I am not a religious person, but think CULTS are pretty fucking cool at least when sex is involved. It was a childhood dream of mine to start a sex cult, before realizing people are fucking annoying and manipulating them into your world is a lot of effort to be surrounded by idiots you’ve groomed, it’s better to just manipulate one person, marry them then coast being left alone…
So yeah, I don’t know the dynamics of the church, or Christianity, or any of that…but I do know that Hailey Bieber considers herself “Of the church”….her dad is some ex addict rich person who found god…and with the MyPillow.com crackhead preach the word of the lord….while Hailey’s out here producing porno.
Now, it’s not the porno people are used to, because there’s no graphic throat fucking, or other things the kids are into….sibling sex maybe…I don’t know, the only porn I see are on my own Porn Site that no one cares about, but that I still update daily….and the porn I link do in the stepLINKS, which are more the weirder things going on…but this isn’t about me…it’s about Hailey…the wife of Justin….the God loving New Yorker who chose instagram slut life instead of doing good things like building villages on some missionary trip….and when girl gets half naked online, whether it’s trendy or not, it’s still shameless and slutty…which is NOT of the church.
But rich people are delusional, so they pretend to be GOD people, even though Bieber just dropped out of his CULT church he was involved in, due to rape accusations or some shit…not against him, against the bullshit power hunger preachers who know all their congregation are lost, confused, easy to manipulate losers…
So in thinking they are GOD people, JESUS people, girl is still out there half naked wanting to be jacked off to, but since she’s married to Bieber, her childhood crush and a win I am sure after so many loses trying to be a famous influencer, piggybacking on the Kardashians, also not a very religious thing to do…but who cares
We don’t know Hailey or if this is what her GOD wants of her, I just like the way her tits look in that latex shit…nice and racy for a Jesus girl…..with a Jesus dad….not wholesome or modest at all…which is a GOOD thing, she’s hot.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber