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Archive for the Bella Hadid Category




Bella Hadid Bikini Modeling of the Day

Bella Hadid’s more than just an anti-semite according to the media, who at least has Palestinian heritage to latch onto because it makes her feel like she’s got some kind of identity or purpose to use her voice for, rather than just being the vapid, uneducated, model trash rich kid from the wasteland that is LA….surrounded by other vapid rich kids in their annoying echo chamber of rich kid…

Although, I prefer when she identifies with her Dutch heritage and shows us her TULIPS….GET IT…her TWO LIPS….fuck I’ve finally become all I hate…

She is doing the good work of BIKINI modelling, she even has her own bikini collection with one of her Malibu friends and you kno…she’s skinny, has tits and is bikini modlling…it’s the IMPORTANT work….the purpose…and far more interesting than being a politically charged, out of touch nightmare..

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid Titty on Set of the Day

If you’re like me, you’ll wonder why Bella Hadid ever existed because she’s freaky looking and should have been kept in the basement of one of the dad’s mansions, where she was fed by Uber Eats and other Delivery services, occasionally being let out to explore tropical destinations when the family traveled.

Instead, she’s managed to become a top tier celebrity model and anti-semite, who wasn’t an anti-semite before she became a top level model, but she’s an anti-semite now….you see when your dad is a Palestinian who never lived in Palestine…the family fled the year he was born before moving to LA to become a billionaire…

Her mom is a white as fuck Dutch chick, but identifies with the more politically charged group from your Mansion in California…instead of identifying with STROOPWAFFLE.

These idiots who are handed things they don’t deserve, like TOP MODEL status, need to find some sort of victimhood or strife to identify with…so hating on the Jewish people who hire her is what she chose…BUT NOT AS WEIRD AS HER FACE WAS…and now IS thanks to face injections gone wild…

Looking like she has been reconstructed after being BOMBED in the MOTHERLAND…only she hasn’t been BOMBED at all…

I’ll look at her tit…I can see past anti-semitism, half angry arab, half white blonde chick tit…even when it’s on a face that looks like it’s been through a warzone!


She launched a bikini collection with fellow Malibu Rich kid with a bikini brand called Frankies….

They had a launch party….

It’s Western Themed because Bella Hadid rides horses and cowboys, her boyfriend is in the Rodeo and they live in Texas or some shit, because of course they do….

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid Went Too Hard on the Face of the Day

Bella Hadid is the ugly sister of Gigi Hadid who ended up being a bigger hit in the fashion world and pop culture world than Gigi Hadid because they sent Gigi off to make babies with One Direction and put this one it to ride the momentum that they generated with her thanks to her rich dad buying their celebrity.

She has consistently been the “can you believe that weird looking face has generated as much hype has it does” and that was before she went full tilt into going hard on the face.

She is the BLOW BANG PORN, you know just hardcore face fucking with big cock equivalent in BOTOX and fillers and whatever she’s done to modify herself after market hasn’t been a good thing, more like when you’re shopping for a use Pick-Up truck and the fag who previously owned it put a fucking spoiler on it or some shit…only THE FACE version.

She’s still skinny, but not necessarily in a good way.

I am trying to see her opportunistic, celebrated pussy in her bike shorts….but that’s nothing to do with her hotness level and everything to do with my perversion and love for pussy print in bike shorts.

She freaks me out and that’s not even because of her support for terrorists and her hatred for Israel because she’s a Palestinian…who escaped Palestine and has a Dutch mother….who never lived in a hut in Palestine but instead mansions in Luxurious parts of LA but she understands the plight of the desert people while not eating dessert because she’s anorexic….

I don’t do politics or care about world issues when I have pussy to look at….but MAYBE you do…and MAYBE it should get her officially cancelled…which would be nice and something I hoped for since her inception but instead they turned her into something…


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid’s Round Ass With her Mom of the Day

Bella Hadid was marketed as a top model, I never subscribed to that concept because she wasn’t hot.

It was one of those situations where fashion brands decided that models didn’t matter, influencers who push product matter, because influencers who push product basically pay for themselves, while models are just a waste of fucking money.

Thanks to her attention seeking reality star mother, her rich developer in LA who fucks all the low level “models” who don’t make it and end up being whores, at least they did before ONLYFANS saved them….her hotter sister’s career was bought, when the hotter sister wanted to tap out, they swapped her out with the ugly sister who with money and attention was able to rebuilt her masculine face into something a little more tolerable.

Through it all, she has had a long lean body, so whether her top model status was warranted or not is not up to me…and the fact that she wasn’t fat, had a hot body, made it less of a scam…I support hot bodies over hot faces. Always…so I’ll stare at the Texas based horse back riding ass.

Anyway, she’s in a bikini with her mom, her ass is out, it looks good enough for me, but that’s not saying much, I’d fuck a dirty diaper at the old folks home assuming a pussy came in contact with it based on the shit looking more feminine and the population of old folks home skewing to more women, you know rollin’ the dice to make my diaper fucking less gay.

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t follow the wars in the middle yeast, but the same people who were pushing for us to be masked and vaccinated to participate in society, are the ones supporting the Palestinians, so it’s something you should probably look into on your end.

One of the big voices in the Pro Palestine movement is Bella Hadid, which is almost funny, since the culture she comes from would likely have done an honor killing on her for being HARAM.

You know, because she’s a half naked whore in the fashion industry, when even moderate Muslim women weir veils and don’t show skin or make eye contact with men…

While this one’s the kind of eye contact during a dick suck you’d expect from a socialite rich kid who for some reason got validated despite being ugly.

I have no real stance on the middle yeast, but Bella Hadid does and she’s being totally respectful to the Arab Nation she is an ambassador for by spreading her cunt and rubbing it against a seat at the beach…

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid’s Vagina Eating White Shorts of the Day

I never subscribed to Bella Hadid being the top model they’ve packaged her as, but I have no influence and no one gives a fuck about what I think.

The rest of the world subscribed to Bella Hadid being a top model and all those deep pocket trend deciders who influence the retard mind of the general population decided to create her into something her weird face didn’t really justify, but the general population and their retard mind bought into it, made her rich, famous, influential and all that other shit that comes with being a well-followed rich kid who has vapid parents willing to buy the dream…

That being said, I’ll look at her weird face, no weirder than it’s ever been with injections, I mean is this even the same person….walking to her pilates class with a gnarly camel toe.

That cameltoe is more ambitious than her father was when trying to buy her and GIGI’s career he could leverage with the low level models he was fucking in LA.

That cameltoe is top model worthy of celebrating and being paid for by all the brands, because rarely do we come across a cameltoe so committed to its job that it goes above and beyond.

This cameltoe is some of her best work, it’s just screaming “I am a top model cameltoe” because without the weird face to throw you off, just a tight crop on the white short wearing cameltoe, is something magical….

It could be cameltoe witchcraft winning me over, the same witchcraft that helped launch this rich kid who worked at a smoothie shop into being a top model who pushed product….but it’s far more enjoyable than the other witchcraft because all that’s being sold to me is pussy eating shorts for me to stare at and I appreciate that.


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid’s Victoria’s Secret Show Bullshit of the Day

Bella Hadid closed out the shitty VS fashion show that they decided to bring back as some weird attempt at a revival of the dying brand.

I can’t imagine that anyone gave a fuck about it, it wasn’t all that good.

It was not some cultural moment that it was in the past, because we’re evolved and don’t need BIG PANTY EPSTEIN FUNDERS to give us boners…especially when they use their old timer models who are near dead…..definitely expired….rocking a dick….or being obese because they need to still push some level of woke.

They are trying to celebrate Bella Hadid for being some closing act…like it is a big deal….

She showed off her LIME DISEASE body in underwear now that she’s old and washed up and her faking it til she made it actually means she made it.

The girl was never really destined to be a model, but she committed to the concept of being a model and after all these years, she can officially believe that she is a model….all that faking it til she made it happened.

I mean, it doesn’t really require much skill to be a model, just be skinny and walk stupid…but when you’re a fraud….you’re a fraud but I’ll still look at you half naked.



Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid in a Bikini of the Day

Bella Hadid has consistently had a fucking weird face that I saw as a monstrous and freaky face, but that the fashion industry saw as some interesting and beautiful face that needed to be turned into some kind of top model.

At first, I assumed it was because they liked that she was a bargain basement Kardashian because she was the ugly sister to the other Hadid that the budget brands would go for, but realized that wasn’t really the case…if anything they did a bait and switch on us by swapping out the other Hadid when she decided she was done with the model thing with this one….

Then I thought maybe it was a diversity and inclusivity thing, where brands were working with freaks and retards to be edgy or interesting and most importantly to prove how inclusive they were as fashion brands, despite a history of only using hot chicks….

But then I realized…she’s got a rockin’ body and headless or not the body is what you fuck so butter faces and freaky faces don’t matter when you’re fucking them from behind…

So Bella Hadid…still has a hot body as she plays on the beach in a bikini.


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid Instagram Face Has her Tits Out of the Day

Lucky for us Bella Hadid has her tits out as a diversion from her broken down instagram face, which prior to instagram was considered rich old lady face or stripper face, which I always thought was pretty funny….the cross-over at the Plastic Surgeon’s office between the stripper and the rich lady was worthy of a VENN DIAGRAM…and now that’s applied to all instagram has to offer.

Hadid, the Pro Palestine because she’s so Palestinian she was raised rich as fuck in Beverly Hills….was always funny to me, mainly because she was a rich kid who bought her career….but also because her sister bought her career before her…all the validate their rich dad’s sperm..

The industry bought into them and believed they were hot model types, probably because of their instagram following….and hype….good for business no matter what she looks like, how jacked her face is, or how bad she jacked her face while trying to make it look less jacked thanks to those fillers…

The point is, ugly or not, worthy of being a top model or not, rich kid doing country or not…she’s got her tits out and THAT is what matters…..unfortunately she’s got some sea shell pasties on, no nips…but it happened and I’m reporting it…meaning it’s probably very old content. I’m not very with it…

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Bella Hadid’s Rockin’ Tits a Cannes of the Day

The ongoing joke when it comes to the Cannes Film festival in this world of half retards who love puns, is referring to the tits as Cans.

Check out the Cans in Cannes…

Check out the CANS CANNES doing the CANS at Cannes or some shit…

I hate PUNS and silly little clever things because I am too dumb to think them up…but I am not too dumb or retarded to like tits, even little babies with undeveloped brains like tits, because tits are fucking awesome…

So Bella Hadid, who has been in hiding, living her best lime diseased soaked life as a rich model who was a top model, despite being pretty weird looking….and in her best lime disease life she fucks an actual Rodeo cowboy…because she likes real men, not pussy rappers and scenester fags trying to be cool now…

Anyway, she’s making a comeback at Cannes, with her CANS out and her tits, unlike her face, are hot…

This hybrid human with all her injections does one thing great and that’s have hot tits…


Posted in:Bella Hadid