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Archive for the Faith Schroder Category




Faith Schroder Lingerie of the Day

Faith Schroder Lingerie Erotica Tits Ass

Faith Schroder pretending to be a lingerie model, because anyone can be a lingerie model thanks to being rich brats with a dad who was on TV in the 80s, long before they were born, making them the losers in their class, camps, and whatever else rich LA kids do…cuz the other kids had dads who weren’t teen hearthrobs 20 years earlier..but actually important and powerful people…which I guess made these ones work harder, and work in LA means strip down and pretend you’re a hot, slutty, PLAYBOY looking model…despite looking like you have FETAL ALCOHOL SYNDROME…cuz a body, even on F.A.S….can be appreciated in all it’s hungry for attention cuz their Hollywood life was tainted by their Hollywood Loser dad….but at least they’ve had their GROUPIE stage parent mom there to take them to all their important meetings to improve themselves and their skills…like the dermatologist who fills up their busted faces….

Faith Schroder Lingerie Erotica Tits Ass


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith and Cambrie Schroder Erotica of the Day

Faith and Cambrie Schroder Erotica

Faith and Cambrie Schroder are fucking busted. Broken down and 45 looking at 16.

I guess their mom, Ricky Schroder’s whore wife, signed off on them jacking up their faces, because Keeping Up with the Kardashian is a real fucking story, because all these vapid idiots of Hollywood are thinking that the key to success is bikini half naked and silly fucking muppet faces…but the half nakedness carries them…

Silly faces don’t matter when your teen ass has a thong bathing suit bottom jacked up on it, you know cuz she’s not expired, like most of the woman who look like this, with their same jacked up faces.



Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith Schroder Thong of the Day

Faith Schroder Thong

Faith Schroder, Ricky Schroder’s daughter, raised in LA by a bitter his celebrity dwindled dad….is out here making a name for herself by posting basic, typical, expected social media content, where every girl gets to pretend she’s a Swimsuit model, with dramatic poses and their asses out…in thong…despite being barely 18….making pretty inappropriate content for the perverts of the internet – because trust me…the internet is full of perverts….

You know, just putting her thong ass out there….which is basic nowadays, but something that would have blown fucking minds a decade or two ago…I mean when I was in high school girls didn’t even wear Thong underwear….so to see this now is almost crazy…but as a pervert, it’s been a gradual, too slow move to the nudity, and I will never be satisfied until I see more spread assholes…BUT IT IS A START…and that’s what matters….just keep the sluts a comin!

Faith Schroder Thong


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith Schroder Slutty of the Day

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I’m surprised nobody has called Children’s Aid on Faith Schroder’s parents yet, her mother encouraging her and CAMBRIE to be this slutty….tits fully out in a wife-beater on social media…all for attention and hits and audience to validate their trash existence…you know the mom wanted fame and fortune and knows how important it is to be a slut…sure she settled on Ricky Schroder rather than a real celeb but she can extend that knowledge to her kids to carry the whore flame into the future…

I do not even know if she is 18, yet her self expression and really publicly traded Instagram Faceebook is condoning this shit….

It’s like maybe, just maybe….they are evil pornographers who found a loop hole so that they don’t get arrested for the fetish content they release to the world….

Point being…this may be the style, it may not be a big deal…and if it’s safe for Facebook it’s safe for here…

I just find the whole content production to get famous as crazy as the face injections teens get to look like 45 year old strippers…

NUTS. All Nuts…

That said, her mom probably ices her nipples….

Crazy Times!


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith Schroder Skinny Bikini of the Day

Faith Schroder Skinny Bikini

Faith Schroder, is Ricky Schroder’s daughter who has taken her dad’s barely celebrity last name, but access and LA based attitude to the instagram, where at her mother’s stage mom direction they produce whore content, cuz ultimately the woman who is getting knocked up by Ricky Schroder 18 years ago is obviously on some other level of a take what she can get fame whore who wanted to be famous, but who instead fucked her way to a life in LA…but not at the A-List….this would have been 10 or more years after he was famous on TV…either way, she has the skills and values needed to create whateveer this is, or at least have the control over her daughter’s diet so she doesn’t get fat and the contacts at the medical spa to get her face jacked up…cuz it makes for a fun project to do as a family….you know in efforts to be the next Kardashian….in a sexualizing of your kids that is fucking weird…but that you don’t mind cuz you sexualize everything…even that sandwich you ate for lunch….sick fuck.

Here is the terrifying mother who I thought was the sister with no facetune because all these teen girls really look 60 now..
Faith Schroder Terrifying Mom


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith and Cambrie Schroder Incest of the Day

Faith Schroder Cambrie Bikini

Ricky Schroder must be happy that at least something with his last name is making the headlines…you know after 4 decades of his being irrelevant…

All it took was a series of slutty daughters and instagram….

Thanks Mark Zuckerberg for giving girls a not so safe space, to be the inner half naked whore she wants to be, while giving pervert dudes access to endless softcore porn of everyday girls, making it the biggest amateur porn site around….publicly traded amateur porn site….

It is the hub that people look at and turn to….get inspired by..and emulate because everyone is a fucking drone…a copycat…running the same lazy, uninspired hustle, that happens to be a sex workers hustle, of half nakedness for us to jack off to..

So not only does it give ppl a venue to be sluts, it gives us a place to see sluts, and it inspires or normalizes being sluts, so other girls who would never have been sluts, can now jump in and become sluts….because it’s ok for them to be sluts..

When I was in High School…the trend was Khakis from The Gap…one bitch got a pair, and they all had a pair…

Now the trends is weekend gang bangs and bikini pics with bikini bottoms pulled up to your uterus…

It’s kind of more interesting to be alive now….

But it’s also kind of boring because you don’t get to be the one convincing the girl to be a slut, which is 90 percent of the fun in seduction…the inner satisfaction and reward of cultivating a slut from your own manipulative tactics…instead of just having a fast food version of a slut given to you on a platter..

Not that you have sluts given to you, but you can jack off to the pics of them, it’s a communal thing really…


Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith Schroder Being Slutty of the Day

Faith Schroder is Silver Spoon Ricky Schroder’s daughter…and she’s out there at her almost 18 year old in a bikini…which I guess isn’t slutty in and of itself, a girl needs to swim, it just becomes slutty when the content produced is practically a zoomed in and cropped close up of her ass, so that everyone knows her skinny frame has an ass, and that there is no way for you to not see her ass..

The funny thing in all this is that she’s super mainstream, so this is just what girls are doing, young girls are just finding clever ways to be slutty for attention….cuz you gotta have Faith in the world….and the right tactics in exhibitionism will be embraced by all and give you the likes and follows you crave….

The fact is….they do this shit, then fight slut shaming, and preach sex positivity…to justify fucking all day…and that alone makes me think that maybe, just maybe, America is Great Again….

If everyone’s out there trying to be a hot half naked chick….there’s a lot of hot half naked chicks for us to look at….and it’s all FREE OF CHARGE…..

Maybe….God does exist.


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Sophie Mudd and the Schroders in Bikinis Being YUNG SLUTS of the Day

Average girl with above average / massive tits gets 1.2 million followers on the internet because she’s named MUDD for a reason…you see bitch is dirty….

Befriends a couple of Ricky Schroder, spoiled Hollywood children, even though their dad hasn’t worked forever…he’s still an actor and he was still on a hit show…so they are still entitled children of actors….

Children of actors doing a fitness or bikini line, to seem like a “boss bitch”….rather than a whore in a bikini….

I don’t hate on these girls launching their own bikini lines as an excuse to pose slutty in bikinis. I actually think it’s pretty clever and what all whores should be doing because their bodies will expire and even when they are rich, they need something to work on…and bikini business just makes sense….

If you have a million followers and you aren’t finding a way to sell them shit, proprietary shit, you’re fucking mental…like Sophie Mudd’s tits…which are MENTAL…

She’s average at best looks, but the tits carry her….like Jim….Drew and Mariah….they are just that fucking big.

Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder|SFW|Sophie Mudd




Faith Schroder Bikini of the Day

Faith Schroder Tits Pussy Print Bikini 2

Faith Schroder flashing her pussy print all over Instagram like a rich kid from the Hollywood world would or should be doing….

The most amazing thing in all this is that when googling her dad Ricky Schroder from Teen Idol in the 80s fame….it turned out that he is only 48 years old…younger than me…which was more shocking than finding out that the producer of Live with Regis and Kathy Lee – Gelman – (i was on Disability in the 90s) is still the producer of rapist Seacrest and the slut from Soap Operas in her 60s….and hes’ only 58….like what have I been doing with my life to accomplish so little in more time on this earth than these go getters…not that Ricky Schroder has done so much…he retired at 19 and was never heard from again…but I guess his daughters are trying to pick up where he left off and trying to put the family back on the map the right way…in bikini, pussy and ass out….selling bikinis…

The best thing in all this is that the mom is Canadian, the dad is a Mormon and that this one is barely 18….already getting what she’s got.

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Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW




Faith Schroder Slutty in Tulum of the Day

Faith Schroder SLutty in Tulum

Faith Schroder is one of Silver Spoon Ricky Schroders Daughter…but I don’t need to tell you that, you can obviously tell that she’s his daughter based on her face, I mean if you look past the fact that she’s terribly rebuilt, or jacked up her face, thanks to face injections all the young people are doing because for some reason they think it’s hot, or it is socially acceptable, no longer something you secretly do to amplify your face, but instead something girls do like they’d go to tanning salons back in the day, you know a silly trend…that has terrible consequences….and that I can only hope causes terrible cancers….I want face injections to be the new cigarette…the thing that in 50 years everyone realizes they fucked themselves so hard with and have to get their noses amputated…hard to be hot when you don’t have a nose…right….

Point being…every young girl is saving her allowance / sex worker money and doing this for instagram and it’s fucking weird…not the naked on instagram thing…sure do it…but the jacked up face injections at 20 years old…totally unnecessary…when they are theoretically at their hottest…how this ends, no one knows but hopefully it’s bad…because I don’t find any of this hot…to clarify….I don’t find the face injections hot…the need to be half naked, ass out in slutty dick sucking poses for social media..that shit is totally hot. Sign me up. I’m into it.

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Faith Schroder SLutty in Tulum


Posted in:Faith Schroder|SFW