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Archive for the Faith Schroder Category




Faith Schroder Bikini of the Day

The other day, I came across some instagram story by Rickey Schroder trying to push the conspiracy that Hollywood is run by Satanists who have weird sex parties, where they kill people then fuck in the blood and I thought, well that’s a fucking weird thing to be posting on the internet, especially since he implicated himself in the conspiracy by saying that he owned the video tape of the killing and blood filled sex, which he passed around to his friends due to shock, rather than taking it to the cops…

Well, he’s not doing any of the conservatives out there any favors, since you libtard tranny freaks can’t get enough of content that discredits the other side, and unfortunately that kind of shit discredits the other side, even if they do have Eyes Wide Shut style parties to use as blackmail material against the people they need to control, you can’t open with that….

Luckily, his daughter’s instagram content is a little more friendly for jerking off, unless jerking off to has been actors talking about snuff films is porn to you, in which case you can check out her dad’s account, while I figure out the shape of pussy her dad’s sperm helped make. Fun.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Slutty Ballet of the Day

I don’t know much about Ballet, but I know that I’ve had or at least seen my fair share of Russian or Eastern European immigrants looking for a better life, stripping at some of the sketchiest and vile strip clubs I’ve been to, where they’ve busted out their communist block, trained from a young age to be a prima ballerina moves, before sucking dick for 30 dollars in the back room….and it’s been mind blowing….the dick sucking not the ballet…but the ballet makes the whoring a lot more fancy and luxurious…..you know like a high society dick suck in a place where you’d probably get AIDS off the seat if you didn’t already have aids…

So, yeah, ballet can be erotic, the ballet body of long and lean, the moves, the romanticism, the artistry, all wonderful….but I don’t know what makes a good Ballerina or not, I just know that Rick Schroder’s instagram influencer daughter is doing her version of ballet, slutty enough, because it ends with a handstand twerk….which I don’t think is industry standard in ballet….but it is something you’d probably want to use as a nutcracker….if you know what I mean and you know what I mean…it wasn’t that clever of a thing to say, but with my limited ballet knowledge, coupled with my laziness, it’s the best I have for you….

Hey look, it’s Silver Spoons’ daughter being sleazy.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Bikini of the Day

Remember when teen heart throb Ricky Schroeder was cancelled for supporting the other teen heart throb Kyle Rittenhouse for trying to protect his town, only for him to be let off the hook from killing two creepy white criminals pretending to care about BLM, or whatever the fuck they were protesting, while trying to kill him……

Throughout it all, I was willing to stare at his daughter’s half naked, bikini clad tits, you know, since she’s an LA rich kid influencer and being half naked is how they behave….it’s organic to their actual California life, and not shameless attention seeking at all.

The reason being, I don’t cancel people or their kids, or their work, over the shit they do….unless it’s woke shit….but they cancel me or did decades ago….I don’t exist..

I actually wish I was an AI autoposting script, I bet the jokes would be better written.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder See Through of the Day

Faith Schroder is that dude Ricky Schroder’s hot daughter doing some sort of influencer haul, because I guess that’s what all the girls aspire to be, and the tragedy in the whole thing is not that Ricky Schroder is her father, that’s actually pretty fucking hilarious and something I am sure I would tell everyone if Ricky Scrhoder was my father, not just because he was a hero who defended Rittenhouse when the mainstream media decided he was a racist, only to be freed, but that was pretty cool of him, I mean it’s not like he had a career to worry about, he’s done made his money long ago….

In this haul, Faith brings a little cocktease, with a few slutty stripper miami outfits that she CAN’T wear because TikTok will ban her, those COMMUNISTS, totally into ruining the minds of an entire society, getting them distracted and dancing stupid for views, so that they can be their very own celebrities, but won’t let a daughter of a celebrity pose in a thong or a sheer dress….I told you they are bad news BECAUSE they are fun killers….HOWEVER every TikTok I’ve ever seen has been about tits, so I think Faith is just being modest like a good little Christian girl raised in the closest thing we have to hell….LA.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Cosplay of the Day

Did the world collectively apologize to Ricky Schroder for sending some money to Rittenhouse’s bail when he knew taht Rittenhouse was innocent, acting in self defence against a bunch of criminals or counter-protestors who were either hired or into destroying people’s cities for the sake of internet political activism that’s just manipulating brainwashing bullshit…..

I mean if you haven’t, the best way to do it is to jerk off to his hot daughter in some insane outfit, acting like it is Halloween when it’s not…CRAZY I know…but when you’re a celebrity rich kid, even if your dad hasn’t been a celebrity in decades, he’s still rich as shit and that trickles down to his kids…allowing them to be the shameless attention seeking brats that their entire generation is.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Wet of the Day

Ricky Schroder’s hot bodied daughter has been doing this instagram influencer shit for a while now. I guess she’s got something to prove because she was raised in LA amongst other rich and entitled celebrity kids and for the majority of her life he wasn’t really the teen heart throb he was, more a washed up teen heart throb…but the nice thing about celebrity is that you only need one hit to become rich as shit, and when you’re rich as shit, you just need to get equity in exchange for your celebrity to get a piece of the action, so some of these motherfuckers are worth 100s of millions of dollars, so that their daughters can live their best instagrammable life, to feel like they matter….and MATTER they do cuz they know bikini pics get more engagement, are good for the algorithm, grow that audience, kill that ratio…INSTAGRAM is life….

It’s just funny that these people don’t have any ambition beyond this, maybe they could work on changing the fucking the world, or do something meaningful, but why bother when they can just not work and pose in bikini pics….

The good news is, she’s got a hot body you’d want to see in a bikini, which is what it comes down to…it’s what it’s all about…JUST DON’T TELL THE FAT CHICKS…THEY’LL CANCEL YOU for your HATE crime…because they don’t like the TRUTH…so they must SUPPRESS it.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder’s In a Bikini of the Day

Faith Schroder, who’s dad has been made fun of by the cancel regime of lunatics with no brains because they are conditioned to think whatever insanity they’ve decided to think, and despite being woke and inclusive, are divisive and ignorant morons, who in protesting for freedom, will fucking KILL ANYONE WHO DOESN’T AGREE with them….ask a woke why they hate trump….’BECAUSE HE SAID GRAB THEM BY THE PUSSY, WHAT A DEMON”….to which I say…he said “when you’re famous you can just grab them by the pussy, which is actually fact….”….have you ever been around famous dudes, I’ve been around locally famous people, bartenders, DJs, musicians…even artists despite thinking art is a lie..and they all pull so much pussy….

In Montreal, there is one sports team called the Canadiens….and people in Montreal fucking love their hockey team, it’s all so quaint and Canadian…but yeah….I’ve been in bars where the Canadiens would go after a game…and within 10 minutes there was an inch of wetness on the fucking floor…I’m here wading in the pussy excrement because a Hockey team showed up and these wallet fucking fame whores were PRIMED….my shoes, with holes in the soles, similar to the holes in these girls’ souls….soaked my socks and froze on the bus ride home…

Point being, Ricky Schroder is laughed at and hated, but not for the right reasons, hate him and laugh at him for being a failed actor Child Star nobody….but for being a TRUMPER or someone protesting Dave Grohl’s attack on personal autonomy doing vaccinated only shows…when dude claims he’s a DC Hardcore punk…which last I thought involved hating big corporations and big government…but instead he’s one of their advocates and spokespeople now…it’s a fucking disgrace and he should be ashamed of his sellout self….

Anyway…I feel like jerking off to Ricky Schroder’s daughter is good PR for that clown…but at least he’s not the other CLOWN….

Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Showing Ass of the Day

Faith Schroder is Ricky Schroder’s daughter….he’s been dragged in the media for supporting or contributing to the bail of some kid who shot people who were shooting at him in an idiotic protest that was probably more of a riot and less about change and more about destruction…not that I am defending the idiot kid who goes to events with guns to protect his city…I just don’t care if a celebrity like Ricky Schroder donates to his cause…it’s a free fucking country….and what the fuck else is Schroder to do…it’s not like he’s working…

I think the bigger concern which is not that much of a concern but should probably be a concern is how sleazy TikTok is…they read your minds, they know how to manipulate you, I even hear that they watch you through your camera to know what you are actually feeling to show you other content like that….if it’s not warfare, it will be, as they download and collect as much info as they can off you….it’s terrifying….but even funnier…the girls trying to trend on it just do half assed 4 second clips of their slutty dances in very little clothing,…this is what people are numbing their minds with…watching and producing…and this is what people are making millions of dollars doing…WEIRD FUCKING WORLD…

Now I don’t care that girls feel the need to shake their asses in bike shorts jacked up their asses, that’d be crazy to SHAME them for doing that…I just think there’s a level of work ethic LACKING in this kind of content and if you get paid what they say they get paid on TikTok, they should put some of that back into the production…

I am not a fan of traditional celebrities, I think they are hacks scamming the system too, I just think that when a TikTok person makes more than a Brad Pitt, when Brad Pitt stars in big budget productions, and TikTok girls shake their ass for 10 seconds a day, there’s a flaw in the system….

There is nothing wrong with thought provoking, interesting ideas, maybe some jokes or some stories, I mean this is straight up a video of her ass…the equivalent of close up penetration in porn…the audience deserves more….but this is all they need to LIKE and follow…

I also think that kids dancing to a song about getting “FUCKED OFF THEIR PERCS”…meaning that they are high on percocets which I guess is cool, BIG PHARMA always has our back, so much so that kids are stealing pills from Granny’s dental surgery….to get FUCKED OFF OF…after getting HIGH off them….and this is what’s trending and the kids are consuming…yeah OLD MAN over here who is all for getting fucked up and fucking but isn’t this the MeToo generation of “Consent”…mad that a judge said “if you’re drunk you can’t cry rape”….which triggered all of them….now shaking ass to getting fucked from a percocet high…I mean…I don’t have kids, but I’m glad my imaginary 12 year old isn’t watching this trash and thinking it’s the way to be…

Since I don’t have kids…I’m fine with staring at the asses though, but I’m a degenerate, that’s supposed to be exception not the norm…but now it’s EVERYONE…


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Sauna of the Day

Faith Schroder is an LA rich kid with a famous last name, despite her dad not doing too much in the entertainment industry in the last 30 years, besides going viral for bailing out that teenage shooter, that we’ll assume he was likely trying to recruit to be his son in law, but gifting him his daughter Faith who needs a man who takes action on that level…..

He got A LOT of hate from the people of the internet for helping the kid out with his bail, because people hated that kid…but I’m not too sure how that’s effected Faith Schroder’s internet career…she seems pretty unphased as she continues to post her bikini pics, this time in Sauna…

I guess when your dad is a huge star but also a huge failure you gotta take it upon yourself to write your own storyline, to rebrand the SCHRODER name as hot rich kid girls who get half naked on the internet and this is her doing that…I approve of her hustle that’s barely a hustle..but when you’re a rich kid doing any small chores gets confused with hustle…in this case that small chore is taking a sauna in a bikini and filming it….hard work..why wouldn’t every girl want that as their job…oh right, they do.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Bikini Dance of the Day

Faith Schroder may be some irrelevant influencer who basically has no influence but is trying to pretend she does by getting half naked in bikinis for attention, which is pretty funny if you think about it, since she’s some LA based rich kid with a superstar, albeit no longer a superstar, but who was a superstar celebrity dad that everyone hates for paying off some teenage killer’s bail….which you can’t hold against this idiot, because you know that her morals and values lie with the general consensus of instagram, not those of her family, cuz the media is THAT powerful…it brainwashes these fools….with all their whining, activism, you can’t say you don’t believe in, even if you don’t believe in it, because you FEAR being cancelled too much to bother…so post the meme, the hashtag and go on with your vapid and useless life…solid…apathy while too busy caring about themselves to care about other shit that doesn’t matter.

ANYWAY…she’s in a bikini and has a ridiculous body, and that’s about as important as she needs to be, or as relevant as she needs to be, or as political as she needs to be…because sometimes looking at hot young bikini bodies reminds you that the world isn’t just fat vegan feminist lesbians with blue hair trying to invert their genitals to be other genders crying about the white man’s patriarchy and how they were mansplained too once and now suffer severe trauma that leads to overeating because of it….if you know what I mean…

Here’s her sister CAMBRIE SCHRODER doing the same half naked huslte they all do – KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY!


Posted in:Faith Schroder