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stepLINKS of the Day

I find it interesting that people still pay for sex, when there are so many sluts out there. Countless sluts out there. Non stop sluts out there…willing to go as disturbingly low standard as possible to just get a kick – in a world where 12 year olds have had more sex than you have […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was talking about this the other day. I have a few friends who always felt like they weren’t good enough because they werent’ the ones molested by their teacher they found out was molesting people for 45 years as a teacher….. As it turns out it is one of the most common jokes people […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem with society is that everyone is so uptight, while being so loose, all at the same time, making it very hard to navigate the waters…. I remember the days of cat calling, date rape when it was just called bad sex you regret, and all the other good times we used to have. […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Fat girls…..complaining about how they would have been considered hot in the 1400s when fat meant fed and not diseased because everyone died at 30….assuming that if those were still the same feminine ideals in hotness that they’d be considered hot….clearly haven’t seen BBW where clearly people are into this fat thing….or Ashley Graham and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the eve of the most special event in the history of events…..Independence Day…and I may be a Canadian with no real ties to the USA, other than a possible father who I never met, who knocked up my Mexican prostitute mother before I was shipped off to Canada to some foster home run by […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The Internet is so misleading… I left my house today, thinking all these feminist hipsters would be half naked pulling their tits out like their instagram feeds….and sure there were slutty shorts, some leggings, some braless tops with hard nipples… BUT…I did not see one girl posed provocatively in a bed, shower, hotel room, beach, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There is always a redeeming quality to shoving your dick in the mouth of the girl who hounds you, nags you, gives you shit all day, in a resentment, kind of reclaiming your manhood way…. There is always a redeeming quality to when a girl makes fun of you, knowing you were in her ass […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In not so fascinating news, I left the house today and saw that every girl seems to have a fat ass and skinny waste. This is something I see on instagram and assume it is photoshopped or “facetuned”, but leaving the house DEBUNKED that murder mystery….and it turns out that girls, lots of girls actually […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is Memorial Day weekend, why the hell are you on the computer, even if you’re not in the USA, it is the weekend, why the hell are you on the computer. I get that you’re likely a loser, you likely don’t have a job and if you do it’s shit shift work, probably the […]




stepLINKS of the DAy

Porn is so accessble…..and it’s making the world really fucking weird… I remember when we’d have to watch porn as a group of dudes after someone stole a video from their dad growing up…and it wasn’t a homo circle jerk thing..it was a “how do I get that to take home to jack off to, […]