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Bella Hadid Hot For Elle Magazine of the Day

Bella Hadid is the new Gigi Hadid…..because like all spoiled brats…if the sister gets something the other sister will want it to…and the dad will scramble and throw money at it until she gets it…because he wants to seem fair, but more importantly wants to say he has two daughters who are models, because as […]




Bella Hadid for Vogue of the Day

Rich girls, especially Rich girls in LA, that have absentee fathers who are out fucking the nanny and other aspiring models, because that’s what rich as fuck old men in LA do…are always kept happy and feeling appreciated by being showered with gifts…even if they aren’t actually happy, and have a drug problem to compensate […]




The Other Hadid in Vogue of the Day

The funny thing with rich girls is that if you are their absentee father who is out fucking the nanny and other aspiring models because you’re rich as fuck in LA…your only way to keep them happy and feeling appreciated is to shower them with gifts… So Gigi wanted to be more like her friend […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am debating renaming the stepLINKS the stepLINKLES.. Why do you read this shit, oh right…you don’t… Remember…there are a ton of dumpers in tight pants jogging not too far from wherever you are right now…because chicks jog in tight pants in all communities, you just have to be time it right when you go […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s local festival season, there’s a big music festival that takes place in this city every year, they don’t give me press passes or any free drink tickets because I don’t exist, so I will not be capitalizing on the hot, barely dressed, slutty chicks who are at the event….or who travelled to the event….or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

While you losers jerk off to creepy asses doing gymnastics at the Olympics… Those broad shoulders and stunted asses doing splits that creep me out more than arouse… Some rocking the balance beam like it was a cock…something Simone Bile probably practices on her NFL husband’s giant penis, at least giant in comparison to her, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day wasn’t walking behind a fat pink haired in spandex shorts, eating Pringles, walking with her low testerone genderless man who was carrying about 3 gallons of water in some plastic device….like that was going to help them or the fact they clearly have dealt with cat litter in their life… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The greatest horror movie on social media is not all these girls jacking up their faces like some kind of clown, cartoon or comicbook character / muppet… It’s the girls who post their before and after breast reduction videos….especially when the before tits are legendary and the after tits are depressing… You could argue the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like running into the old party sluts you can tell were old party sluts but that are now Audi driving moms who are no longer party sluts because they ended their party slut phase with some ejaculate that stuck with what is most likely a rich enough guy since she drives an Audi… You […]




Suki Waterhouse in a Bikini of the Day

Suki Waterhouse is crying for attention, so she posted some pictures of herself post childbirth in her bikini. Not only is she in a bikini, but she is also jacking her bikini bottoms up her cunt in what must be a way to hold it all together post-childbirth, or maybe she just has no control […]