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Archive for the Hailey Bieber Category




Hailey Bieber’s Cameltoe of the Day

So it’s PUSSY WEDGIE WEDNESDAY and I just came across these pics of Hailey Bieber basically showing her entire cunt to the world thanks to the help of the paparazzi she may not call in advance now that she’s officially the wife of a famous person….

It’s a style thing, girls showing off their pussies is the new cleavage, if you leave your house you’ll see full pussy on display everywhere, they jack their thin spandex outfits up to make their pussies look as fat as possible, I’m sure some are even getting fat injected into their pussy to get the ultimate in pussy definiton…it’s weird times…

I mean Hailey Bieber is actually at a medical clinic, it feels like she’s always at a medical clinic for what we can assume is cosmetic procedures…or anti-depressants for her mental health issues…or it could be herpes…or pregnancy, which is about the same thing…

So as the self-proclaimed Jesus Freak, in some weird rich person Christian church….thanks to her dad finding god after cocaine….it’s weird to see her walk around full pussy out, weirder that she’s getting medical procedures as if GOD didn’t gift her enough and she needs science to step in…..it’s weird she married a twatty brat like Bieber…it’s weird her goal was to ba a vapid hot influencer chick instead of a nun building orphanages in AIDS country….but it’s not that weird if you factor in that she’s of her generation, a shallow, useless, famewhore…living her best life cuz she got to marry her teen crush….funny


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber in a Bikini of the Day

Hailey Bieber, the number 1 Bieber obsessed fan who unlike other stalker fans, tricked the guy into marrying her.

I guess unlike other stalker fans, she is rich, she runs in the same circles and she’s hot….p

I’ve heard stories about how Bieber popped her cherry when she was underage, so they had fucked years prior to him deciding to marry her, if my source is right…they did the Christian thing, and they are both fake god people with no souls, and got married..

So she had ample time to convince him that her intentions were pure, she was just a standup Bieber doppleganger, play it cool girl and attack after he’s lost his mind and you’re there for him to cry on…. You know really solidify that love after it takes the natural course…while other stalker fans get restraining orders…

I guess for Bieber dating a groupie is better than someone who thinks his career is a fucking joke, you’d want someone who Believed in him, childhood celebrity crush, not someone who beat up the Bieber fans only to connect later in life and mock him of his past…you know what I mean…because Bieber, despite being rich, can be seen as embarrassing to some people, porn to others, I guess it all depends on what kind of pervert you are…

The young power couple is on vacation, because COVID KILLS STAY AT HOME ORDERS….where they are not bugging everyone to vote or support pseudo trending activism causes…and Hailey’s in her bikini, where she’s got that hot body, one you’d be happy to be stalked by, so happy you’ll sign over half your fortunes……



Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber in a Bikini in Sardinia of the Day

When your husband gets accused of rape on twitter and the story goes viral because the world are a bunch of hot heads trying to take down every creep for their creepy behavior around – years after it happened – because why should they go on living their life of celebrity being Justin Bieber – when girl didn’t get what she wanted out of the motherfucker – if the story is even true.

The last thing I would ever do is defend Bieber on anything, that little bratty bitch is garbage and should go down, but the whole take everyone down for things like perceived sexually assault years later….seems fucking crazy….it’s like these people are all trying to get famous or be close to fame and they put themselves in dumb situations and when they don’t get that fame or when the brush with fame is shit…they sit there fucking BREWING…angry…and have years to develop their memories…especially when it’s a trending hashtag…”Oh I was a victim too”…

I don’t buy into these accusations because why the fuck didn’t they go forward with it when it happened, because they didn’t care either but years later they realize “Fuck I should care, this is my big break”….

So when your wife gets wind of this, you gotta fly her on the jet to some yacht somewhere so that her summer plans don’t get thwarted by no COVID and she can get her EURO experience she deserves because she was born a Baldwin and hangs out with cunts like the Hadid and Kardashian / Jenners that should all be fucking cancelled. You know keep her happy and maybe Sardinia has no extradition policy with the US or CANADA so bro can exist as a FUGITIVE!!

What I am saying is all these people are shit, but I’ll still stare at Bieber’s wife’s Christian ass…as she stands by her sexual assaulting man…who we all know definitely did shitty things to groupies at his peak…but probably won’t ever go down for it cuz of some illuminati shit…

Ultimately, who cares…Yacht Life for Jesus…

Hailey Baldwin Fat Bikini Yacht


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Christian Nipple for God of the Day

It is a known fact that any woman raised in the Church or in a Cult is fucking crazy when it comes to anything around sexuality. I knew one girl who turned out to be a Catholic school girl who openly admitted to fucking her mom’s crucifix with her Catholic school boyfriend because that was their way of rebelling. I know sex workers and that whole ran off to LA to make it, but instead got into porn level of religious girl. I know other girls torn between god and getting off and getting off always ends up winning, it just comes with a lot of guilt. I know other girls who are only into anal because when they were in the church, it was the only sex they would do guilt free.

Basically what I am saying is that religion doesn’t really do that much good for sex of people who haven’t denounced the church….and Hailey Bieber was raised as some rich Born Again, cuz her dad was an addict an recovered thanks to god, so here she is doing young marriages like typical religious weirdos like Mormons…you know to make her sex wholesome with her childhood crush that took her virginity….yet publicly she’s trying to be a false idol from her sex appeal and rocks out tits out….just seems a little bipolar or inconsistent…you know full on bullshit cuz all these people are bullshit….but at least you can see her full tit in a shirt like this was a modern bible story…for the NEW NEW Testament…

Posted in:Hailey Bieber|SFW




Hailey Bieber’s Church Hooker Outfit of the Day

Hailey Bieber pretends to be some new age Jesus freak. Her dad is also a Jesus Freak…after years of being a coke addicted mess….and his business partner the My Pillow guy also a Jesus freak…Hailey may not know better…or may not care…but she’s the sluttiest that the church has to offer…just a debaucherous little fame chasing whore who spent her life being an influencer or instagram model…instead of committing to the church and doing good.

I don’t take her religions seriously…just look at the fuck me boots…modest cuz she has a coat on…but if the right job came along before she got that Bieber money…she’d have her pussy lips spread for the opportunity..garbage.

Here she is in some tight leggings drinking ENSURE a meal replacement cuz bitch needs to stay skinny, it’s all she’s got going for her, other than the fact Bieber didn’t sign a Pre-Nup…and she’s now set for life thanks to his parents whoring him out to the world….everyone gets a piece…except Selena Gomez..that bitch is just creepy and obsessed with him…while this Hailey Beiber brat knows her place…and that is being his body double cuz they look the fucking same…

Hailey Baldwin Tight Leggings

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Bieber|SFW