Faith Schroder is Rickey Schroder’s daughter, which isn’t saying much because the average person doesn’t know who Ricky Schroder is, but he was a big star that eventually faded out and barely existed for the bulk of this one’s life….
That doesn’t mean that people aren’t so into celebrity dick sucking that having that famous relative or famous last name where even if they don’t know who the fuck Ricky Schroder is, the public is like “he was on TV, he’s better than us, so his cum shot that survived is better than us too”….
Which based on this one’s look, isn’t too far off the mark. Her body is banging….and maybe her being a celebrity daughter in celebrity world was far less lucrative or exclusive since her dad was a has been, maybe the other celeb kids pointed and laughed from their bigger houses, while the Schroders, still rich as shit, weren’t quite as rich…forcing her to hit the internet half naked to get paid…
But then again, hitting the internet half naked is more just what her generation does than a means to an end..they all do it….even the ones with even higher profile parents!

Posted in:Faith Schroder