Hailey Baldwin is garbage, mainly because she’s the daughter of a celebrity who is barely a fucking celebrity, and I like my celebrity children out there hustling, getting the invites to exclusive events and parties, to be of A-List and A-List only….but Stephen Baldwin, who gives a fuck…
She banged Bieber at 16, she fucking sucks the aassholes of the Jenners since, and it’s managed to establish her as a little model, it girl, all while being totally uninteresting and annoying, vapid, bratty pile of shit…
She’s living the good life, mooching, and she’s leaving some party with her chubby boyfriend – as her little tits pop out…with nipple tape because freeing the nipple is more feminist for a vapid vain pile of shit….when the nipple has tape on it..I guess..
I am more into her playing tennis in her underwear…and I guess the good news is she’s not a Kardashian..and hot enough…and I guess it’s better to be the bottom feeder to the stars who shouldn’t be stars than the stars themselves..it’s some bootleg shit that she knows she is…and that alone can lead to some insecurities that bring on drug addiction and all that other good stuff. You know..context. The rich brat who wants it all but is third tier, even when third tier is pretty good…kills herself for not being good enough…because she doesn’t know she won…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW