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stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder with all this fake woke shit by people who aren’t woke at all but that want to seem woke, whether the people being used by the woke people as pawns in their woke agenda, are mad that they are pawns in their agenda or if they just like the attention… I personally hate […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Having been on the internet all these years with my own website, I have seen so many huge billion dollar companies come out of the woodwork and I’ve kicked myself for wasting my time uploading Lohan pics instead of taking advantage of some of those obvious platforms I could have potentially launched…like Only Fans….but the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

A hooker I know is fucking 10 dudes or more a day and she’s not dead of COVID…. The world is nuts…and I really feel like we are a bunch of distracted idiots focused on the wrong fucking thing….as the media controls us through their puppet mastery…and as China moves into takeover America…and as robots […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So now, you can’t hook up in college with drunk girls while you are drunk….making dudes scared to fuck…is that why everyone is turning gay or into girls…if we eliminate girls from the equation we can go back to having fun… Everyone’s so fucking serious and want to be part of a scandal or be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tis the fucking season of good will towards men, so despite Christmas being cancelled, forcing you to experience a year without Jesus’ birthday party, living like a non Christian for the first time in your life…remember…that Christmas is a state of mind man….and everyday is Christmas when you think of all the nudes girls produce […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I always find it funny when facebook or whatever social network like google flag me for content that I pulled off their fucking site….so I used to post the daily posts on my IG Stories, before realizing fuck social media, since I always hated that shit, why bother desperately trying to get clicks from there […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I don’t do politics, I don’t know politics, but Trump releasing that 60 minutes interview, where he could control the narrative and messaging, was such a power move…and despite the bitches out there spewing negativity about their Commander in Chief…controlling the narrative isn’t some bitchy, whiny tactis, […]




stepLINKs of the Day

There is so much to be angry about in the world…no matter what your life is about or what you are into…there’s just a steady stream of shitty that can get you down…money, bitches, pandemics, politics, activism, social justice warriors, other people’s better lives on social media…..but tonight just got a little better….at least for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In very important news…Mel Gibson is trending on because cancel culture is mad that he is playing Santa Claus because he was cancelled but not hard enough for cancel culture a bunch of years ago and want him to be cancelled…but yeah…the outrage is because he’s playing Santa but publicly made those anti-jewish comments all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When people remain annoying as they scramble around social media about politics, covid, politicians beating covid in 3-4 days…..you should focus on the important things in life…..no, not like the meaning of life shit….or analyzing porn vs mainstream, where being a porn chick meant being blacklisted, while now it means being cool, so cool the […]