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stepLINKS of the Day

The most annoying thing about the Will Smith bitch slap story is everyone quoting the lyrics to the Fresh Prince of Bel Air theme song. The world’s fucking trash… We call it the ECHO CHAMBER of everyone making the same fucking joke…or maybe that’s the hive mind…I wouldn’t know because I don’t understand jokes or […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t use social media, but I assume, or hope that people on social media aren’t all celebrity dicksuckers, but are instead using the comments to leave insane comments on them, to remind them that they are pieces of shit….who are scamming the fans and the system…for their greedy personal gain…that they use as a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am confused by the covid-idiots / covidiots who are SO mad that mask mandates are being dropped….not realizing that they can STILL wear their masks…but I guess it is less fun when you aren’t forced to, or even less fun when OTHER people aren’t forced to, because their “TRUST THE SCIENCE” thing isn’t really […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The biggest lie you’ve ever been told, besides “Your dick rocks my world” from some hooker you were paying to tell you your micro dick is from heaven… As someone with a womanly penis, one of the most womanly penises I’ve seen, one that my wife and I joke about her being a lesbian for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In the event the “great awakening” still becomes the great reset, which it may before Jesus saves everyone who chooses his side, at least that’s what the Book of Revelation says….. You should definitely take advantage of the fall of society, the lack of religion, community, morals and values…the over medicated, soulless, depressed because there […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

And just like that….the anti-vaxxers are the ones following the science and the vaxxers, the militant vaxxers who really bought into the whole thing are now the science deniers…TRUST THE SCIENCE bro…as they remove mask mandates and bullshit, segregation causing, discriminatory vaccine passports….the WOKE, NEWS loving, insane people are still enforcing it… I have seen […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know that we’re in bad way when I realize that I am the smartest dude in the room. Our world is so fucking dumb, run by memes and lies…the people calling the SHOTS must be laughing at how EASY it is to play WE THE fucking fools…because at a level we’re all falling for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Fuck the internet.. Here are some stepLINKS… Britney Spears NUDE on the Beach – Set to Chris Isaak’s Wicked Game CLICK HERE UFC Fighter Mackenzie Dern in a Thong CLICK HERE Vanessa Hudgens is Ready for Award Season CLICK HERE Alex Daddario Big Cleavage CLICK HERE Pregnant Rihanna See Thru CLICK HERE 20 Low Budget […]




stepLINKS of the Day

That Pam and Tommy show, or what I like to call DICK ON DISNEY APP, because it’s on the DISNEY APP in Canada…got a lot of steam, not as much as Inventing Anna, but enough to make you wonder when Disney will produce the Montana Fishbourne sex tape origin story…THE PEOPLE ARE EAGER…. That said, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was just thinking, if you ever dressed like Freddie Kruger, in burn face…you were appropriating burn victims…and you should be canceled for ableism….you fucking asshole…. Isn’t black history month racist, all these marketing people doing black things at their corporations, like they fucking care…I thought they called that appropriation…but I guess when it’s positioned […]