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Archive for the Vivi O’Donnell Category




Rosie O’Donnell’s Hot College Coed Daughter of the Day

There’s some story that I read last week going around about how Rosie and her daughter Viv banter on TikTok because rich people have nothing better to do than draw attention to themselves, which Rosie’s actually not very good at, because if you were around in the late 90s, there was no one bigger than Rosie, she was straight up the Ellen of her generation, and like Ellen she ate box, and like Ellen she made the box that she ate doing crazy things, not necessarily fiery boozed fueled car crashes like Anne Heche, but you can imagine lesbians at the Rose level to be monsters, assuming you’ve met lesbians at the local level in your life, whether it was a gym teacher, a kid’s coach, or a construction worker, you’ll know they aren’t the warmest bunch……lesbians be MAD as fuck bro.

Anyway, the story you don’t care about is that VIV said something like her home life wasn’t normal, probably cuz she had a pyschotic/rich as shit, famous as shit, lesbian mom……you know NO DAD…the way the woke agenda likes it…of course her life was chaotic, she had two moms and woman are mental….and people are mad because Rosie said “of course it was normal” to which the woke are mad not realizing both VIVI and ROSIE are making jokes about how their lives were OBVIOUSLY not normal, but the internet is dumb, love conflict, and call Rosie a GASLIGHTER now..dumb.

The interesting part of the story is that VIV is a fucking babe, she looks like every white girl of instagram from Jersey you want to have sex with while she’s drinkin’ her wine, or on the boat, or spending the week at the Florida house. You know rich basic white girl doing rich basic white girl things. It’s like a pumpkin spice latte just hooked up with Lululemon (or whatever the trendy instagram equivalent is, maybe ALO YOGA), and left us with a lot to masturbate to….oh the good old college campus days…that you can still have because they don’t seem to kick you off campus when staring at the chicks because you just have to say “Mature Student Over here”….tell them you’re studying “sexology”……..I’m the next Dr Ruth security man, now take me to the college sluts and their tits..

So get ready for FROSH week in a few weeks you old fucks, while I stare at Rosie’s hot daughter and think “thank god for adoption because if this was Rosie DNA, she’d be looking way more SHREK”…..


Posted in:Vivi O'Donnell