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stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder with all this fake woke shit by people who aren’t woke at all but that want to seem woke, whether the people being used by the woke people as pawns in their woke agenda, are mad that they are pawns in their agenda or if they just like the attention… I personally hate […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the most wonderful time of the year…even for poor people…so I sure as fuck hope you’re with family, drunk on eggnog and good will towards men, while hating your family or dealing with repressed childhood memories that only come up this time of year….and that the COVID police trying to take your religious celebrations […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Christmas Eve Ever…and today i googled what does a yeast infection smell like, like I couldn’t do a blind taste test and determine the strains, country of origin and vintage of said yeast….you know, I’ve been around candida……but it’s the holidays so let’s get fancy… The only thing good about social media is watching […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I drove by a hospital and all I saw were slutty nurses taking nude selfies of each other because COVID’s clearly a crisis that affects all sex care health care workers by inspiring them to start an Only Fans,….you know when faced with certain death you gotta leave your legacy or cash in on your […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s like when….your wife who disgusts you gets offered sex from someone she went to high school with on facebook and next thing she’s sending him nudes amd suddenly she seems more appealing to fuck because someone’s keen on fucking her…but not that much more appealing…you’re just happy she’s stopped making you eat her out […]




Faith Schroder Underboob of the Day

Faith Schroder is Ricky Schroder’s hot daughter who is putting the family name back on the map as something you shouldn’t point and laugh at. I don’t actually know if Ricky Schroder was an embarrassment, I just know he was famous in the 80s, forgotten in the 90s, 00s, 10s…but maybe his hot daughters can […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I used to be a pig of a person…and luckily…I still am…..I mean why bother changing, that whole evolve with the times shit is too much effort, just keep on thinking how you think about whatever you want is what I say….but the problem with being a pig of a person is that I don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tis the fucking season to get girls to sit on your lap….virtually….since you can’t actually get women to sit on your lap in person…it’s illegal…like Footlosse dancing is banned…where’s Kevin Bacon to dance his way back into our hearts and save the CHRISTMAS spirit….I am like all the Corporations and when Halloween ends CHRISTMAS begins, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I understand all these people who are still offended by everything, I mean I don’t understand them because they are offended by dumb shit, inconsistent shit, even shit that makes them hypocrites… I understand them in that I am offended by fat girls who aren’t too shy to have their picture taken, or ugly girls […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Going into the weekend, remember the most important thing is that it is the weekend…remember dreams can come true, just look at me, I thought it would be funny for someone who knows nothing about celebrities, but is a pervert, to do a celebrity site…and 16 years later, has written at least 5-10 posts about […]