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Archive for the Hailey Bieber Category




Hailey Bieber Lingerie of the Day

Hailey and Justin Bieber may be a bit of a weird couple, in part because they pretend to be Christians, which is just a weird concept based on both their non-Christian-like behavior, but who am I to judge a person’s relationship to God….

I figure you can do things that were traditionally non-Christian…like porn, or half naked lingerie shoots, or anal sex, or masturbation without it really effecting your relationship with GOD….but I do think that adding fuel to the evil social media fire, playing an “instagram model” in a quest for money, following, fame, relevance, audience…is on the “False Idol” kick…but it’s also pretty self involved and narcissistic…I mean go feed AFRICAN VILLAGES for GOD with some of that Bieber blood money….

But then you look at her in lingerie and you think, fine….you can do that too….I mean she can do anything she wants…she’s a Bieber…and doesn’t need anyone’s approval…OK….

I also don’t know shit about Christianity…and if it got her from being a hook-up for Bieber, because he’s Bieber and there’s a line of pussy waiting for him to sing, so if it got her from GROUPE to WIFE entitled to HALF his shit….while making herself higher profile…I mean the WIFE to a popstar…seems like a winning formula far better than following the Kardashian clan around….but I am sure hanging out with Bieber daily is pretty terrible too…OH the things people will do for that dream life…-


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Ass of the Day

Jesus lover, who I will accept is a Jesus lover, despite everything she doing, including being married to an industry planted puppet, who was sold to the industry as a child by his Canadian parents who smelled lots of money, everyone has a price…and I guess selling your kid to the industry is better than the video I saw out of Israel where they just take your kid because you didn’t get it vaccinated, or because your family has COVID, you know FOR SAFETY reasons, even though the PCR tests don’t work, so how do they EVEN know…stop asking questions…

Hailey’s dad was business partners with the legend that is Mike Lindell, who before he was a democracy election freedom fighter for the people, was the best fucking infomercial and really story ever. Their business is some Jesus loving production company that I am not sure whether it is defunct or not, but I support the Jesus movement over the other option any fucking day….

Hailey’s dad is not Hailey, so she may be on the dark side, she was hanging out with Kardshians excessively and there is no way they aren’t evil….the whole concept of pushing product on people, products they don’t need, in this superficial and vapid society that puts all importance on TikTok dances, not actual meaningful shit, deserve whatever is coming for them…

But yeah, she’s tried to be famous on her own, had to marry into it, and after years of being a third wheel on a Kardashian run industry, she’s grown a Kardashian ass of her own….is it from fitness, from injections, from photoshop or filters, who cares…that’s a fucking ass, she knows it, and she’s showing it, like her lord and savior would encourage, because it’s not the same lord and savior as the normals who would see this as sexualized content for children, objectifying women, and trying to be a false idol…but who cares, it’s a hot ass…she’s hot…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber’s Pussy Definition in Bike Shorts of the Day

You gotta laugh that girls treat unsolicited dick pics as if it is rape, when it’s just a fucking picture and not rape at all, even when the girl getting the dick pic is only using social media to post her nudes and semi nudes to monetize…you’re a whore asking for us to buy your nudes, the least you can do is handle some weirdo into sending dick pics…instead of making it some fight against the patriarchy or misogyny…it’s just the fucking internet you fucks…

Hailey Bieber, unlike the normal girls of the internet who are monetizing their nudes, monetized a whole other way, which was getting a WHALE into the room, which in her case wasn’t a guy tipping 1k a night on the cam sites thanks to BitCoin wins, but rather Bieber….a huge popstar who married her without a pre-nup because he’s misguided, doesn’t give a shit, or actually believes they are both legitimate Christians…because they met in a church where the pastor was a sexual assaulter….

But yeah, unsolicited dick pics are frowned upon, yet it is current style to walk around with your fat pussy lips eating your shorts out in public…

It’s something that I love, because I love fat pussy eating shorts….but it’s also unsolicited and thus grossly inappropriate, especially for someone who is of the church, should feel modest is the hottest, and being immersed in this celebrity influencer bullshit is not the key to salvation….clearly they are all bullshit

Anyway, do you like my collage that focuses on the GOOD parts of Hailey Bieber’s outfits, you know stick to the pussy eating the shorts, it’s the right way to objectify her like you were the guy paying her rent….

To see more Hailey Bieber Cameltoe CLICK HERE

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Side Boob of the Day

Hailey Bieber’s finally got what she want….the last name she probably used to dream of while a kid staring at her Bieber posters like he was her God, but not her actual God, that’d be blasphemy and she’s into that Christian thing, despite how often she’s scantily clad….because it’s modern Christianity, you’re wholesome, don’t sex shame me, GOD…

Anyway, my theory is she’s the creepy fan girl who tracked down and rooked her childhood crush into marrying her….I think he even took her Virginity, you know Christian things…they do anal until their wedding night…

But it could be love….but it’s also good for business because everyone now gives a shit about her and it isn’t because she was following the Kardashian Jenner Hadid’s around like a dog sniffing another dog in heat’s asshole in the dog park…she’s her own person now…one of importance who they can finally respect at their level instead of just throwing their table scrabs at her….

Anyway, she’s on Youtube, she’s in magazines, she’s on talk shows…small price to pay to be married to Bieber….and most importantly, she’s hot and she’s skinny and we almost like her as much as we like her dad Stephen….and godfather the My Pillow Guy…who is amazing…by the way…just a girl surrounded by amazing…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey the Body Bieber of the Day

In the event you Selena Gomez fans out there that are still slighted and still mad that your fantasy marriage between your two favorite pop stars. The power couple of their generation that made all your dreams come true….

Here’s a reminder that Hailey Bieber is the body you’d rather marry plus she won’t die of Lupus in a few years, the longer play with a better attitude and less Lupus Bloat….

Hailey Bieber’s good.


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Baldwin Bieber Tits Out for Jesus of the Day

I like when I see Hailey Baldwin Bieber out with her tits out because it reminds me that she pretends to be some Jesus loving, Jesus Freak, which as you probably know is not something you advertise, but rather something you just live out, but for whatever reason these hollywood Jesus freaks are slutty…or at least LEWD…you know they didn’t get the MODEST IS THE HOTTEST MEMO..

Now I am not a religious man, but everything I’ve heard about her and Bieber is that they connected through god, through the church and got married to consummate the relationship despite having already fucked in the past, she as a Bieber Groupie and letting him pop her cherry was a gift to him….

Anyway, maybe her logic is that god made her tits, clothing is a construct of man….or that GOD made these clothes to fit like this so that people can see her tits and so she can get more attention to herself because she is someone who clearly doesn’t believe in the church, because she befriended the Kardashian/Jenners and followed them everywhere…like they were Jesus…

The Jesus thing, probably an angle, or maybe the POPE has accepted tits like he’s accepted gays…WHO KNOWS….


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Kendall Jenner and Hailey Bieber’s Pussy Definition Battle of the Day

As useless and vile as I think the Kardashians and their spinoff family member are, I will say that Kendall Jenner in leggings far outweighs her groupie fuck Hailey Beiber, who had to marry a pop star she groupied on, under the guise of “religion” to actually matter in the world….because doing it solo, through hanging with the Jenners and the Hadids didn’t get her famous or clout or even that many campaigns….I am sure some fell onto her lap and I am sure she feels like she’s super important but at her core she knows she’s just a rich kid mooch…entitled and mooching…who has been lucky enough to let Bieber use and abuse her knowing she’d never leave him because she’s a mooch…

While Kendall is just part of a family of marketers and direct sales champs who may represent all that is wrong with the world or society but are cashing in while doing that…so if anything they act as a beacon of “This is what is wrong with the system”…almost like they are myth busters letting us all know….a shitty rich family can become billionaires a few times over all thanks to the internet that is fiilled with idiots…so she’s just sort of an ambassador of all that we hate…while at least looking like she’s an actual model…with those long thin legs…

So clearly Kendall wins this PUSSY DEFINITION battle, because pussy definition is the new cleavage…and these are the influencers paving the way for young idiots to follow their influencing lead….


Posted in:Hailey Bieber|Kendall Jenner




Hailey Bieber Jacking her Bike Shorts Up Inside her For Jesus of the Day

Hailey Bieber’s loving the attention she’s finally getting thanks to marrying Bieber….a huge fucking star that you know she targeted because she was clearly a groupie of his…making their marriage pretty creepy but what the fuck does he care, he’s got a hot groupie bitch locked in who he can treat like shit because he knows she’s so stoked on being there…

Despite being hotter than her loser cash grabbing rich Hadid/Jenner Friends….she just didn’t really get anywhere with doing that instagram model thing…she was seen as the third wheel bootleg version of the other two and no one bothered with her….until now…because she has Bieber’s last name and potentially half his fortune or at least half of what he makes because why the fuck not…

They both pretend to be Christians, possibly part of Chris Pratt’s gay hating church, and despite being Christians they are both the worst morally void idiots…this one doing anything to get noticed…including jacking her bike shorts up into her pussy…and not the first time…she’s committed to jacking her shorts in her pussy so everyone sees her pussy…maybe she was born a man and wants things to be clear…or maybe nipples aren’t enough…but the baby maker is the coveted cleavage…we call pussy definition…

Maybe she’s found her angle and is running with it…”If I jack my shorts up in me as the girls do, showing the world my slit, the media will cover me more often…you know maximize this marriage as hard as I can…

Maybe this is just how people dress, I mean, I’ve seen women in fitness gear that hugs their cunts in various poses…from outside the gym, to inside the grocery store, in what I guess comes with the territory of tight clothing..

I’ve also seen girls make themselves cum by pulling clothing up into themselves, so maybe there’s a wetspot wednesday happening here in the right angle…or just the pussy wedgie…both are pretty great from where I’m sitting!


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber’s Ass in Bike Shorts After Getting Face Mangled of the Day

When you’re in shorts like this, what’s the point of even wearing pants, maybe that’s the point….that’s definitely the point…

What I find the funniest thing about basically seeing her asshole definition in these shorts, is that she still identifies as some religious Christian, even tricking Bieber into marrying her in exchange for the sex he already had with her when she was underage and a Bieber groupie, sex that was either good enough to lure him back, or sex that was good enough for her to hop onto to escape Selena Gomez, you know marry this Jesus loving low level failure of a model with a celebrity dad, she’ll do whatever the fuck I say, I’ll own that pussy – Literally…

Thank god for the face masks…so she can leave the dematologist without people pointing and laughing at the face injections she gets to look like a Kardashian or an IG filter….

Thank god for the outrageous cameltoe, the cleavage of this generation, the look at her pussy in full glory, so you know she’s got a front hole instead of a dick as all these kids have their genders morph into some kind of fucking mess..

Anyway, she’s pretty hot, at least in these insane pussy showing shorts.


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber in Tight Shorts of the Day

Hailey Bieber is only funny because she couldn’t really hack it on her own. She was arguably as hot, if not hotter than the Jenners and Hadids she used to groupie on and basically stalk, their doormat to step on as they were trending “it-girls” and she wasn’t even their third tier back-up when brands didn’t want to spend the Jenner/Hadid price tag on the content…even though any of the deals she got was directly for that same reason…

So despite being a celebrity rich kid, yes, her dad’s career might be laughable, but dude got fucking paid heavy and is set for life even if half of it went up his nose before finding god…and altering his sperm’s integrity making this bootleg Jenner/Kardashian…

And despite having all the right friends and going to all the right parties….

This fake religious heathen who basically shits on Jesus with every tight short, pussy flash she does for the paparazzi, only exists, only matters, only gets VOGUE coverage, or any coverage…because she married a celebrity…and is the celebrity life..

So think of that when girls say they don’t need a man, let them know Hailey Bieber did because without Justin, she’d still be carrying Bella Hadid’s tuck tape to the fashion shows, but instead she’s tabloid fodder like she always dreamed….thanks to daddy not hugging her enough…I mean why the fuck would you want to be tabloid fodder unless you have serious voids in the core of your soul….


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber