Faith Schroder may be some irrelevant influencer who basically has no influence but is trying to pretend she does by getting half naked in bikinis for attention, which is pretty funny if you think about it, since she’s some LA based rich kid with a superstar, albeit no longer a superstar, but who was a superstar celebrity dad that everyone hates for paying off some teenage killer’s bail….which you can’t hold against this idiot, because you know that her morals and values lie with the general consensus of instagram, not those of her family, cuz the media is THAT powerful…it brainwashes these fools….with all their whining, activism, you can’t say you don’t believe in, even if you don’t believe in it, because you FEAR being cancelled too much to bother…so post the meme, the hashtag and go on with your vapid and useless life…solid…apathy while too busy caring about themselves to care about other shit that doesn’t matter.
ANYWAY…she’s in a bikini and has a ridiculous body, and that’s about as important as she needs to be, or as relevant as she needs to be, or as political as she needs to be…because sometimes looking at hot young bikini bodies reminds you that the world isn’t just fat vegan feminist lesbians with blue hair trying to invert their genitals to be other genders crying about the white man’s patriarchy and how they were mansplained too once and now suffer severe trauma that leads to overeating because of it….if you know what I mean…

Here’s her sister CAMBRIE SCHRODER doing the same half naked huslte they all do – KEEP IT IN THE FAMILY!
Posted in:Faith Schroder