I'll Make You Famous…




Faith Schroder Showing Ass of the Day

Faith Schroder is Ricky Schroder’s daughter….he’s been dragged in the media for supporting or contributing to the bail of some kid who shot people who were shooting at him in an idiotic protest that was probably more of a riot and less about change and more about destruction…not that I am defending the idiot kid who goes to events with guns to protect his city…I just don’t care if a celebrity like Ricky Schroder donates to his cause…it’s a free fucking country….and what the fuck else is Schroder to do…it’s not like he’s working…

I think the bigger concern which is not that much of a concern but should probably be a concern is how sleazy TikTok is…they read your minds, they know how to manipulate you, I even hear that they watch you through your camera to know what you are actually feeling to show you other content like that….if it’s not warfare, it will be, as they download and collect as much info as they can off you….it’s terrifying….but even funnier…the girls trying to trend on it just do half assed 4 second clips of their slutty dances in very little clothing,…this is what people are numbing their minds with…watching and producing…and this is what people are making millions of dollars doing…WEIRD FUCKING WORLD…

Now I don’t care that girls feel the need to shake their asses in bike shorts jacked up their asses, that’d be crazy to SHAME them for doing that…I just think there’s a level of work ethic LACKING in this kind of content and if you get paid what they say they get paid on TikTok, they should put some of that back into the production…

I am not a fan of traditional celebrities, I think they are hacks scamming the system too, I just think that when a TikTok person makes more than a Brad Pitt, when Brad Pitt stars in big budget productions, and TikTok girls shake their ass for 10 seconds a day, there’s a flaw in the system….

There is nothing wrong with thought provoking, interesting ideas, maybe some jokes or some stories, I mean this is straight up a video of her ass…the equivalent of close up penetration in porn…the audience deserves more….but this is all they need to LIKE and follow…

I also think that kids dancing to a song about getting “FUCKED OFF THEIR PERCS”…meaning that they are high on percocets which I guess is cool, BIG PHARMA always has our back, so much so that kids are stealing pills from Granny’s dental surgery….to get FUCKED OFF OF…after getting HIGH off them….and this is what’s trending and the kids are consuming…yeah OLD MAN over here who is all for getting fucked up and fucking but isn’t this the MeToo generation of “Consent”…mad that a judge said “if you’re drunk you can’t cry rape”….which triggered all of them….now shaking ass to getting fucked from a percocet high…I mean…I don’t have kids, but I’m glad my imaginary 12 year old isn’t watching this trash and thinking it’s the way to be…

Since I don’t have kids…I’m fine with staring at the asses though, but I’m a degenerate, that’s supposed to be exception not the norm…but now it’s EVERYONE…


Posted in:Faith Schroder