Rat Cow is the nude model who managed to be taken seriously by the fashion world because she had a large following early on instagram, she whored out nude quicker then the other whores and people bought into her bullshit I guess…
She is no longer a nude model, because she’s a high paid multi-millionaire fashion model, so she’s not nude…which is disappointing..
I like to see nude models from 12 years ago fall the fuck apart, find god and feel shame and disgust in their past whoring to control men, to create opportunity, to generate wealth….
You know, when they realize what they’ve done has been shameless self promotion, the likes of a street hooker, just timed properly…but still no better than a street hooker and no money in the world should inspire a girl to whore herself like that, to give away her body like that….it is disgraceful.
I also like when they progressively get more aggressive in their whoring, so if they don’t find god, I like when they are forced to find porn as the only route to survive or to continue earning….
But not Em Rata, she’s managed to keep on staying relevant, in the same place, doing the same thing with those tits….no evolution, but also consistent audience and revenues, so why change a good thing…
She’s Not on her back…Not spread eagled…Not fisting herself….not getting fucked and she is NOT nude…
But she is in her underwear…or underwear she’s paid to be in…and the body’s pretty good for a mom, the face is retarded and clown-like, TOO many injections in an already silly looking face makes a silly looking face even sillier…
WE are here for the tits…
Posted in:Em Rat Cow