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stepLINKS of the Day

I know how irritating it is to talk to people about the weather, it’s the small talk that translates to go fuck yourself, I don’t care about you, I don’t care about what you think, or what you have to say, it’s just a polite way to say “you’re nothing to me, but we’re forced […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today I heard high school kids yelling at each other saying “That’s not what you said when I fucked you up the ass”… And I thought…at least not everyone is a pussy about dudes being creeps..and that maybe the new generation of girls will be less sensitive than the 30 year olds who haven’t quite […]




Victoria’s Secret Models in China of the Day

The Victoria’s Secret infomercial that no one will bother watching on TV, but that will get a lot of social media content out of their girls for the Black Friday / Cyber Monday rush, it’s strategically timed to blow their sales out of the water, in what is their biggest time of the year for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t what your plans are for the weekend, but I am going to start sending unsolicited dick pics, maybe some calling random people while masturbating, you know doing the “Powerful” man move on girls who have no idea who I am, who don’t envy or look up to me, but who do have vaginas… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The only interesting thing that is happening with this Harvey Weinstein is a deplorable creature who fucks girls who are willing to fuck him at the time of the fucking – because they want him to hook them up…is that all these celebs who are working with him are saving face publicly, while their teams […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Someone told me sharing cellphones is like sharing a used condom…it’s an invasion of person space..but all I could think was what happens when you’re fucking a hooker with your friend who paid for the hooker…and you happen to be there to pick up the table scraps but you’re not dumb enough to go in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I asked my mom friend with great tits if she calls her daughters her “girls” or her “Young Sluts in Training”….they are both under the age of 5, so in just a couple of years they will be running train at kindergarten….like in the movies they watch on the youtube… THE WORLD DOOMED….SUPER GONO EVERYWHERE… […]




Cleavage at the CFDA of the Day

. But….at least she brought her cleavage, as did Heidi Klum, Suki Waterhouse, Josephine Skriver and Martha Hunt… All very important people sucking up to the Fashion Designers who hire them and make them relevant in this very very vapid industry and world we live in. Magic, but not really. TO SEE THE REST OF […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder how many women or men repressed by Christianity have secretly jerked off to the Image of Jesus on the Cross….but couldn’t admit it to anyone because that’s worse than having sex with your family members…or really anything else you could masturbate to….provided you’re a christian.. I used to know a girl who went […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was talking to a young and excitable, opinionated and pretentious, feminist who was going on and on about the Women’s march like that wasn’t three fucking weeks ago, we’re bored of her conversation…. So I said “fuck them women’s march”…”fuck women”…that’s what I like to do “fuck women” as I air humped the air… […]