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Archive for the Hailey Baldwin Category




Hailey Baldwin Panty Flash of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Flashes Her Panties for the Paparazzi

Hailey Baldwin flashed her panties and the world stopped…just for a second to say “Oh I like Alec Baldwin, his Trump is so good, they should give him his own show, oh what? they did…crazy…see I always told you I should produce TV, I spot trends, I know what will work, what will be big…oh and her was so good in BeetleJuice alongside Gena Davis, whatever happened to Gena Davis, she was all the rage that crazy redhead….Do you think she’s dead yet?….I liked her in Field of Dreams…yeah I know Rosie is Fat…and it’s amazing she was an actor, but the same can be said about Madonna…oh shit…that was League of their Own not Field of Dreams…BUILD IT THEY WILL COME…or I guess in this case flash your panties and they will cum…or I will cum…I’m easy…”…to which people say “No her dad is Stephen, who luckily has the same last name as Alec”….and everyone collectively says “who?”

BARNEY RUBBLE FUCKERS BARNEY RUBBLE IN THE LIFE ACTION FLINTSTONES…that’s who….But luckily her access is on point and the public buys into anything connected to anything famous…..as everyone is pathetic…a fucking dick riding groupie, even some of these people deemed famous….and here is that panty flash.

Check out Hailey Baldwin's Panties for the Paparazzi



So was her cousin with the actual famous dad….was there looking wrecked because lets face it…she is a fucking wreck…that’s what happens when you’re massively huge and your parents are just too iconic to give you a break…you self destruct self hating…and I find it cute..She’s probably on the shitty Maxim list, but way lower down than her cousin. Must really hurt her soul…in the depth of her soul…if she has a soul…hilarious.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin in a Bikini of the Day

Hailey Baldwin basically showed her asshole to the paparazzi in some sleazy paparazzi bikini photo that you know she creative directed and coordinated in efforts to try to get as much attention as possible before she’s too old for people to care about her existence…

That’s not to say people care about her existence, her own father is probably too busy looking in the mirror and reading the bible to avoid doing coke / crack to care, and she hasn’t worked as an actor yet…she just sort of flimsily hangs out like a vapid socialite she shouldn’t be…because Stephen Baldwin shouldn’t be that rich…

That said, fun bikini pics though..

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin in a Bathing Suit in Miami of the Day

Hailey Baldwin’s rocking a cute pink one piece bathing suit in Maimi, where you can see her both giving herself a cameltoe becuase she knows it’s hot…and a stream of water running off her cunt – that makes it look like she’s pissing herself…BOTH amazing things to find in some staged paparazzi pics, you know she staged, not because the paparazzi aren’t hungry for pics of anyone they can get rolling through Miami, but because the people in the paparazzi pics are hugnrier…and call these dudes to tip them off…

The thing with all these vapid, spoiled, entitled, trust fund babies who are finding work as models, because the public and the marketing people are lazy, is that despite being annoying, or useless in the grand scheme of things, because they choose bikini pics over school, instagram follows over substance, and attention craving over actually doing anything good in the world, because ultimately, they can be anywhere – fucking nursing AIDS babies or feeding the homeless..they could be fighting whale hunters or throwing money into a giant freezer to keep the polar ice caps frozen…yet they are in Miami lookin cute in a one piece, giving themselves cameltoes as water streams off their cunt like they are peeing…wonderful…

Out of the group, Hadid / Jenner / whoever else latches onto to this like it was the only tribal woman lactating in the tribe during famine….

Hailey Baldwin is my favorite…. I am sure that means a lot to her…in a world where she’s always second or third tier…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin and Cami Marrone in Bathing Suits of the Day

Cami Marrone and Hailey Baldwin are buddies in Cannes, the it place to be, because these girls with celebrity parents or stepparents are always not too far apart. It is how they make their spending money, it’s the low workload way to monetize, because at least when social media didn’t exist, these celeb children had to be in movies to get famous, which is not real work, but still more work than hanging out and taking selfies by the pool…which is work…to someone who has never worked.

The interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin is her youthful ass….while the interesting thing about busty Cami Marrone, is like every other busty girl in her late teens before her, her thighs catch up and girl is thick.

For those of you who don’t know who Cami Marrone is…she’s on TV or in a few shitty movies, I think her stepdad is Al Pacino or Robert DeNiro, which means her mom…is an OG gold digger. We like when it starts with the momma and works its way down.

For those of you who don’t know who Hailey Baldwin is, you clearly, like the rest of us, don’t read MAXIM magazine who just named her number 1, for whatever reason I call a scam…but compared to Cami Marrone who is still hot….she is number 1…that’s probably why she hangs with her, rather than being the bootleg Kendall…

Either way, young youngs in bathing suits being fancy….always fun

Posted in:Cami Morrone|Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin is Number 1 in a Nonsense of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is number one in a nonsense arbitrary clickbait list that was clickbait before clickbait existed – Maxim’s Hot 100 – because humans are retards and the list concept of digesting bullshit content is out control…

Hailey Baldwin is a scam, her family is in the industry, she’s a golden child who has managed to find the Kardashians / Jenners / Hadids to leverage….

It just took the family publicists to make that magic happen, the scam of the scams…keep the 1 percent 1 percenting – which is why content is such shit lately – the talent has left the building and the entitled kids of the talent are taking over

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Nipple Pasties with her Boyfriend of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is garbage, mainly because she’s the daughter of a celebrity who is barely a fucking celebrity, and I like my celebrity children out there hustling, getting the invites to exclusive events and parties, to be of A-List and A-List only….but Stephen Baldwin, who gives a fuck…

She banged Bieber at 16, she fucking sucks the aassholes of the Jenners since, and it’s managed to establish her as a little model, it girl, all while being totally uninteresting and annoying, vapid, bratty pile of shit…

She’s living the good life, mooching, and she’s leaving some party with her chubby boyfriend – as her little tits pop out…with nipple tape because freeing the nipple is more feminist for a vapid vain pile of shit….when the nipple has tape on it..I guess..

I am more into her playing tennis in her underwear…and I guess the good news is she’s not a Kardashian..and hot enough…and I guess it’s better to be the bottom feeder to the stars who shouldn’t be stars than the stars themselves..it’s some bootleg shit that she knows she is…and that alone can lead to some insecurities that bring on drug addiction and all that other good stuff. You know..context. The rich brat who wants it all but is third tier, even when third tier is pretty good…kills herself for not being good enough…because she doesn’t know she won…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Making Moves Topless in Underwear for Elle of the Day

Dreams do come true…when you’re a vapid spoiled brat with a celebrity / who is barely a celebrity / but he counts as a celebrity father – and a decent enough look – because your mom is some brazilian who would marry a barely a celebrity / but still a celebrity father….thanks to being rich…a career that is surprisingly a career – carried by your quest to be relevant, your circle of “it girl” friends you worked your way into – you’re having sex with Beiber while underage and most importantly – her last name…can finally say she’s got into a mainstream magazine – before the mainstream magazine drowns as magazines do – and all she had to do was be the worst…eaten up by the masses – because the internet likes rich kids…and marketers like things the internet likes…

I’m not a fan, but into any girl topless for any self serving, validation purposes…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin on the Toilet of the Day

Hailey Baldwin is not my favorite Baldwin – IRELAND BALDWIN …but she is a vapid spoiled young slut who chose the life of low level instagram celebrity – by attaching herself to other instagram celebrities…which ended up turning her into a low level instagram celebrity….but a higher level instagram celebrity than the girls you fuck with…but more importantly a higher paid instagram celebrity…when she’d be doing this shit for free, just for some attention, because she’s a rich kid and her dad’s a narcissistic asshole actor…and girl needs some male attention…

The most interesting thing about her bullshit career as a nothing, talentless, who does nothing but look pretty good….is that she fucked Bieber…when she was underage and smart enough to know that with her name, her looks, and her access to hang with the JENNERS..she could be the bootleg Jenner brands want to use for association to the Jenners…without paying Jenner Price…

I anxiously await her implosion, drug addiction, disaster that is her life…but in the mean time – here’s fashion shots of her taking a dirty shit after eating a dirty burger – due to the laxatives she’s addicted to in efforts to stay thin..

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Badlwin Stupid Dance of the Day


Hailey Baldwin is the most irrelevant of the group of “it girls” who aren’t actually “it girls” but who the fashion industry and advertising industry are presenting to us as “It girls”…so that they have puppets who aren’t money motivated, with big following, to sell bullshit product to their retard groupie followers…despite not being hot, talented, interesting, or compelling in any way…it’s just fluffy nonsense, candy coated dog shit really, and their all lucky they are rich kids because without their parents money / fame / whatever – they’d be nothing but cokesluts working bottle service…like most sluts I know…

That said, I decided to check in with Hailey Baldwin to get a sense of her life, existence, the content she puts out there…and it’s not worth jerking off to, but she is eating pizza and dancing – which I can assume is porn to some of you…I just prefer my porn to involve creampies…not PIZZA PIES…




Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW|Videos




Hailey Baldwin Did Lui Magazine of the Day

Hailey Baldwin gets the hang with the cool kids, I mean that has been her whole tactic her entire career – that is hardly a career and is more a rich and famous dad – putting her in the same location as other rich kids in LA…..

NOW she is part of the exclusive crew of girls – who are “legit” models naked in a porn magazine that re-branded as a naked model site and it works…people post the fuck out of these pics – because we like when models are naked, but also when rich kids trying to be models are naked, and when anyone is fucking naked…and I get to look because naked is wonderful….

I didn’t find all the pics yet, so I can’t tell if she’s got a pussy with a clit that looks like it’s sticking it’s tongue out at us….knowing her – she probably didn’t put the pussy out there, her parents are christians…that’s not how Christians do things, instead they act like vapid money grubbing superficial and narcissistic cunts…showing off their naked or half naked bodies for more followers than JESUS…because they are the mesiah…in their minds…and it feels good when they have everything else in their life…

Here are her pics…NOT naked….because she’s a fucking scam and does everything wrong.

Here’s some of her social media insta stories to let you into how big of a useless cunt she is….

A Quote from her momma…






Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW