I'll Make You Famous…




Hailey Bieber Gets Tropical of the Day

Stephen Baldwin’s daughter with a Brazilian model who was sold off to Justin Bieber for what I assume was her virginity, because they’re a very Christian family and there is no way she was doing sex out of marriage, unless she did the old Catholic girl stick it in her ass, or the old mormon stick it in the vagina and have a friend jump on the bed to stimulate penetration while both parties lay there still pretending to not be fucking…

Anyway, people have said her face is too hard looking, that she looks like Bieber in drag, because they are mean spirited…..and when you get the face injections jacking you up, it doesn’t really help the hard face cause….

But who fucking cares about faces, when you can look at the bodies in revealing outfits as they promote her beauty brand that I am sure makes tons of money she doesn’t actually need because she doesn’t have a prenup with boy wonder justin, but that she makes anyway because why the fuck not…

As far as I’m concerned, if you’re a rich chick promoting yourself or your brand to get more rich using half naked tactics, you’re a friend of mine….but I’m sure it’s one of those one-sided friendships because Hailey would find me creepy knowing how hard I’m trying to see her asshole in these pics….we can’t have it all!

Posted in:Hailey Bieber