I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Hailey Baldwin Category




Hailey Baldwin Attempts Modeling for Instagram of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Attempts Modeling for Instagram

Hailey Baldwin pretending to be a model with her tranny jacked up from filler face is always funny to me…It’s like she wants it so bad, she’s skinny, but she’s such a spoiled, entitled, snobby cunt with no personality, looking at her posing is like looking at a used tampon on the bust station floor, some people will want to pick it up and eat it all up, because they are perverts and see it as gold…while most people just don’t know who she is or care who she is, because they aren’t social media managers who need to get their products on busy pages…it’s weird how uninteresting this bitch and her tranny face is…you’d think she’d have something going for her…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Bikini Shoot of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Bikini Shoot

Hailey Baldwin and her broken down face got a job….that involved brining her face injected face to the beach in a one piece bikini…where she proceeded to pose like an asshole while not thinking she’s an asshole because she doesn’t see it as being an asshole playing a model but as being a model – something she legitimately thinks she is…and I guess is by definition because she’s paid for it – but she’s just some trick with famous parents who fucked bieber and shadowed some Kardashians and Hadids as hard as she could to get her social media numbers up to relevance level so that she could play model like her friends and feel pretty…that’s my theory…why else would a 20 year old be jacking up her face with chemicals…to look like an instagram filter…weird…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin




Hailey Baldwin’s Face is Trashed of the Day

Hailey Baldwin face is trashed

Hailey Baldwin is such low hanging fruit, she barely exists, but she’s trying to exist…

She’s got millions of followers, she groupied every Kardashian and Hadid she could…

She had her dad’s talent agencies and PR people she grew up around supporting her…

She fucked Bieber when she was underage…

She’s basically replaced Ireland – her weirdo cousin with more famous parents..

She’s put in the work….I mean more work than most lazy entitled rich kids…and it is all for her ego…to be the best, to get the jobs, to fit in, this is what the kids want to me…SOCIAL MEDIA….it’s lazy “watch my life” …reality shows that aren’t as fun as reality shows…

But that face…is fucking mangled..

I’m guessing fillers, injections, whatever…but it’s jacked up and 45 lookin….

Weird…..but her bikini top pic is ok..

Better than this anyway…..


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Posing in S Moda of the Day

Hailey Baldwin short skirt for S Moda

Hailey Baldwin is finally getting some editorial coverage – some photoshoots in magazines that like this shoot for S Moda…and she doesn’t even need to get naked to be in the magazine – despite everyone being naked all the time…because she’s a Christian….and it’s not even a photoshoot that she put together for her social media pretending she’s a model and hoping people will believe she’s a model – it’s an actual photoshoot.

I guess all those face injections are finally paying off and people are either believing the lie they are being told, or finding anyone they can with an audience to be in their magazine to help grow their own social channels and figure Hailey Baldwin has following, bring that instagrammer to their shoot, pretend she’s a real model, get tagged on her account for free…MARKETING…

It’s too bad it’s not a hot shoot with things being shoved in her butthole…but it is still a big step in her lie she is perpetuating…but believes which is key to all successful lies…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Kendall Jenner VS Hailey Baldwin See Through of the Day

Kendall Jenner turtle neck with see through nipples and prada body bag VS Hailey Baldwin

Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin two useless girls who are friends…together in Milan doing fashion week…because they are both relevant thanks to their family members and society’s willingness to give credibility to people who don’t deserve it – just because it’s easier than finding actual talent…

They are seen by marketers as the face, or voice, or whatever of their generation….a face shoved into a phone…a face jacked up on botox and fillers…but they aren’t that great…

Except when they pull out their nipples, especially Hailey since she’s religious, despite being a whore….because that’s on trend, the way of the future and what these girls are actual about, the legacy they are actually leaving…nipples…here are some pics to compare and contrast the two useless together in one post….

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Kendall Jenner




Hailey Baldwin Half Naked Mangled Face Instagram Model on the Runway of the Day

Hailey Baldwin barely there outfit for fashion week

Hailey Baldwin is garbage…which would be expected since her dad isn’t even the good Baldwin…just the weird religious freak Baldwin that through all his prayer created some vapid heathen trying to sexualize herself to matter and get ahead…who has a little too much access to both casting people thanks to the Kardashians she mooches off of…but more importantly doctors with injections for her face that looks like it’s a 40 year old porn slut…which I guess is a look…that guys like to cum all over…if they are lucky enough to be someone this snake thinks she can leverage to help her tranny face career…


At least she’s skinny..

There’s an uneventful video of the show….

I’m more into the broken, confused, depressed, in and out of rehab, beach girl, turned dark weird hipster lesbian with weird tattoos, monster who is 7 feet tall and 300 pounds of “I WANT TO BE SMOTHERED”…the Baldwin with the famous parents…Ireland…like the country…in SIZE…..and weight….because at least she knows she sucks..she’s not trying to polarize that..

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Nipple Pasty for Some Bullshit of the Day

Hailey Baldwin nipple pasty in a fur coat

Hailey Baldwin is some Stephen Baldwin that stuck to a uterus before he became a preacher to deal with his addictions – you know Jesus is the remedy to all self involved dickheads with drug, booze and sex addictions because they found some fame riding some coattails, and that fame was enough for push everywhere to want to be fucked by him, leading to whatever the fuck this little slut is…

I know she spins it as a model, and I know she gets paid as an “influencer”….because she has social media reach…and I know she gets paid alot because she can command a lot from riding the coattails…making her “relevant” enough for brands…but I call bullshit…

She’s just another rich kid with connected parents leveraging for her ego…a spoiled brat, lazy and uninteresting, not even that hot…and now showing nipple pasty because she’s edgy…or wants to be edgy and has no idea what edgy is thanks to being raised in a fucking bubble..

The fact these idiots are followed or praised or paid is offensive to me…

So many more deserving people, more creative, more interesting, more fun, not just weirdo rich kids staring at their iphones with their social following their only value…

Garbage Humans….they offer nothing to the world – not even good jerk off material..

I blame Zuckerberg for creating these idiots.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin in a Bikini of the Day

I read that this is for Vogue, but I am having a hard time believing that based on Hailey Baldwin being some lowest of the low level model who only models because her dad is a Baldwin…and sure she’s think but so basic and boring..whether Beiber fucked her when she was underage or the Kardashians cart her around or not..she is bootleg….

Also, Vogue doesn’t really take “butt shots” like they are an instagram shout out page featuring slutty girls, but the whole world is scrambling and upside down so maybe they are doing instagram photoshoots too…everyone else is..and there is no real brand loyalty, or quality anymore, at least not based on the garbage people getting paid…it’s all so crazy

But I can handle young girls in bikinis in photos…I get the appeal…it is really the only think I like in the world…and I don’t even really like it…it makes me mad…but I keep staring..even if she’s the bottom wrung on a ladder of rich trashy girls I hate…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Tan Lines / Bikini Jump / Posing with a New Jersey Plate of the Day


Hailey Baldwin is an aspiring Jenner and Hadid….so she’s on her best behavior anytime they invite her to hang out, hoping they will invite her to hang out again, because having the Hadids and the Jenners let you into their bullshit existence, that is pretty lucrative.

I am all for a vapid cunts existing….when they are rich and monetizing…basically trolling everyone into buying into their nonsense…

I just know there’s some weird social dynamic or hierarchy of using each other, because you know they likely hate each other, but have some weird connection…

And ultimately, it’s pretty weird that I am trying to analyze why Stephen Baldwin, the least important Baldwin’s STD is up to, what her shamelessness mean, what her end goal in trying to get famous, or paid is…maybe she doesn’t want to be a joke like her dad..

Who knows or cares, it’s just must be pretty exciting to have people actually care about you, when your own parents don’t, they are too busy being into themselves…but luckily in their narcissism they taught all these whores just how to be exploited….yet come out on top…you know…make it work for you because this all a bunch of nonsense, so you should try to come out on top…even if this one is Third or fourth wrung on the ladder of important garbage.


Here she is showing some Tan Lines posing with some New Jersey license plates because she’s pretty much some SNOOKI trash, just a scaled down, rich kid version…


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Shorts of the Day

In insignificant rich kid fame whore who thinks she’s famous because she gets the occasional instagram model job thanks to her millions of followers, which kind of does make her famous for this generation, since social media is the only thing they really look at…but to people who prefer fame to come from a sleeping your way to the top, not hanging out with the Jenners thanks to your dad being some LA loser celebrity who probably made a lot of money, despite not mattering in the world, he mattered enough to get her the right friends, PR Team, to monetize her as best he could…to keep her busy at all the exclusive events….and to get her that following to make her forget that he wasn’t ever there for her when she was growing up….he was too into the LA drinking and cocaine before finding Jesus….a Jesus who I’m sure wouldn’t approve of these shorts…but I approve of these shorts…I think there’s something moderately hot about her and it isn’t that Bieber fucked her when she was underage and likely not very pure…or maybe it is….ultimately…who cares…she doesn’t deserve this much attention, analysis, make her be forgotten, and fallen off the map…so that she really starts putting a little more effort in, rather than just expect it to all fall into her cunt because she was born into it.

All this to say, I like the shorts the kids are wearing these days…they are good.


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW