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Archive for the Zoie Burgher Category




Zoie Burgher’s Boob Job of the Day

This is a video – that I found absurd of a girl I’ve never heard of named Zoie Burgher – who is apparently a Twitch Star….who was banned from Twitch because girl’s all slutty and amazing – all rugged looking and half naked….

She’s a self proclaimed “insta thot”….with nude pics all over the motherfucker because that’s how girls get famous…especially low levels…who are fucking disgusting….

I just thought it was funny that she’s doing weird plastic surgery discounts – and producing videos for them – because a girl with shitty tits – who relies on being naked is allowed to dream – we’re all allowed to dream..

I just think it’s amazing that a girl like this is getting discount tits – or anything from this….

Her instagram is INSTAGRAM

Posted in:Zoie Burgher