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stepLINKS of the Day

Go into tonight thinking of all the people you’ve seen cancelled and who you will see cancelled in the next few months before people forget the whole cancel culture thing and go back to being selfie obsessed selfie takers who don’t have a voice, opinion or annoying things to say….maybe even throw in some COVID […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The more I stream bullshit TV and movies the dumber and dumber I get….the way they wanted when they created TV….but it’s better than social media…because I’d rather be brain washed by produced movies and tv with high budgets – the old fashioned way, It is better than be annoyed by social media idiots spewing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The key to life is knowing that you are insignificant, irrelevant, and that no one cares even if the internet gives you an illusion that they do. You don’t matter, no one matters, so figure IT out. REMEMBER – If celebrities like it or endorse it then it is bad, celebrities are not like average […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem with being turned off by the mainstream, or what the masses are into, and not in an emo teen angst way, but in I genuinely hate popular things 99 percent of the time, and when shit goes mainstream, I lose interest. Not so much with music, since I like a lot of Hits, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Have all the anti-colonialists decided to go to work today…to protest Columbus or are they just college students living off their parents who don’t have to go to class, so they can protest all the mean spirited white folks who came over on their boats to prosper in the new land of opportunity…the Americas… I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

May there be slutty girls showing tits in all your menial tasks this weekend…assuming you still leave the house and aren’t hiding under the bed in plastic wrap hoping the virus doesn’t seep in through the concrete wall you built the last 6 months of this….pussy. Speaking of pussy, i pulled a few pics of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Triggering…..I’m triggered by annoying people of the internet pretending to be compassionate saying things like “I am sorry to all the people last night’s episode of whatever triggered”…these mental cases basically apply it to anything that could possibly bring any weak ass loser to some traumatic experience reliving…instead of just going with it like World […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem in the world is that they listen to the people of the internet, when they shouldn’t. They don’t listen to me, but they listen to all the whining bitching brats of the internet who always existed but were ignored, but now have a platform….whether it’s getting brands to change their name, calling white […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t do politics, but everyone else does, and I do do annoying celebrity…so who pays all these celebs to post shit about getting people out to vote to get Trump out of office? Because you know their vapid and useless asses don’t do anything they’re not told to do, as they don’t want to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Let’s hope that the pandemic just continues to slam the fuck out of typical TV that has sucked for too fucking long, because I accidentally just watched the Ellen Apology, followed with the Kimmel Monologue and I have to ask myself “What the fuck is going on”…this is some out of touch shit….it’s like these […]