor Swift and the not so famous Taylor Swifts to keep ya’ll distracted and engaged.

Works for me, just not in the way you’d want it working for you, you know with duck sucking capabilities at an affordable price.

Young whores….still a good thing.

Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae’s Vagina of the Day

While the world, at least Canada is jerking off to Taylor Swift’s presence in our country, which is beyond fucking weird and a reminder of how fucking gay Canada is, because we are acting like the retarded younger sibling that’s so excited to have been included in the Era’s tour…and it’s fucking pathetic….

Hardly as pathetic as everything Canada has done, but pretty fucking pathetic….

ANYWAY…while Canada is trying to make Taylor Swift a news item, because corporate legacy media is dead and they are holding onto their celebrities, who are also no longer influential, not matter how important they think they are…..people are just there for the songs, not your political endorsements you fraud puppet…

I’m over here looking at an ACTUAL Canadian popstar who is trying to make it in AMERICA and doing a good job of it, since she’s trending up, has millions of followers and shows her pussy on stage.

Her name is Tate McRae and the haters may say she’s got pantaloons on under her shorts, which is fine, but a flesh colored panty can trick me into thinking I am looking at pussy 100 percent of the time.

Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae’s Giving You the View of the Day

Luckily for you The View that Tate McRae is giving you isn’t the one that’s on TV featuring Whoopi Golderg and the other angry grannies.

The view she’s giving you is of her tits.

She’s been a viral hit for a while now, but she hadn’t fully broke into the mainstream. Some people knew her from reality TV where the family initially sold her off to the industry, others knew her for being sexually involved with some other Tiktok viral star, but now she’s really coming into her own as a touring singing and dancer.

I’ve never heard her music, but she’s got the venomous snakebite from that demon Kim Kardashian, which in part gives Kim more life from that youthful energy she sucks off of, but also puts Tate on a higher level of fame because Kim Kardashian is a god to these heathen followers of instagram.

That said, the 21 year old pop star in training who I guess is a pop star that’s made it has tits, and you get to look at them in her content.


Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae in her Underwear of the Day

Tate McRae appears to be an industry plant, but I am black pilled and a non believer in organic viral success.

I think anyone who has gone viral is because the people in charge want them to go viral.

Sure, it could be that they organically go viral and everyone hops on their popularity to SUCK off it like it’s a tit feeding them and nourishing them….

But I like to prefer to think the sucking is by the viral talent in securing that viral appeal…

So people like Tate McRae who was on reality TV when her father Todd, a lawyer in the oil industry of Canada and Oman decided to let his dance instructing wife sell their child out to the mainstream industry….were picked up, created, marketed and now, thanks to people finding her hot and her music the right kind of brain washing psy-op…she matters…

She’s been hired by Kim Kardashian the den mother to the whore generation, the master witch in their movement of destroying society to promote the SKIMS brand in her underwear. Shot by Harmony Korine of KIDS fame, because he likes to sexualize the youth at 21 and she’s the youth at 21 being sexualized and you love it.

Posted in:Tate McRae




Tate McRae’s Next Generation of Pop Star Tit Jiggling of the Day

Unlike Jelly Roll, no one gives a fuck whether Tate McRae can actually sing.

She’s not a 300 pound rapper turned overly popular in the country music scene because he was from Texas and it was an easy thing to crossover into, because everyone knows that country fans, like Christians and MAGA supporters are a loyal and highly engaged people….until the sniff out a fraud…

She’s a child reality star her mom trained to dance, so that she could be leveraged into a pop career and live that dream, all while rocking decent sized tits to help in the marketing…sold to the industry to whore and manipulate through her whoring….

Her singing doesn’t need to be authentic or good, it can be robot shit, like the hot chick DJing the pool party with her thong bikini on….we’re here for other purposes, not whether they’ve got talent or not…

So unlike Jelly Roll, she’s not crying on twitter for calling out his lack of talent, we’re finding her other talents, because tits like Jelly Roll mean more when you’re a chick and not a fat dude with a stripper wife….

Posted in:Tate McRae