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Archive for the Willa Fitzgerald Category




Willa Fitzgerald Brings the Nips for Photoshoot of the Day

Willa Fitzgerald’s getting herself on the map the right way, tits first.

Let the world know that you have nipples, that you aren’t a product of top surgery because you hate yourself, that you aren’t some sort of nipple-less Angelina Jolie because you fear cancer at 31…..

You are woman, hear you roar…or you’re clickbait and know that tits get hits and the shitty entrtainment industry require you to get hits to get jobs that make hits and set you up for the rest of your life….

She did go to Yale in Theater afterall, she is TRAINED for this shit, so what’s a little free the nip to give the people some junk food so that she can get the jobs to show the world how meaningful her professionally trained thespian ass is.

There’s not much I hate more than the intelectualizing of ACTING….the “let’s take this seriously as an art form” when it’s NEVER been impressive or interesting, it’s just a bunch of narcissists playing make-belief often less impressively than the kids at the park, because at least the kids at the park write their own material.

These are shills, puppets, aspiring to get paid stupid money for meaningless work, but that’s a whole other conversation I won’t be having…

I’m here for the tits, and funny enough, I watched her in “Scream”, a multi-season TV show that sort of just died off. It was a while ago and was streaming so I just went for it, I haven’t seen anything she’ been in since that I know of, but it’s safe to say the industry is trying to make her into one of their A-Listers, but I could just be reading into the media coverage of her tit too hard.

Posted in:Willa Fitzgerald