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stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….It’s a crazy world. Knowing you have no control is probably the best place to be. We aren’t free and it’s obvious so do what you are told it’s probably for the best…you’re not a hero, you’re a peasant fuck and that’s how peasants live….I know… Unfortunately, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not a smart guy, but I am smart enough to know that the people who run shit, because there are people who run shit, and we’re not those people, really think we’re fucking idiots…and I always say to girls who cry about being cheated on that dudes treat women how they treat themselves…and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Obviously one of the big problems in the world, or at least in North America is that everyone’s a cry baby whiner victim piece of shit…lazy fuck who takes no accountability…bro who pretends to not be a bro for fear of being cancelled or fired or ousted from a group of friends…because people are petty […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw some funny OnlyFans girl outraged at someone who made fun of Onlyfans girls for being whores and she put together some elaborate rebuttal to his arguments about how Onlyfans girls are whores…the worst kind of whores since you can’t fuck them….which amazes me that people pay into them…like how much of a cuck […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may find social media terrifying because it is a reminder that Humans are the fucking virus….and I may find TikTok hilarious because people are giving all this data to China to use against you down the road…and as you watch idiots scrolling through 15 second clips of idiots dancing badly for hours and hours […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s international trans daylight savings time or some shit today….which should make you feel good about your micro penis, your inny not outtie, because you can finally embrace living a life as a man despite having what are arguably female genitals well before this trans thing became trendy….even though you’ve just always identified as a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t get into the anti-vaxxing, vaxxer thing because it seems to be all anyone talks about…and that makes it boring…. But I saw the Pfeizer CEO didn’t get his Vaccine last week and couldn’t get into Israel under this new Vaccine health pass they are trying to implement on the world, even though the […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

So if you find a girl who has a sore throat, or IBS or some other silly ailment, and you convince her that the only cure to those ailments based on your extensive research being an internet blogger no one reads because he’s just a shit talker…..is that she sucks your dick…and she proceeds to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There are no more communities, we are all scared of each other, no one wants to talk to each other, ask each other how they are, check in with each other, learn from each other….strangers AVOID each other…and now families avoid each other…where everyone lives basically alone in their big houses….stuck in their routine and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Who cares… There’s so much insanity going on out there…with so many crazy people…so much noise…all this content being produced, people scrambling for the latest meme stock, or trend, eveyrone trying to cash in on the internet or on internet fame…it’s just so LOUD and TEDIOUS…activists, hashtags, whining…write it in your fucking diary… Do you […]