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Archive for the Hailey Bieber Category




Hailey Bieber Applying Lip Gloss of the Day

Hailey Bieber apparently opened a store for her billion dollar cosmetics brand the other day….

She’s just another young influencer who had the right team jump onto and monetized her like their were Justin Bieber and she was an underage groupie dying for him to take her cherry. She was a good Christian and married her FIRST….just a few years after he was her first.

I may not find the instagram brand strategy all that impressive, but she did it and it did well, which is more than I can say for myself…

I may not find Hailey Bieber all that hot because she’s got that Baldwin Jaw that makes you think she shat out her Bieber baby from her ass thanks to having a set of balls…

But she’s skinny and pushing out her tits, so it’s one of those less gay tranny situations that is typically still pretty fucking gay since there’s the dick aspect to it…

She’s here producing some shameless self promotion, which is what you’d want from an instagram whore who built her life off shamelessness, especially when getting on ALL fours (it’s her favorite position) for her favorite victim of sexual assault man…

You can almost see up her skirt and more importantly you can imagine that the ointment on the lips is to better service a cock with, you know or ointment of the herpes scab, either way, there’s seduction going on here and that’s what counts!

A dick sucking ointment applying whore doesn’t need to be strictly resevered for the street variety, but celeb daughters, assuming you consider Billy Baldwin a celebrity….and celeb wives, since Bieber is a celeb….because WHORING is for ALL whores…


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber’s Got her Titties Out like an Eager Divorcee Looking for Fun of the Day

Last week, Hailey Bieber’s dad did some call out for prayer for the couple because living in the celebrity limelight is apparently a dark and evil place for young people to be, because it’s pretty much the definition of satanic, and all those ladies protesting Rock and Roll and Hollywood in the 50s until today that we just thought were fucking lunatics, were actually right….

Even if some of them were also lunatics, like Stephen Baldwin, who made his celebrity money and catered to his drug, drinking and whore desires, gave into temptation before finding god and replacing those things with god, which is definitely a more positive thing to do, but as an actor can’t be trusted as being sincere.

Anyway, the story is that their marriage is over, that it’s been confirmed that they have split, but then conflicting stories say that the marriage is fine….and that all is good, despite being married to a joker like Bieber….which in and of itself is what nightmares are made of outside of the money he has….

Whether they are on or off, her celebrity as a social media creator and wife to a pop sensation is bumpin, her direct to consumer brand is killing it and most importantly she still poses nice and slutty and half naked with the tits out for marketing purposes, like a good Christian girl and/or a recent divorcee looking to fill the void of a failed marriage with new cock or some male attention….after years of the prison that is marriage, it’s time for some fun with some of that divorce settlement money, even though she’s got plenty of money of her own from leveraging that marriage strategically.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber’s Thong Bikini Shoot of the Day

Hailey Bieber greased herself up for some on-beach photoshoot with one of her tanned homies….

It’s a night time shoot, so creative, in some tropical destination but that didn’t stop the Christian Trad Wife to Justin Bieber from stripping down in a skimpy bathing suit and top that looks like you can see her nipples.

At first glance, you’d think it was two chicks being silly and drunk on vacation doing their best photoshoot impression for their social media, but these are professionals or at least are considered professionals at the top of their game now that they’ve been social media selfie producers for as long as they have and THIS is part of a bigger direct to consumer brand campaign for Bieber’s lucrative beauty brand because she’s influential.

So this is what marketing looks like, which is nice, cuz she looks hot and you can jerk off to it….especially knowing she’s a Christian Trad Wife….makes her nipples selling product all the hotter.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Gets Tropical of the Day

Stephen Baldwin’s daughter with a Brazilian model who was sold off to Justin Bieber for what I assume was her virginity, because they’re a very Christian family and there is no way she was doing sex out of marriage, unless she did the old Catholic girl stick it in her ass, or the old mormon stick it in the vagina and have a friend jump on the bed to stimulate penetration while both parties lay there still pretending to not be fucking…

Anyway, people have said her face is too hard looking, that she looks like Bieber in drag, because they are mean spirited…..and when you get the face injections jacking you up, it doesn’t really help the hard face cause….

But who fucking cares about faces, when you can look at the bodies in revealing outfits as they promote her beauty brand that I am sure makes tons of money she doesn’t actually need because she doesn’t have a prenup with boy wonder justin, but that she makes anyway because why the fuck not…

As far as I’m concerned, if you’re a rich chick promoting yourself or your brand to get more rich using half naked tactics, you’re a friend of mine….but I’m sure it’s one of those one-sided friendships because Hailey would find me creepy knowing how hard I’m trying to see her asshole in these pics….we can’t have it all!

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Has the Thonged Ass of the Day

Hailey Bieber’s got a pretty rockin’ ass. I’m the kind of guy who likes skinny long chicks with round asses so she’s hitting the fucking mark, like she hit the mark when she seduced Bieber into taking her Christian Virginity and then allowed him to cycle back to her in exchange for marriage without a pre-nup, so that her social media influencing could be on her terms, without the pressure of having to struggle through the social media influencer bullshit, because she was ultimately just a bootleg third wheel to the Jenner clan when she first got with the pop star.

So yeah, she’s in her thong bikini, clearly rocking a rockin’ ass, on a sailboat with Kendall Jenner, who probably took this pic, because they are trained artists in the craft of whoring on social media hard enough to inspire other whores to whore on social media, while remaining high end because they’re rich kids from the upper crust of our miserable society.

Her mom is Brazilian, which could be the source of her ass, but she’s also a housewife who can access gyms, trainers, chefs and most importantly medical spas that shape the asses like they did with EMRATA….

So yeah, Hailey Bieber from behind is how you’d want that Bieber face that take Bieber facials….

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber in her Underwear of the Day

The other day I came across some Hailey Beiber headline and they used some paparazzi pic of her and the face was so hard and mangled from the rich girl work she’s had done to it, that she looked like a tranny.

I’ve always though she looked a little too Bieber for her own good, since she’s married to the guy, like when a dog and their owner look too much a like, but the overall vibe was that she wasn’t so much a masculine women, but rather and feminine man, there’s a fucking difference in those two distinct things…

Now, she’s doing some panty posing, because brands are idiots and assume that people give a fuck or get influenced by what Bieber’s latch-key, groupie wife does or says or promotes….and it makes me think this is Victoria’s Secret now that they are trying to use hot chicks again.

That’s not to say that Bieber is a hot chick, it’s just to say that she’s not 300 pounds, retarded or terrifying with birth defects for inclusivity to make the trolls of the. internet feel ok being trolls…

Clearly they are positioning her, not fat, with her tits out, not naked as if she’s a legit lingerie model / influencer…to drive sales, or because they are boomers and don’t understand that a Hailey Beiber campaign isn’t going to save a dying underwear brand….since no one actually gives a fuck about her or her hard fucking face, not even her man Justin who just keeps her around due to the lack of a pre-nup and because groupies will do anything for the people they groupe…

Half naked or not, I don’t think Hailey Bieber’s hot…..

She also had tight white shorts on, a welcomed disctraction from that rich housewife face:

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber’s Scary Face in a Tight Dress of the Day

Hailey Bieber slipped into a tight brown dress for all you anal lovers who can’t handle the color brown because it taps into your reptile or primal brain and makes you cum yourself….

Which I am sure was her intention, because Bieber is the kind of rich kid, spoiled and entitled brat who you know says “Self Help” or “Self Care” bullshit like “Live with Intention”…or “Do Things with Intention”….you know the kind of idiot…

The fake as fuck model, who only got model work because the industry moved from actual models to chicks who hang with the Kardashian/Jenenrs…has a really ROUGH looking face..

I always thought she looked like Bieber…but now she looks like a living and breathing Caricature done down by the Boardwalk, that has come to life to eat our souls, in some premise for a horror movie I should write….because the audience is dumb enough to respond to my dumb writing, I can feel it.

She’s not in her self produced, misleading poses for instagram, because this is some paparazzi capture she can’t fake her way through….so it’s the more REAL deal…

The good news, tight short dress, because the big dopey head has a tight lean body, making her bobble head less of a clown show and more something to jerk off to…


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Wet Ass of the Day

If you’ve ever wondered what a ballsack turned into a vagina squeezed into a wet bikini, here it is.

Hailey Beiber is Justin Beiber’s wife, he’s a known faggot therefore it makes perfect sense that she was born with a dick…

She is also Brazilian, or her mom is, which is the hub of tranny porn, and they’ve been on the trans thing for a lot longer than most cultures, AIDS from Brazilian tranny porn shut down the porn industry with an AIDS scare more than once. RIP LARA ROXX….I don’t think she died, it’s not a life sentence, but I am old and like to draw on past experiences…

Hailey Beiber creeps me out, not only because her hard face looks like Justin, but because she was clearly a teen boy jerking off to her TEEN BEAT magazine before becoming the “fake” model she became to LURE that fucker in thanks to being the best behaved groupie…

Tranny or not, she probably isn’t, but it’s fun to pretend she is and not because I jerk off to tranny porn, I’ll still stare at her ass crying for attention like the days it was her only HOLE….because Tranny or not, she was a Christian and Christians do anal before marriage to remain pure before their Christ..


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Gets Slutty with Chem Trails of the Day

Hailey Bieber, the creepy Justin Bieber fan who I assume executed a targeted attack on him in order to convince him to marry her. I’ve heard rumors he took her virginity, better than I signed poster I guess and over the years kept in touch, but who fucking cares about the Stephen Baldwin offspring’s rich bratty seduction tactics to entrap her favorite pop star…

Well, like most billionaire wives and I guess INFLUENCERS she does a whole direct to consumer line of bullshit products that I am sure sell like crazy and basically print money because the general population are retards….

RETARDS potentially made more RETARDED because of the targeted attack that you can SEE in these slutty pics of Bieber pushing her bullshit direct to consumer brand, in the form of CHEM TRAILS…

They’ll tell you that the SPRAY PLANES don’t EXIST and that they AREN’T Spraying you like bugs, but if you LOOK up you may just see a blocked sun and a bunch of ANGRY zombies walking around aimlessly….

Maybe it’s all a conspiracy, but as far as I’m concerned Bieber posted this to LET you all know what’s happening, or at least to MOCK you about what is happening, since none of these things actually IMPACT the rich….but rather the low levels like us…

Here’s the rest of her using sex appeal to sell shit, even if she’s got a masculine looking face, she’s still hot….and it doesn’t make you gay for thinking it.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Pantyhose of the Day

I’ve always thought there was something hot about Hailey Bieber, mainly her body that comes from her Brazilian mother that Stephen Baldwin human trafficked and made his own when he was rich enough to seduce women with his money, because as Stephen Baldwin without money, he probably wasn’t too good at the pull, unless he name dropping Alec’s name at the brothels he visited….

I realize that Hailey Bieber looks a little too much like Justin, GENETIC ATTRACTION is real you incest loving freaks…..or maybe they are the same person, she’s a little on the masculine side of instagram model, I think they call them traps, but with my facial recognition blindness the potential dick she has don’t bother me that much….since I’m not the one puting it in my ass….

Maybe it’s her fake Christianity that I dig, you know playing up being in love with God while being married to Satan’s little helper in the music industry, the one-eye covering industry flesh light, Justin Bieber…..because a good little Christian who has been a groupie for the Kardashians prior to finding her place as celebrity wife…..is dying to be a false idol herself while pushing other non-Christian agendas from face paralyzing stroke inducing vaccines and other shit like being a celebrated whore on the internet…NOT WHAT JESUS WANTS…..at least not the real Jesus because this Jesus is into it…


Posted in:Hailey Bieber