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Archive for the Hailey Bieber Category




Hailey Bieber’s Christian Lingerie Outfit of the Day


Hanging with the devil himself…….

Safe to say, Hailey Bieber has sold her soul to the devil, for all that personal gain that came with marrying Bieber, but since her born again dad who raised her Christian was just some Narcissist with an addiction who found god to get him through being the most laughable of the Baldwin brothers, even worse than Billy, the one with the fast hair, she may not have been Christian at all..

HOWEVER, last I checked, her dad was business partners with Mike Lindell, the MyPillowGuy who I think is awesome, but who America hates, and I wonder if Hailey still calls him UNCLE MIKE, or if her move to LA, where she’s playing the pussy a pop star freak married, after potentially popping her cherry when she was underage, but that’s up for debate, I don’t know that much about the duo, besides them being DEMONIC FUCKS.

Anyway, in good Christian fashion, she wore a sheer dress to an event, it was a fancy event, a paparazzi event, she probably felt so important, like the first lady, or royalty, despite being trash who does nothing but instagram whore like a Jenner/Kardashian…but more bootleg….at least before she married young rich Bieber….

Point being, I find her hot for a man face with too much work done…..

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Here she is topless for her brand, because that’s how Jesus sells toxic products to unsuspecting followers with no spirit guide or souls….FOR PROFIT…..

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Lingerie for Jesus of the Day

Hailey Bieber is the very important daughter of the very important Steve Baldwin because she has an instagram account and that’s all you need to become a top model, who gets naked for money, or half naked with her tits pushed up like some kind of sex worker, but far fancier and not a sex worker because she’s married to the very important Bieber…

The two idiots pretend to be young Christians, doing god’s work half naked with her tits pushed up because the whole trying to get famous riding the Kardashian coattails because you think you are hot and important is obviously god’s work and when that did’t really workout for her, chase clout via her vagina with an actual celebrity but make him marry you so that it is real and within the paramerters of what is appropriate for god, as you both continue to be worshipped by loser fans like false idols..half naked with her tits pushed up

Who fucking cares, we get to jerk off to Bieber’s wife is in her lingerie, which probably gets Bieber excited, so you jerking off to this, leads to him jerking off to you jerking off to this, likely making me feel like Usher would approve…

I am thinking is “isn’t she supposed to be a Christian”, but maybe half naked with her tits pushed up is to be Christian.


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Sucks of the Day

Here’s Hailey Beiber in a very Christian pose, because she’s a modest Christian as you may or may not know…

I’m of the school of thought that she pulled the CATHOLIC SCHOOL GIRL hustle, which is make them think she’s wholesome so they commit to you at a level in which you won’t feel like a slut when you let them cum in your ass before marriage…..to preserve that virginity for the highest bidder…

Whether Hailey manipulated Justin into marrying her after giving him ANAL when she was a teen or not, doesn’t matter, we write our own versions of history here.

I guess she is in a one piece, so she can’t be THAT WHORISH, even though the one piece rides up the cunt in a way that could probably lead to orgasms….

I also guess she’s in a taking the shit at the pool pose, we call it the Amber Heard….with the right food intolerances or diet you can make it happen anywhere….

She’s got that STROKED OUT life working out alright for her, doesn’t she.

Most people I know who exploit their strokes are in wheel chairs drooling on themselves while being carted around by their family, friends and hired nurses who likely also change their diapers making me think they are probably lying and that this is what a STROKE is supposed to look like!


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Ass of the Day

Hailey Bieber reposted this booty picture on an inflatable she may or may not hump because there is a movement of lonely and sad people who only get off by fucking inflatable pool toys…..and she may be one of them…I mean she claims to have been a girl of Christ who probably was a virgin before she got married, you know, it’s the cocktease strategy to make a dude think that she is wholesome and worth giving half their assets to to get up in it…

I guess she’s proud of the booty, maybe her Brazilian roots that make her look like one of them Brazlian transgenders, unless she got her ass from the Baldwin side, I guess Alec is a giant asshole, so there you go..

This was a repost from COMPLEX magazine, who as you may or may not are relevant and part of the culture, but as you may not know, were the first corporate media company to put me on….they added me to some LEADERS OF THE NOW….future genius in Celebrity gossip to look out for…the NEW Perez back in 2007….

They were wrong….but this Bieber ass looks alright.


Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Bikinis of the Day

Here’s a couple pictures of stroked out celebrity daughter who became celebrity life because she likes being a celebrity by association, it’s all she knows, rocking a bikini wherever the fuck she is, and it’s always nice to see a stroke survivor living their best life as they wait for the big on to take them out, because when you’re 25, being scared of strokes is totally fucking normal….CLIMATE CHANGE….or RACISM or some shit….right.

Assuming she even had a stroke and it wasn’t just a campaign for some pharma product all the vaccinated clotted up 20 years olds will need to take daily to staycation alive.

You never know, since the internet is a fucking lie.

Point of the story, at least she’s hot.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Wet Bikini of the Day

A lot of people don’t find Hailey Beiber hot, they think she’s a hard jawed, masculine looking money grubber, wallet fucker, Beiber Groupie who climbed the ranks of NUMBER 1 FAN because she actually secured him into marrying him, one of those Amber Heard situations where rich people can still be manipulative cunts to suck dudes into their trap via their cunts….but I guess you could argue that Bieber is a piece of shit bratty rich kid with too big of an ego who figured it’s better to recruit a groupie into his WIFE role, rather than marry a celeb like Selena Gomez, who has her own ego, business, celebrity, arguably as big as Biebers….the power dynamic just won’t work…..so if you get a groupie in, one who had his poster on her pre-teen bedroom wall….you can have a happier life….so I guess Bieber may have groomed her, there are roomers he popped her cherry but who cares.

She’s in a bikini, being rich, wt and her body looks good, so the hard Bieber Doppelganger face doesn’t really bother me, but maybe I find harder, masculine faces hot….does that make me gay, I mean having a blog’s pretty fucking gay….how could I not be gay…right….I should run with being gay, then people won’t ever cancel me, but rather invite me to all their parties being part of their community gives you the ability to be as sassy, vulgar as you want….something to think about.


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Stroke Pussy of the Day

So much goes on in such little time…we’ve got things like Hailey Bieber stroking out because of her vaccine, sure it was a mild stroke, but she’s a 25 year old girl, who probably isn’t even on the Birth Control Pill if she knows having kids with rich guys is good for the bank balance….even though she apparently doesn’t have a prenup with Bieber…

When I was 25, I was partying all night, sleeping all day. I wasn’t doing any physical activity because I was so fucking hung over, before drinking again…I would smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, I’d eat a GREASY brunch at 4 pm and two slices of 49 cent PIZZA at 4 am….I’d do street drugs, party drugs….and for some reason…I STILL haven’t had a stroke, not even a mild one…I probably will, I’m in my 50s….but I sure as fuck didn’t at 25…

So this fit bitch, who does PILATES and other fitness events on the daily, who has a personal chef, who eats well, who may even sleep well is getting minor strokes…assuming she’s got that “Vaccine”….which I do….I guess we’ll have a lot of tragedies far worse than MINOR strokes as everyone clots out on their spike proteins…

Or maybe it’s from her face injections…

Or maybe it’s a bad publicity stunt because she’s not as famous as she’d like and she’s already pushed her pussy as far as it can go to get as famous as she can by marrying Bieber….

Either way, stroked out girl on blood thinners the rest of her life…HOT…if you’re into having half vegetable women you nurse for the sex they can’t say no to thanks to the stroke…and they can’t run from….thanks to the stroke…sicko.

Posted in:Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Bra of the Day

Hailey Bieber is in her bra…because that’s the kind of thing you do for money or fun when you’re a good Christian wife with good Christian values in your marriage to you good Christian popster who in no way is a victim of a terrible industry, after being sold as a child to the world for girls like Hailey Bieber to stare at and dream about marrying…only to rook him in later in life because her dad is Stephen Baldwin, the most important Baldwin no one cares about except me because he’s Mike Lindell’s business partner, which you can tell when looking at his daughter’s tits…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Cleavage of the Day

I guess this is modern day Christian Hailey Bieber, a wholesome and married woman, spreading the good word of the lord to her fanbase, that’s all of a sudden interested in her, after what must have been half a decade of her trying to build her socials, to become an influener, even hanging out with the Jenner / Hadid’s for the association, only to barely get any spillover work from them, because no one cared about her…THEY BILLY BALDWIN-ed her, or I guess Stephen Baldwin-ed her, but Billy is probably the worse one…his peak being in Backdraft….good old UNCLE BILLY…probably didn’t realize it would be all downhill after BACKDRAFT…maybe he just needed to find a pop icon to marry to matter.

I do think Hailey Bieber looks good, but maybe I am just attracted to her Christian Morals and Values in this HEATHEN filled society of fucking perverts…AT LEAST she made her man marry her without a PRENUP before letting him put it in her twat….because I’m sure she stayed a virgin until marriage…but like most religious girls…she probably took it up the ass….the kind of shit you’d celebrate on your dick, even if it gave you ECOLI cock.

I haven’t figured out where I’m going with this, but the great thing about flimsy content no one reads is that it doesn’t matter…I DO NOT NEED TO GO anywhere with it…and that’s PRECISELY what I plan to do.


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin Bieber|Hailey Bieber




Hailey Bieber Bikini of the Day

Hailey Bieber may have a weird looking stomach in this selfie, but you know, bikini selfies are hard to pull off when seated..it opens a whole fucking realm of hiding gut even when the girl is skinny…but Hailey Bieber is a lottery winner and thus a survivor, because who gives a fuck if she’s got some doughy weirdness going on, she’s set for fucking life and not even because of her dad’s success, but rather because of her pussy’s ability to seduce Canadian pop icons who are rich as shit….and easy to manipulate…

The popstar wife, like the sports wife, is a high paying gig and it also elevates their personal brand, allowing MORE media, more SHOOTS, more brand deals…and all it took was OPENING UP HER LEGS to the Biebs…because you know before Justine, she was hustling 10 times harder, carrying the purses of the HADID and JENNERS as one of their back-up dancers and NO ONE bothered with her…but thanks to strategic marriage…HERE SHE FUCKING IS…A-List….weird fucking stomach or not…

I know what you’re thinking….When was the last time she got cummed inside and is it dripping out of her on that chair….because you are a cum obsessed pervert…what you should really be thinking is what book is she reading….and as it tuns out it’s called “The Seven Husband of Evelyn Hugo” about an old hollywood star who isn’t a real hollywood star…are the real ones even real…PROBABLY NOT….but it’s likely going to be a Hollywood movie, they love stories about their own shitty town…and maybe Hailey Beiber will play “Girl 16” or “Flight Waitress”…so she’s figuring out the storyline so she serves those drinks in 1950s flight waitress gear with talent and grace…


Posted in:Hailey Bieber