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stepLINKS of the Day

I know people are all upset that Halloween is going to be cancelled, but as it turns out, Halloween is only good for the slutty costumes and now with social media, everyday is slutty costumes for a lot of these girls….most of their slutty pics don’t even look like they actually look thanks to photoshop…we’re […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This goes out to all you 5G protesting motherfuckers…don’t let them control your mind with high frequency cellular data…. I’m going to go watch the suicide warnings on all the movies featuring suicide so that I know the fucking storyline before I watch the damn movie but more importantly, I know that if I want […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The funniest thing about the mainstream-ification of the whole sex worker thing, the whole get nude for money, the whole posting slutty content for attention and realizing the loser virgin nerds who follow you are willing to pay you monthly fee to see you naked, is that it’s not about empowerment, or sexual exploration….it’s not […]




stepLINKS of the Day

NUTTY! The world is nuts so those of us who have always been called crazy now need to go more nuts, so tonight I plan to smear my hep feces on public door handles…maybe I’ll target the banks….or I’ll just sit on the couch and wait until tomorrow…we got options… Not that I’m nuts, or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How’s the brainwashing treating all you fools? The biggest risk for the traditional government is probably that the middle class and the bottom of the barrel class get rich or at least financial security….because financial security is true freedom or some shit….they want to keep you all oppressed man…open your eyes man…division is power man…don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This isn’t a political rant, I don’t do politics, especially American Politics because I am Canadian …but remember…you need to cancel cancel culture…these people aren’t the authorities on what is right and wrong just because they whine enough and companies fold due to having no spine…fearing being cancelled…. YOU need to just keep on living, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

With all the possible things you could be doing tonight, this is what you’ve decided on. I mean I realize that life isn’t the fantasy we had for it when growing up. All those things you thought you liked or used to like, that you planned to do every night when you had the chance […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

What is everyone offended about today…hitting the internet to play offended is always the most annoying but clearly effective way for those offended to go on with their lives you know because shutting the fuck up and just going on with their lives isn’t an option….they have a voice, they have followers and I guess […]




stepLINKS of the Day

All I know is the sound of whatever construction going on outside is giving me flashbacks of trying to have sex with my wife’s sand paper, cat tongue-like pussy….back when she first hit menopause and was a creeky barn door pussied bitch…. So today’s , I tied leaving a comment on Facebook…. It was about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I suggest you get off the computer….nothing good will come from the internet…they are brainwashing you, dividing you, making you fight with everyone…even the porn is shit…you have no use for internet…just go back to the 80s motherfucker and use your imagination while sniffing your mom’s panties for your jerking off you sick fucks… Or […]