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Archive for the Cambrie Schroder Category




Cambrie Schroder’s Breakfast of Champions of the Day

Cambrie Schroder is RIGHT WING Ricky Schroder’s daughter….who I guess is maximizing the press her dad got for bailing out that 17 year old who shot some people at a protest with his AR……which to me is his own damn business….let him spend his money however the fuck he wants….if he believes in the American dream that’s his right…you know the world needs people to fight for the right to not be owned by China and run by a lot of trans woke idiots…who are as narcissistic and disgusting as you think the right is…if you’re one of those people..

Anyway, Schroder’s actual accomplishment is making daughters you want to fuck that post bikini pics on the internet for you to jerk off to…

This is her struggling through COVID….eating some baller ass breakfast from what must be a.5 star hotel since it pays to be a rich kid from LA…

Posted in:Cambrie Schroder




Cambrie Schroder’s Butt in a Bikini of the Day

Cambrie Schroder is the uglier of two Schroder daughters, but both do that half naked, bikini, fitness porn shit on instagram as they try to put their name on the map like all the other rich LA kids, only they probably try harder, since their dad is Ricky Schroder, who is hugely famous, but probably not hugely rich as other people in their schools and social circles, because he’s Ricky Schroder, however…there are hundreds of thousands of ways to make money, I could be totally wrong about the motherfucker, he could infact be a billionaire from investments in the 80s in shit like Apple or real estate…I don’t know…I just know his daughters are slutty on the internet like all other girls their age and that makes them basic, but fun….

Anyway, I do find it funny that anyone with a celebrity relative is considered relevant to this generation of dick sucker groupies…the whole importance on celebrity is so fucking dumb, even if it pays and massages egos…but since I have no real expectations for humanity, I am hardly surprised by it, I just find it dumb….

I also find it funny that all these inclusivity fucks, the whole left side of your political divide want to slaughter Ricky Schroder for posting bail, or helping post bail for that teen who killed two people in those riots….they see “red” and they go on the attack…you know as reasonable people do….when in reality they should dial back a little and not give a fuck who Ricky Schroder invests in, what he supports, and what his politics are…..leave Ricky Schroder to fuck alone and let his daughter capitalize on his trending name on social media for the first time in the last 40 years….they’ve been waiting for this moment for all their life….”When will daddy be relevant again, I need. followers”…. clickbait

Posted in:Cambrie Schroder




Cambrie Schroder Pussy Print of the Day

It’s always funny when you see an under 25 year old with a jacked up face that makes the bitch look like a 50 year old mom trying to relive her youth thanks to the recent divorce and the encouragement from her 15 year old daughter who shows her how other 50 year olds are living their best life thanks to face injections and other procedures to make their ZOOM meetings “FIRE”….

These girls are Ricky Schroder’s daughters, who I guess grew up in a very weird environment of the failed superstar on the tail end of his non existent career, since they were born long after he was relevant, but their mom was right there ready to gold dig some Silver Spoon icon, assuming that she couldn’t gold dig someone more relevant, or maybe she targeted him like Jenny McCarthy targeted Donnie Whalberg, or Hailey Bieber targeted Bieber, or how GIGI Hadid targeted the One Direction star, you know both were groupies growing up and now they are locked into their celeb crushes, despite being rich cunts to begin with…..rich and famous dudes have never had issues finding bitches who want in on that life.

Either way, raised by a dad who felt like a loser more aggressively than most losers because he was at one time a star….raised amongst other celebrity rich kids their age….because that’s what happens when you live in LA….all nice and vapid as they try to get their name back out there, to save the dad from jumping, or hanging, or pill eating….letting SCHRODER be something people don’t laugh at…and they are doing it through dance, tight pants and bikini dances, because that’s what the young people do…if you’re fit, why would you wear clothing on social media, I mean that’s the whole point of being skinny, to clickbait on social media. I’m into it.


Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder




Cambrie Schroder is Not Faith Schroder of the Day

Cambrie Schroder is some useless girl trying to be big on instagram and she does it by posting slutty fitness and bikini pics, which is about as complicated as the marketing of a woman on social media is….”Just get as naked as you can without getting your account deleted, you’ll find followers”….shit I hope the family didn’t pay a PR firm tens of thousands of dollrs for, but probably did because rich people are idiots…

As it turns out, she’s not the hot sister, but together they were raised off the kind of whore would would gold dig on Ricky Schroder, probably when he was down on his luck and easy prey, because of the whole coming to terms with being a massive star, only to be a forgotten star….

The hot sister is named FAITH, cuz you gotta have Faith, or luckily they have faith, because Cambrie’s not that good….

This is FAITH

This is CAMRBIE…

Let’s have a sister bikini wrestling match to decide who the winner of the sister rivalry is, unfortunately, Cambrie will probably win the wrestling, as she takes fitness too seriously based on her arms, while Faith just does it to have an ass…but it’d be a good use of these slutty sisters vying for attention on social through half nudity.

Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder




Faith and Cambrie Schroder Erotica of the Day

Faith and Cambrie Schroder Erotica

Faith and Cambrie Schroder are fucking busted. Broken down and 45 looking at 16.

I guess their mom, Ricky Schroder’s whore wife, signed off on them jacking up their faces, because Keeping Up with the Kardashian is a real fucking story, because all these vapid idiots of Hollywood are thinking that the key to success is bikini half naked and silly fucking muppet faces…but the half nakedness carries them…

Silly faces don’t matter when your teen ass has a thong bathing suit bottom jacked up on it, you know cuz she’s not expired, like most of the woman who look like this, with their same jacked up faces.



Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder|SFW




Cambrie Schroder Can’t Stop Being Slutty of the Day

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CAMBRIE SCHRODER loves being a slut.

Cambrie Schroder can’t help but produce panty content on instagram wearing a sheer top with her nipples out, because girls are all coded the same…

If you can make it a social norm to show everyone your cunt, the world of women who own cunts will jump at the opportunity to show their cunts…

We are not there yet, but we may get there eventually, at the rate things are going I am surprised there aren’t pussy lip challenges, dick sucking challenges, amongst everyday girls….

The fact is women like attention, they like being sexualized, it makes them wet. It’s a fact, prove me wrong…

The proof is in the pudding and by pudding I mean instagram where all these sluts are naked all the fucking time…It is great…

Cambrie Schroder can’t help but do this angle, because as previously mentioned, she’s a woman and likes the attention, but also because her dad is Ricky Schroder from Silver Spoons, the liklihood of her riding his name further than she already has is minimal…so bust out the nipples and scream “DO THESE NIPPLES OFFEND YOU”….to which no one will say they offend them cuz they don’t offend us other than them not being buttholes…..but you have to “DO THESE NIPPLES OFFEND YOU”….despite no one ever being offended by nipples…with your nipple picture so that you have a reason, a protest, a purpose to post nipple content…when we all know you don’t need a reason girl…bring the nips…

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Cambrie Schroder Nude


Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|SFW




Cambrie Schroder Slutty Tits of the Day

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Cambrie Schroder, with a face like that she has to show off her tits….in what is a really fucking bold make-up tutorial video…not only is she in some bra top thing, but she’s got it fucking flipped up so that virtually the entire tit is out, just the nipples are covered, you know in ways that must make her child star dad Ricky proud from Prison after he beat up his girlfriend who is likely their age…cuz groupies and fame whores target anyone with any level of fame….

I don’t find it interesting or exciting that more LA rich kid brats are doing shameless shit on social media…but I do like that this is the general behavior of all kids her age….this is shit I would have died to get from the ugly girls I went to high school with…but instead…I got Oversized 80s sweaters….I mean even girls you dated for 6 months showed you less tit than this and this shit is just out there for everyone…

WILD FUCKING TIMES….Makes you want to jerk off on silver spoons and feed it to the bitch like it’s her cough medicine…doesn’t it…you sick fuck…

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Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|SFW




Cambrie Schroder Nip Slip of the Day

They say that this is Cambrie Schroder…but I think it’s probably Cambrie Schroder’s mom….

Cambrie Schroder’s mom was married to Rickey Schroder who just got booked for beating his Girlfriend…so you know that they’ve all had a really stable life living with a has been from a late 70s sitcom…but luckily they can use his name to get out there in the instagram world since people love the kids of important people…especially when they do the whole instagram thing….which consists of filling your fucking face so hard that it shines in a weird fucking way like you’re some kind of sex doll with cat-like eyes….

Teen girls doing it to look like a Kardashian….when really all it does is make them look like they are 65 years old….fucking odd…

I do not believe this is Cambrie Schroder and not her 60 year old mom…but it is the world we live in so I’ll let you figure that one out on your own.

I feel like I’ve spent enough time on this.


Posted in:Cambrie Schroder




Faith and Cambrie Schroder Incest of the Day

Faith Schroder Cambrie Bikini

Ricky Schroder must be happy that at least something with his last name is making the headlines…you know after 4 decades of his being irrelevant…

All it took was a series of slutty daughters and instagram….

Thanks Mark Zuckerberg for giving girls a not so safe space, to be the inner half naked whore she wants to be, while giving pervert dudes access to endless softcore porn of everyday girls, making it the biggest amateur porn site around….publicly traded amateur porn site….

It is the hub that people look at and turn to….get inspired by..and emulate because everyone is a fucking drone…a copycat…running the same lazy, uninspired hustle, that happens to be a sex workers hustle, of half nakedness for us to jack off to..

So not only does it give ppl a venue to be sluts, it gives us a place to see sluts, and it inspires or normalizes being sluts, so other girls who would never have been sluts, can now jump in and become sluts….because it’s ok for them to be sluts..

When I was in High School…the trend was Khakis from The Gap…one bitch got a pair, and they all had a pair…

Now the trends is weekend gang bangs and bikini pics with bikini bottoms pulled up to your uterus…

It’s kind of more interesting to be alive now….

But it’s also kind of boring because you don’t get to be the one convincing the girl to be a slut, which is 90 percent of the fun in seduction…the inner satisfaction and reward of cultivating a slut from your own manipulative tactics…instead of just having a fast food version of a slut given to you on a platter..

Not that you have sluts given to you, but you can jack off to the pics of them, it’s a communal thing really…


Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder|SFW




Sophie Mudd and the Schroders in Bikinis Being YUNG SLUTS of the Day

Average girl with above average / massive tits gets 1.2 million followers on the internet because she’s named MUDD for a reason…you see bitch is dirty….

Befriends a couple of Ricky Schroder, spoiled Hollywood children, even though their dad hasn’t worked forever…he’s still an actor and he was still on a hit show…so they are still entitled children of actors….

Children of actors doing a fitness or bikini line, to seem like a “boss bitch”….rather than a whore in a bikini….

I don’t hate on these girls launching their own bikini lines as an excuse to pose slutty in bikinis. I actually think it’s pretty clever and what all whores should be doing because their bodies will expire and even when they are rich, they need something to work on…and bikini business just makes sense….

If you have a million followers and you aren’t finding a way to sell them shit, proprietary shit, you’re fucking mental…like Sophie Mudd’s tits…which are MENTAL…

She’s average at best looks, but the tits carry her….like Jim….Drew and Mariah….they are just that fucking big.

Posted in:Cambrie Schroder|Faith Schroder|SFW|Sophie Mudd