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stepLINKS of the Day

Do trans dudes look hot when they ovulate? You know do their cheeks fill out and their pheromones say “cum in my man pussy and give me a baby”….. No wonder people are so sexually confused…both women and men who live as women are jacking their faces up into basically being cartoons….all lip and face […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Go into this weekend remembering that it is not a human right to no be offended. I’ve probably offended people over the last 20 years or more of being a masked internet troll….and as much as they hate it, or would want me shut down or arrested for hate crimes against fat chicks and whorish […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The fail with Halloween drinking this year is determining which slutty chick in costume has a dick or not….because it was always the day men dressed like women, but you knew they were pulling a gag and weren’t as committed to the cause as they are now that they live their whole life like that….take […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Trick or Treat Smell My Feet Give Me Something Good to Eat If you Don’t, I don’t care…. I’ll pull down my underwear… and jerk off all over your hair…. I am going as a guy fucking a fleshlight, or a bargain basement Walmart version of a Fleshlight, there was a time Fleshlight gave me […]




stepLINKS of the Day

You gotta wonder how many trannies out there are just sexual predators trying to get into the women’s locker room versus how many are gay dudes who are jealous of hot instagram bimbos in their ability to turn on straight dudes, thanks to the Kardashians and ugly chicks with a dream on instagram, the beauty […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Instead of the apocalypse, the controlled collapse, the depopulation agenda, the fact that Hollywood and Music is super Satanic and they don’t even hide it, let’s worry’s about TITS! I was walking down the street and saw an Eastern European in a crop top, bike short outfit, hard nipples and I just knew she was […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Nothing like a piss warm glass of water from the tap to taste all the chemicals, hormones, anitbiotics, SSRIs, Birth control Pills, from the piss of the people in the city you live in, because sewage treatment to make drinking water is my porn and thanks to the people in charge, they’ve brought this dream […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Blogging is so fucking stupid, I mean I’ve always felt that it was fucking stupid, which is what made it so hilarious, just one idiots first hand account of nonsense, like a teen girl writing her diary, with entries that you barely spend time on, because you’re looking for the next post, so never a […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I was talking to a pharmacist about AIDS and Herpes sores, you know carrying the love you once had with you like a viral tiktok George Strait song, not that I go on TikTok, that shit is SPYWARE and a TRAP bro, I mean all social media is……but that’s not the point is that I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny to see the two sides of society unfolding… You’ve got the basic normies, who have always been around, they are the masses they buy into whatever they are told and just keep on buying into what they are told to buy into, making a lot of people rich, while maintaining a level […]