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Archive for the Faith Schroder Category




Cambrie Schroder is Not Faith Schroder of the Day

Cambrie Schroder is some useless girl trying to be big on instagram and she does it by posting slutty fitness and bikini pics, which is about as complicated as the marketing of a woman on social media is….”Just get as naked as you can without getting your account deleted, you’ll find followers”….shit I hope the family didn’t pay a PR firm tens of thousands of dollrs for, but probably did because rich people are idiots…

As it turns out, she’s not the hot sister, but together they were raised off the kind of whore would would gold dig on Ricky Schroder, probably when he was down on his luck and easy prey, because of the whole coming to terms with being a massive star, only to be a forgotten star….

The hot sister is named FAITH, cuz you gotta have Faith, or luckily they have faith, because Cambrie’s not that good….

This is FAITH

This is CAMRBIE…

Let’s have a sister bikini wrestling match to decide who the winner of the sister rivalry is, unfortunately, Cambrie will probably win the wrestling, as she takes fitness too seriously based on her arms, while Faith just does it to have an ass…but it’d be a good use of these slutty sisters vying for attention on social through half nudity.

Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Pussy Print of the Day

Faith Schroder Pussy Print

Faith Schroder understands basic social media marketing, if you show people your vagina in a pair of tight shorts, people will like it and possibly follow you more often.

I guess you have to put in that extra effort to get noticed when your famous celebrity relative is Ricky Schroder, someone the people of her generation have never heard of and are zero excited by….

It’s one of those, do what you can to get where we gotta go, when where we gotta go is being relevant on social media, the coveted and most imoportant thing to be in this era and they all do it with their tits.

The good news is that they also do it with pussy definition and despite not seeing all the pussy you’d want to in these shorts, you know that for the next year, there will be able pics of cameltoes in tight pants because it’s the cleavage of the era.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Fitness of the Day

I wonder if Ricky Schroder, during his dark times after his 5-6 years on Silver Spoons, when everyone forgot he existed, type cast him, forcing him to forever be a second or third maybe even fourth tier actor, even if that Silver Spoon money set him up for life, it was no way anywhere near the revenues the 90s sitcoms generated for their stars, just ask Ellen, Drew Carry, Grace Under Fire, Roseanne, Seinfeld, Friends and their 100s of millions of dollars….that Ricky Schroder definitely doesn’t have….but yeah, I wonder if he’d ever think his kids would be as useless as he was…I mean maybe it was expected since he didn’t work, at least not as an actor, or very hard as an actor for the bulk of his daughter’s life…maybe even for her entire life she had this father figure, who was possibly some stay at home dad, or maybe just a tyrant bitter about how life turned out….as he made the morning pancakes and his bratty millennial daughters offended him…he’d go into a tirade about “DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, I AM RICKY SCHRODER, I WAS THE BIGGEST STAR OF MY TIME AND YOU’RE GOING TO GIVE ME LIP BECAUSE MY PANCAKES I MADE YOU IN MY MISERABLE DOMESTICATED LIFE AREN’T GLUTEN FREE…YOU TRASH….I WAS DOING COCAINE OFF STRIPPER PUSSY NIGHTLY AND NOW I ANSWER TO YOU”….

That’s not to say that being a girl who posts videos of herself in slutty shorts that probably take 10 minutes to shoot, maybe 30 if they’re feeling insecure and want that perfect angle, is useless work, I mean we can all find use for it…but in the grand scheme of things, it’s useless fucking work….even if it pays out…and here’s Faith Scrhoder, cuz you gotta have faith, at least according to George Michaels and his AIDS….or at least you gotta look at her ass in tight shorts being like EVERY other girl her age….that are luckily far less fat than I expected this generation to be….there’s actually still hot, thin ones…so I guess in ways this is a win.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Pussy Dance of the Day

I don’t understand the level of retard the generation that I guess FAITH SCHRODER is a part of is.

It’s like on one side, they all want to be sex workers because it’s cool, so they all have these weird subscription sites that FINDOM losers buy into because they feel like their credit card / money is a power play and that these girls rely on them…when I used to jerk off due to having testosterone, I’d be more into less involvement with the girls I jack off to…because you can jerk off to so many girls with free content, having a crush or commitment to one of them enough to pay for her content is just stupid…you’ve been brain washed with all that down with the patriarchy shit to feel guilty if you don’t pay…you fucking sucker….they are scamming you and the “DMs” they send to their fans are Virtual Assistants hired from INDIA…

So instead of being into being a good person, living a good life, being an active member in society, these girls are like “Pay to see my butthole SIMP loser INCEL FUCK”…and people are paying…

That’s not to say FAITH SCHRODER, another LA rich kid with a famous but f-list level famous dad is doing a fan site, maybe she doesn’t have to yet, or hasn’t gone down that road yet, she’s just instead about legitimizing herself as her own personality online…clout chasing, wearing slutty outfits and dancing to dumb songs becasue this is the content these idiots consume…

Imagine sitting there for hours, watching different hot girls dancing badly to dumb songs, I mean I get the appeal when I put it like that, but when I watch these videos it’s painful…tedious…lame as fuck.

It’s just too bad people aren’t cool anymore…instead some variation of a lame ass Disney kid….

However, they do have hot bodies, revealing outfits and are slutty cuz of the normalization of sex….so there’s benefits…and really, what the fuck else are these people to do, become doctors or lawyers? Sure…

So I hate it, but kind of love it, but see a bleak future, but people are followers and it’s cool to have social media hype…and this is how they do it…

The good news is that this isn’t a cry to get people out to vote, a cry for Breonna Taylor from her pool, or any other political shit they’ve been up to, as if they have brains…

It’s a good old fashion ass in tight clothing, so maybe we should just focus on that, even thank her for that…cuz it could be way worse…even if it is pretty bad.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Boners at The Beach of the Day

I don’t know when this generation or this age group of people decided that simulating sex half naked in photo was good content for social media, but from the pages of Alexis Ren and her success from basically humping her boyfriend in a bikini on the regular on beaches, all these horny fucks who grew up in porn, just like to show off their slutty behavior since nothing is sacred or private anymore, let everyone in on the love, like we’re living life at a Swingers club, only the old fucks trying to fuck are young good looking people…not that Faith Schroder is all that naturally hot, she is skinny, has a solid ratio and a good ass, even if it is probably photoshopped…since everyone is a lie…

I guess this one’s got something to prove because her dad is Ricky Schroder and when you grow up with a has been as a dad, it must put on some pressure to actually do something in your life and what better way to do something with your life than getting half naked on social media…

Here’s another one, why not:


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Missing Belly Button of the Day

Faith Schroder Bikini

Faith Schroder is Ricky Schroder’s daughter who is doing the half naked girl on instagram thing that people like because she’s half naked…

In her defense, all girls are doing the half naked on instagram thing, so she’s basically just like everyone else, only she’s got an angle to her half naked on social media….because she was raised in Hollywood with a Famous dad, even though NO ONE under the age of 45 knows who Ricky Schroder is, but I guess that doesn’t actually matter to these fame chaser fans, who put importance on people born to celebrity, in luxury, because they don’t care who the celeb parent is, they just care that there’s a celeb parent…or one who was a celeb…It validates them…I guess.

I mean, if you were a hot 19 year old, because this is a photoshoot for instagram to celebrate her 19th birthday, so she’s young, skinny and has close to 300,000 followers that she photoshops herself so hard she forgets her belly button for, unless her belly button is on her vagina mound, which is possible..at least according to this pic…but yeah, if you were a hot 19 year old, besides masturbating in front of a mirror all day, and finally sucking a dick like you always wanted to, but were to homophobic to do, even at that truck stop bathroom your dad told you about….you’d be doing the instagram half naked hustle too…and the reality is you don’t even need to be hot, they have photoshop for that…..and while you’re at it…erase your belly button too.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Shaking Ass of the Day

Faith Schroder is here lip syncing to a song that lyrics include “an 8 figure N WORD”…..because teaching girls to be gold diggers chasing the richest dude they can is ok, just as long as it’s not about teaching dudes how to get girls with the biggest tits to suck your dick….that would be misogynistic.

It’s a trending song, because the N WORD is seen as this demon, unless it’s every second word in rap songs designed for white suburbanites by black people who are barely black people and may not even know black people….like Kanye the Art Fag who was put into art and overly educated by his mother in a way that you know got him made fun of….or like Drake who was raised in Toronto by a Jewish mom, probably never seeing his dad, put into song and dance and acting as a kid in his white community….only now he’s got a gangsta twang on as he does his best impression of a black person…you know cuz he’s black…lol…then there’s the bitch who sings this song who’s cousin is Gabrielle Union and her grandpappy a fucking SF 49er….anyway…we all know that rap became shitty pop music and that all the kids are all about it and that the white people behind the songs, and the white consumers of the song, just love shaking their ass to the “N Word” as they assume that it’s just what “black culture” is….because they are fucking delusional racists…pretending they aren’t..with black squares on their social media feed…

Either way, TikTok is some perverted as shit, Chinese Spyware filled with half naked girls shaking their tits, usually at the age of 15 years old…braless and nipples out…and Apple’s APP store doesn’t seem to think there’s any issue with this….ok….

Since girls like performing in perverted shit, girls like Faith Schroder who is only known because her dad was Ricky Schroeder from the 80s….and she grew up being the girl with the least famous dad in her social bubble of hollywood rich kids….so she’s out here trying to make a name for herself by dancing half naked to shitty racist music…at least she’s skinny…as she gyrates her pussy in tight shorts for views….

It surprises me how people don’t find any of this content production humiliating.

Faith Schroder Shaking Ass


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Being Slutty of the Day

faith schroder bikini

Faith Schroder is some bottom feeder on social media, doing the whole influencer thing, that isn’t really an influencer thing, and more a how half naked do I consistently need to be in order to get followers that I can pretend are there to hear my life tips, when really they just want to see my tits, and visualize sticking their tips up in it…

She’s Ricky Schroder’s daughter, so she’s always been the bottom of the barrel in her social group. Imagine being raised in LA amongst the kids of the rich and famous and your dad is Ricky Schroder….I’m surprised this one’s not out there turning tricks, I mean she probably is….I am also surprised that being a Sitcom star in the early 80s made dude enough money to continue existing, supporting a family all these years later. He must have bought APPLE stock or something.

faith schroder bikini

faith schroder bikini


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith Schroder Slutty Side Boob of the Day

Share Video

Faith Schroder is Richard Schroder, better knowns as Ricky Schroder from Silver Spoons’ daughter. She’s 18 and along with her sister is out there doing half naked shoots, because everyone does half naked shoots, everyone wants to be a bikini or lingerie model dudes jerk off to, even ugly chicks. It’s weird.

She’s some LA based rich kid, so this kind of behavior is expected and encouraged, it’s just funny that they are positioning her or tryijng to position her as a super model, when she’s just some slutty and skinny blonde girl dancing around when not half naked….

Which brings up an important point, TikTok, which this video may or may not be filmed for….but that is basically the exact same content of people doing choreographed dances like a bunch of assholes, and for some reason it’s going to take out INSTAGRAM (finally)….the China owned and operated, tracking your every move thanks to people who like to watch dance routines, fuelled by people who like to make dance routines, is just beyond fucking strange…why can’t we just stick to the sex tapes.

Here she is slutty in a bikini

Her instagram is full of smut CLICK HERE but I have no idea when she turned 18….so you’re warned.


Posted in:Faith Schroder




Faith Schroder Bra and Panties of the Day

Faith Schroder Bra Panties

Faith Schroder is the slut that Ricky Schroder made….out here trying to establish herself since for her entire life her dad has been basically useless as fuck….He a has been from before she was fucking born…who luckily hit big on Silver Spoons early on in life, to make the money to carry him through life, all while allowing him to be a too young for millions of dollars and fame asshole, an attitude I’m sure he carried through life….

She is using the low level tactics of half nakedness on social media, riding her last name as hard as she can, give that familiar name some new life….it needs to be revived….with pussy…

Faith Schroder Bra Panties


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW