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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

All the schizophrenic people out there must be laughing at all you motherfuckers who tried to institutionalize them for saying or thinking things like they’re being watched, followed, tracked, while their minds were being read….now that all your internet and computer use is being tracked like a shitty boss or shitty spouse who puts spy […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t do politics, but everyone else does, and I do do annoying celebrity…so who pays all these celebs to post shit about getting people out to vote to get Trump out of office? Because you know their vapid and useless asses don’t do anything they’re not told to do, as they don’t want to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Going into the weekend…remember all people suck equally….don’t you be discriminating by liking some people and hating others…hate them all the same because you know at their core they are just out for themselves and thus are shitty people…. Or you could look at things in a more positive light and just be apathetic and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We are making progress as a people, I am glad to say that Karaoke has been banned in parts of Canada, you know because of the virus….If you get caught singing Karoke, I hear they throw you in the back of a Snowmobile and feed you poutine until you turn into a stripper… That said, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This isn’t a political rant, I don’t do politics, especially American Politics because I am Canadian …but remember…you need to cancel cancel culture…these people aren’t the authorities on what is right and wrong just because they whine enough and companies fold due to having no spine…fearing being cancelled…. YOU need to just keep on living, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

In a world where the media lies and everyone is too dumb to realize that they are being brainwashed by marketers because they are too self involved, uneducated or badly educated, you’d think there would be more easy ways to manipulate people out of money….you know there’s nothing worse than knowing how retarded the general […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know why everyone is so mad, I just assumed that everyone has always hated everyone…I don’t know why they are being all fucking emotional about it, maybe it’s the whole out of work, lots of time on their hand, lack of health and wellness to keep their spirits up, or just blindness to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know what is more exciting on the internet…and in life…since the internet is life….is it people making all their life choices based on what political parties the brand supports publicly or rumored to support….so that they know WHO to go to war with….GOOD VS EVIL no matter what side you are on… Or […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

How’s everyone doing in these keep everyone divided times…. While the government tells you who you can and can’t hang out with and at what distance between those people that you must keep to hang out…It’s some mom not wanting you hanging out with the bad kids at school…only you’re all fucking adults…you’re all fighting […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Social Media is Evil….but Only Fans / Premium is more evil in a good way… These idiots who were trying to make it as “influencers” on social media realized it was too labor intensive and competitive, since everyone and their moms, literally their moms are doing “hey you guys, subscribe to my channel”….documenting their personal […]