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Bella Hadid Bikini of the Day

Bella Hadid is the monster Hadid. The Khloe Kardashian of the Hadid family, who has managed to have a crazy career based on being the sister of Gigi Hadid, who only had a career because she was on Instagram when Instagram first happened and people thought it meant these people were actually important, influential or […]




Bella Hadid Jacked Up Face and Big TIts of the Day

What the fuck is going on with Bella Hadid’s face…. I have been calling her ugly, the ugly sister, since before she came onto the scene and stole Gigi Hadid’s career because she was the ugly one, more eager and Gigi was bored of the whole thing, so this try hard, over achiever decided that […]




Alana and Marielle are the Best Hadid Sisters of the Day

I had no idea that the cunty, rich, entitled, HADIDs had older sisters. I just don’t bother paying any attention to them or what they do in their trolling of pop culture thanks to being rich. They pulled off low level, second tier Kardashian shit, that is actually more “high end” than the Kardashians, that […]




Bella Hadid is Braless Again of the Day

The Bella Hadid monster and her fake tits are out there playing make-belief, that is now reality, because things workout for rich people, and anything can happen for rich people, and here she is being a rich person…living that life of Luxury, contributing nothing to society but getting paid like she matters, because apparently the […]




Bella Hadid Nipples Out for Fashion of the Day

Bella Hadid Nipples while playing dress up… This is rich girls who get everything they want, you know the PONIES at their birthday parties that have a petting zoo and all the carnival games. You may remember the My Super Sweet 16 show that was on TV, which give a glimpse into just how fucking […]




Bella Hadid Pussy Grab of the Day

I just did a post on GIGI HADID’s HARD NIPPLES …so it’s only fair that I give some attention to her coat tail riding mooch sister….since every conversation that ever started with Bella Hadid, started with “She’s Gigi Hadid’s ugly sister people find interesting looking because her dad paid them to”… Well, she’s in a […]




Gigi Haid and Em Rat Cow Bikini Together of the Day

Rat Cow is a famewhore. She has wanted to be famous for a long time. She got naked to get famous. Her efforts have paid off for her thanks to Instagram being a th ing, and thanks to her being cast in that music video, and she’s been able to maintain over 1,000,000 dollars a […]




Bella Hadid Ass of the Day

The only good thing about Bella Hadid and I use the word “good” very fucking loosely – is that in her rat faced celebrity model rich kid life – that isn’t all that impressive because rich kid cried to her daddy that she wanted her sister’s career and that he had to pay to make […]




Bella Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Rat faced Hadid – like her sister GIGI HADID was seen with her hard nipples on…captured by the paparazzi in some sisterly hard nipple rivalry….in what was like planned before hand while both are in different parts of the world because they are attention seekers and understand what it takes to get the paparazzi to […]




Bella Hadid Hard Nipples of the Day

Bella Hadid had her big titties in a tank top an no bra, because of course she did. This is the style, this is the trend, and when your dad paid for you to get a set of tits, when he was re-vamping your look, so that when he paid for your career and first […]