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Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin Dyke it Down in Bikinis of the Day

Bella Hadid and Hailey Baldwin understand the power of clickbait, they both exist because of it, so of course they are together continuing it. They are both the bottom wrung of the ladder that was the Jenners and Gigi Hadid, who let these two idiots tag along, and who as they both found the whole […]




Bella Hadid See Through of the Day

In huge and important news you shouldn’t give a fuck about….the Hadid sister who looks like a ravaged tranny witch with bad plastic surgery…who for some reason the fashion industry is using in their marketing like she’s part of the industry and not just some groupie of the industry who has a lot of followers […]




Bella Hadid Knows that Tits get Hits of the Day

Bella Hadid is a “top” model, paid huge by all the brands, yet not even being hot…just a strategic use of stylist, plastic surgery, rich parents who know how to do marketing, a sister who had a little more hope paving the way for the ugly duckling sister that has proved everyone wrong, thanks to […]




Hailey Baldwin and Bella Hadid’s Tits at Coachella of the Day

Look two vapid idiots who all leverage off each other, like they are the popular girls in high school, but instead of it being about high school, it’s real life, if you consider instagram real life.. They are both made from instagram, two rich kids who aren’t that hot, who managed to position themselves in […]




Bella Hadid Dykes it Down of the Day

Bella Hadid, like Lily Rose Depp earlier today, has put on a wig and wigged the fuck out, having her friends bite at her titties, like some kind of college girl trying to get noticed at the party by the group of guys egging her on, because her life is pretty much taking that role, […]




Bella Hadid Rat Face Cleavage of the Day

Hide your cheese rat faced Bella Hadid is hungry at New York fashion week, fitting is as many events as possible, because that is what attention seekers are about, you know they have an instagram feed to populate and the perpetuate the lie that they are industry, relevant, influencers, fashion, and most interestingly models…. Their […]




Models Accuse Mohamed Hadid and Paul Marciano of Sexual Assault of the Day

Kate Upton put out a post calling out NOTORIOUS creeper – who loves the big tits Paul Marciano, a man who was rumored to have been give GIGI HADID for sexual purposes in exchange for giving her a career…. The founder of GUESS?…just another rich as fuck creeper who surrounds himself with hot young chicks […]




Bella Hadid Lingerie Vogue China of the Day

The funny thing with rich girls is that if you are their absentee father who is out fucking the nanny and other aspiring models because you’re rich as fuck in LA…your only way to keep them happy and feeling appreciated is to shower them with gifts… So Gigi wanted to be more like her friend […]




Bella Hadid Zooms in on the Tits of the Day

Bella Hadid posted some instagram live videos of her zooming in on her tits – before kissing her slut friend who is probably on her pay rolls shoulder in what I call shoulder erotica on plastic faced bitches who live a better life than you and who are committed to showing you how amazing they […]




Bella Hadid – Tranny? Naw..She’s too Big of a Cunt of the Day

I’ve seen her tits, but haven’t seen her pussy, and until I do…I’m calling tranny. These rich people are freaks….and their parents would go as far as to turn their little boy into a girl to get her famous as fuck – without releasing their dirty little rich person secrets…. Here she is on the […]