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stepLINKS of the Day

The worst thing about having a small dick….is when a girl says “put your little dick in my mouth”…. Not that “put your big dick in my mouth” would have been better, because I would know they’d be lying… But “put your little dick in my mouth”….is almost as bad…because we don’t need reminders of […]




Jonas Brother’s Pussy Wants You To Know What’s Important to Her of the Day

Rich Kid, overrated, undeserving, boring at best “Model”…from a vapid family that wants to be the Kardashians and who put importance on “modeling”…proven by two of the daughters being models…not because they are hot…but because they are rich kids and their careers were bought…making them “it girls”…probably because her mom modeled or because her rich […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am pretty happy to report that celebrity culture is almost dead. We are so close to the final curtain. Yes, content will still be produced. Yes, these idiots will still get overpaid. Yes, they will still have fans or creeps jerking off to them. But the general public won’t give a fuck….unless these idiots […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Every time I leave my house, I realize why my site is obsolete. Everyday, regular girls at the Starbucks, or grocery store, or walking down the street are dressed hotter, look hotter and are hotter than any of these idiots who happen to be on TV shows no one watches, or in movies no one […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Social media’s gone nuts… Facebook is launching a diskike button…after years of being asked to launch a dislike button…only to realize it will create wars and we like wars…while being programmed by some computer programmer who learned how to control humans…. Snapchat released animated emoji’s that a bunch of idiots have sent me, doing the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the weekend… My favorite thing is when people say shit like “It’s the weekend”…or when they say “happy Friday”…or when they say…”it’s pretty hot out here”….or when they post their temperture of their current location via snapchat…because I care about your fucking temperature…especially at 0 MPH… Fuck you world… But it’s the wekeend….and all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was when “Stella Maxwell (This is My Real Account)”…something anyone with their real account would write next to their profile….so trolls realize it’s actually them…was a “people I may know”…according to my facebook…. So I decided to message her…only to be blocked 10 seconds after she answered me… Was it […]




Kylie Jenner is Still 18 and Now With Ferrari of the Day

Kylie Jenner is still 18. Here are some pics of her bday from the amazing RONY’S PHOTOBOOTH Tyga got her a Ferrari. Kris Smelled Money in her Bustier…Gigi Hadid had tits with Jonas Brothers…and unfortunately the building wasn’t bombed…saving everyone but the Kardashians…because innocent people there lookin’ on…don’t deserve to die just because of curiosity…but […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The only thing I hate about sex is the person I am having sex with…. Have you ever wanted to feel the love someone feels when they kill someone in a crime of passion, that’s intense love… I just want to kill my fat wife, so that I can be left the fuck alone….Not because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is funny how ridiculous these billion dollar social media platforms work…by making people think they need these social media platforms to be relevant, it’s like preying on their insecurities, making them work hard for you, to make you money…while all they do is just waste time on your stupid platform…that you probably laugh about…at […]