I'll Make You Famous…




Rat Face Rat Cow Rat Tits in a See Through Shirt of the Day

Rat Cow’s showing off her tits to distract from her face, because that is the marketing strategy….

She’s like a KELCE / TAYLOR SWIFT Showmance, but with her tits not an NFL player…..if you know what I mean.

It reminds me of a time I fucked a pig of a woman and needed to stare at her obesity filled tits, because the rest of her was traumatizing…..

That pig of a woman became my wife, but her tits weren’t always as bad as they are today…..there was a time they were the only thing I could hone in on to bust….

Unfortunately, her tits died and they didn’t bring her with them…..

But the point of the story is that Em Rat Cow Rat Face is TITS…so showing off the tits or showing up with tits is HER TRUTH and WE HEAR HER…that fucking con of a feminist twat……

The best thing about this is that she’s such an empowered feminist that she needs to show off her tits BUT ALSO that she’s got a WHOLE new face, yet again…it’s like who is this imposter face…

Posted in:Em Rat Cow