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Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I find it funny that if you don’t believe in COVID you’re an automatic racist, trump supporter, QAnon conspiracy theorist…..I just don’t believe in any bullshit being pushed out there because I know how stupid people are…I know how Public Relations, Media Manipulation, Spinning Stories, planting stories, etc…..and people don’t even take a second to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hope that you spend your weekend doing what influencers do….”just living life for a living”…because the rest of us clearly aren’t living life to the fullest since people aren’t buying our nudes and paying to DM with an Indian call center worker pretending to be us…. BE CAREFUL IF YOU’RE Wearing a skirt in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I used to be a pig of a person…and luckily…I still am…..I mean why bother changing, that whole evolve with the times shit is too much effort, just keep on thinking how you think about whatever you want is what I say….but the problem with being a pig of a person is that I don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There is very little more annoying in this line of “Work” than girls who have remorse for their younger slutty decisions that either didn’t pan out for them financially or whatever….or they found god, sobriety, their dad died and they felt guilt, they have an overbearing boyfriend, you know the too little too late attempt […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s the weekend and girls who hate men may not be grabbing dicks on dance floor since dancing is banned like we’re Kevin Bacon in Footloose, which it should be since dancing is embarrassing… But maybe you’ll be at the pool, or near a pool you can creep on and see girls who hate men […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Check out the tits on that nurse, fingers cross that she’s assigned to me when this virus kicks our asses, I’ll help her with her social media strategy and building up that snapchat…..unless she dies of the Corona Virus. My biggest regret this weekend was that I didn’t go into the safety mask business, some […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

My life is so uneventful that the highlight of my weekend was when I walking the dog and I saw people trying to walk up on me on the same sidewalk like some sort of villains or contagions trying to contaminate me with their virus….all while not wearing their masks, not that I wear masks, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am not letting the Corona Virus get in the way of my rub and tugs at the asian massage parlour. I will not give into the media hype to crash the stock market on Friday, in efforts for rich people to buy up all the stocks at a low only for them to sky […]