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Archive for the Em Rat Cow Category




Rat Cow’s in her Underwear of the Day

Rat Cow is the nude model who managed to be taken seriously by the fashion world because she had a large following early on instagram, she whored out nude quicker then the other whores and people bought into her bullshit I guess…

She is no longer a nude model, because she’s a high paid multi-millionaire fashion model, so she’s not nude…which is disappointing..

I like to see nude models from 12 years ago fall the fuck apart, find god and feel shame and disgust in their past whoring to control men, to create opportunity, to generate wealth….

You know, when they realize what they’ve done has been shameless self promotion, the likes of a street hooker, just timed properly…but still no better than a street hooker and no money in the world should inspire a girl to whore herself like that, to give away her body like that….it is disgraceful.

I also like when they progressively get more aggressive in their whoring, so if they don’t find god, I like when they are forced to find porn as the only route to survive or to continue earning….

But not Em Rata, she’s managed to keep on staying relevant, in the same place, doing the same thing with those tits….no evolution, but also consistent audience and revenues, so why change a good thing…

She’s Not on her back…Not spread eagled…Not fisting herself….not getting fucked and she is NOT nude…

But she is in her underwear…or underwear she’s paid to be in…and the body’s pretty good for a mom, the face is retarded and clown-like, TOO many injections in an already silly looking face makes a silly looking face even sillier…
WE are here for the tits…

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Rat Cow Gets Paid to Wear Sheer Dresses to High Profile Exclusive Events of the Day

Rat Cow continues to impress us with the fact that she is seen as relevant enough to attend all the important events, it’s like she’s VIP all while being a bootleg whore on the internet, because clearly she’s done something right with her marketing of her tits and her whoring, intellectualizing it, making it fashionable, getting brands to pay her a lot for coverage while wearing very little coverage and it’s all just worth jerking off to because for whatever reason, her face is looking less ratty than before and her tits just as full as a cow with milk filled utters dying to be squeezed…..

Rat Cow is the reason I want to get a pet rat and name him Cow, to dress up and train to do tricks on social media like this Rat Cow does tricks in her day to day life…only my rat Cow’s tricks will be playing dead, maybe running in the hamster wheel and playing dead, maybe doing a little rat dance so not nearly as perverted as the other Rat Cow’s tricks, you know the dudes who sign the checks…

My Rat Cow will become the only Rat Cow people care about….but until then, we’re stuck with this one.

In other news she posted a bikini pic:

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Rat Cow’s Topless Whoring of the Day


Topless Rat Cow, or as I like to call her EYEBROWS….and who you may like to call “BOTOX MOM WITH THE WRECKED CUNT”….or maybe you’re more interested in calling her “Hand Hair”….or TITS…since all she ever does is bring you tits….or DIRTY THUMBNAIL….wash your hands you pig….

She’s thanking someone for giving her skin, not sure if it’s a reference to her being some kind of lizard creature…shedding and eating her own skin like a snake…stem cell shit..

Or if she had skin grafted on her face, because she’s old as shit in her whoring and she needs all the technology she can to survive…

BUT MAYBE it’s reference to her growing out her hymen again, it’s a thing, so that she can sell her neo virginity to the highest bidder because despite pretending to be fashion, and being rich from being an “influener’ she’s pretty much got the ethics and value of a gutter prostitute…

Check it out.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Em Rat Cow’s Got her Tit Out of the Day

Em Rat Cow is showing off her tits, because that’s what Em Rat Cow does…

The libtard Em Rat Cow put together what seems to be one of the laziest costumes around because it’s a dress.

It’s a “I’ll just walk around with my tits out, find me something that achieves that creative direction”….

She may be saying or pretending that it’s J.Lo’s viral dress that she was allowed to wear after she sold her soul to the industry through Diddy’s penis….but ultimately, it’s just a dress that shows off her heavy-set tit.

These people lack creativity and the ability to produce inspiring content, but they have tits…

The biggest question remains whether her tits are real or not, I still think they are fake which doesn’t really matter whether they are or not because they’ve been the best investment she ever made if they are and the most important asset she’s got if they aren’t.

In recent years, not many women have gone to as great of heights as Em Rat Cow in being a boring, unimpressive, titty whore….

She is a best selling author where she cries about how she’s a victim with her tits out…not that I read her book, but I can imagine it’s some reverse psychology inversion of truth that absolves her of being a shameless whore and presents her as a victim in this misogynistic world…BORING.

What a boring fucking way to present your tits to us, instead of just being cool and fun about it, she has to be all bitter and angry about it…

Make being a whore great again…


Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Em Rat Cow’s Face of the Day

I don’t know why Em Rat Cow looks like she’s been curb-stomped, you know getting one of those SMILIES where her cheeks have been totally cut up to her ears, but I’ll assume that’s all natural aging process for the instagram whore who confused brands into thinking she was a fashion icon or something due to tits.

Tits are impressive, even gays and other chicks of fashion flock to them because everyone’s a dick suck clout chasing, but only SOME of these whores are actually SUCKING the dick…

I don’t know why Em Rat Cow looks WONKY eyed, but probably due to whatever injections her ALL NATURAL face doesn’t get…..

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Rat Cow Face Shows Off her Ass in Panties of the Day

Em Rata probably has a rough time sleeping at night, knowing that if she launched her ONLYFANS she would have probably made the 60 million dollars other OnlyFans whores have made, because she’s an original set of tits on social media and with that has some serious ability to generate money.

That’s not to say she’s an idiot, if anything she’s a sociopathic freak who manipulated her being a shameless whore with hot tits into being some relevant A-List influencer that female oriented fashion brands were into.

She managed to pivot from being a set of tits willing to get naked on the internet, because we’ve all seen her CUNT LIPS…they aren’t just for David Fincher, Ben Affleck, Kanye West, the tall boyfriend with the hat and the weird husband she bred who looks like the MASK….

I don’t mean pivot into becoming a BBL ass booty model in her underwear for engagement from the pervert losers, but that kind of pivot is a nice change of pace…I mean anything that distracts from that hard face…

I mean she pivoted from being an IG whore to being a top level high paid fashion influencer doing all the fashion brand deals and making the millions of dollars.

It was the smart strategy because she’s made 10s of million per year for 10 years….but at this stage in the game, seeing girls make 50 million or more in 2-3 years, while still getting the brand deals…I’m sure she juggles making the jump daily…

She’s probably just too fucking lazy to bother…rich enough…but these whores are never rich enough…so clearly…we’ll have an EMRATA OF soon enough, it’s her online persona’s birthright.

She was created and built for that, this fashion non-whore content is a diversion that makes no sense…

Make EM RAT COW AND HER TITS GREAT AGAIN….even if she’s old…

Here she is being fashionable, targeting the women crowd, in softcore titty grabbing porn.

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Rat Face Rat Cow Rat Tits in a See Through Shirt of the Day

Rat Cow’s showing off her tits to distract from her face, because that is the marketing strategy….

She’s like a KELCE / TAYLOR SWIFT Showmance, but with her tits not an NFL player…..if you know what I mean.

It reminds me of a time I fucked a pig of a woman and needed to stare at her obesity filled tits, because the rest of her was traumatizing…..

That pig of a woman became my wife, but her tits weren’t always as bad as they are today…..there was a time they were the only thing I could hone in on to bust….

Unfortunately, her tits died and they didn’t bring her with them…..

But the point of the story is that Em Rat Cow Rat Face is TITS…so showing off the tits or showing up with tits is HER TRUTH and WE HEAR HER…that fucking con of a feminist twat……

The best thing about this is that she’s such an empowered feminist that she needs to show off her tits BUT ALSO that she’s got a WHOLE new face, yet again…it’s like who is this imposter face…

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Em Rat Cow Muppet Face is Instagram VS Reality of the Day






Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Em Rat Cows Tits in a Theater of the Day

Em Rat Cow is a bit of a social experiment at this point in her career.

In the past, there was a pull strategy, where the media, magazines, TV, MTV would keep an old bitch around and relevant as long as they felt they could monetize her for the clickbait she provided.

In the now, there is a push strategy, where all these whores produce their own content and push that titty content on us as hard as they can for likes and follows.

SO in the past, the old bitches that were still fuckable through menopause, were only around because the industry kept them around.

In the now, the old bitches that think they are fuckable, or that their fans want jerk off material from them are the shameless self producers.

It’s all very PHOEBE PRICE…if you know what I mean…

SO Rat Cow’s an experiment in how long and how old she will get doing the same selfie content with her tits….

It’s all so serious, no smile because that’s her serious glamour model pose…

It all feels so desperate and low hanging fruit bottom feeding, BUT she still has the tits, and that’s what we’re here for…TITTY SHOW…

She’s made a lot of money with the tits, that probably warps her mind in thinking how special the tits may be, not realizing – they are just tits.

She was clever enough to produce a brand as an excuse to showcase the tits….it’s not about the tits, it’s bigger than the tits, it’s marketing a brand of titty friendly apparel….because at a certain age you probably do better with an excuse to justify the titty content…otherwise it’s just weird….

Here are the low level tits that think they are high level because the population and marketers are lazy, so they keep booking her…

Posted in:Em Rat Cow




Em Rat Cow in California of the Day

Em Rat Cow is one of those weirdos who moved from California to live in a shitty and disgusting city like NYC, because I guess she’s urban and the fashion industry she’s trying to game is based in NYC, but NYC stinks like shit and anyone who actively wants to live there is a suburban fraud trying to find some kind of identity.

I don’t believe anyone actually likes New York, that’s why their whole marketing campaign was “I LOVE NY” to brainwash people through reverse psychology…

New York is trash and so is Emily Rat Cow…

Anyway, she went back to visit her family in Cali, where I assume her parents are raising her child for her since they are school teachers and better suited to raise girl’s kid while she’s off producing her pornography for social media….no life for a child….

When visiting the family, she was able to bring her brand of pornography to her recap, clearly designed to distract you from her freakish face and to celebrated the cosmetic procedures she’s done and the photoshop she’s mastered because at her age, the end of being a sex pot is near if it hasn’t already happened….

She remains uninspiring, uninteresting, a cash grabbing fraud but her tits are out for feminism, doing what some may call SEX OFFENDING in the library…while others find it hot….

It’s not clear whether her old dad took these pics of her, but male high school teachers would be the kind of dude who would take these kinds of pics of their daughters…but I just believe grown men shouldn’t be working in child care and if they are it’s because they are predators…

She is in NYC and she is walking her dog for the paparazzi she hires and it’s not very hot CLICK HERE

Posted in:Em Rat Cow