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Kendall Jenner Cameltoe of the Day

Kendall Jenner’s pants are jacked up into her pussy…which is pretty impressive…because as a Kardashian, you’d expect anything black jacked up in her pussy to be a signed rapper… But I guess she’s the one they are marketing to white people, through “fashion” modeling, even though she’s really just an instagram model getting work because […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My new fetish is 30 – 32 year old girls who are behind the curve on this new sexual revolution that is affecting the under 25 year olds…thanks to being raised on porn, and being vapid selfie absorbed, social media cunts, who just want to have a good time, and who can only get off […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We partnered up with STATE BICYCLE COMPANY…. We are giving away a free bike / $500 gift certificate for a new bike… We are running the contest all months….so enter the contest: Bikes make for a lovely first date, a great getaway vehicle when you don’t have a license due to a DUI, and a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think Bruce Jenner is giving girls a negative body image with his athletic body…in this plus sized model world… I think that Adam Levine’s bare ass in a music video going viral is representative of how depressing the world we live in actually is… I think the girls I meet on the internet who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Telling a 20 year old girl that you used to Jerk off to National Geographic will not only confuse her – but probably end the conversation, because even with her life being exposed to and raised on hardcore fucking porn, she won’t find you jerking off to what she assumes is animals…you see, kids these […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Without new age feminism….I would see a lot less tits from girls who think they are feminists… With new age feminist..they get mad when I notice their tits they are showing me… So confusing… Porn Industry Facts! GO Baltimore State Attorney on Judge Judy 15 Years Ago GO Emilio Estevez Thinks He’s a Mighty Ducks […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When you meet a hot younger woman at the dog park…who just got herself a puppy because she broke up with her Fiance and wanted something to keep her company while she finds herself…probably though sexual escapades that may or may not involve fucking strange 45 year old obese men who look and smell homeless […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Failed pick up line of the day “how many guys have you had sex with. I need to know whether I need to eat you out with Saran Wrap or not” That makes me want some Starbucks… No that makes me want hooker Joanna Krupa’s Nude Pic on Social Media… No that makes me want […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Never ask a girl “if you could be raped anywhere, where would it be”….because girls who have been raped take it really badly…and girls who have friends who have been raped take it even worse…and even when you try to recover with “what, not even at a luxury hotel, or in a yacht by the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t just have sex with a hooker because that would be wrong…but I did try to take her to as close as I could without have to pay her….or touch her which is usually pretty far because I didn’t get boners… I know…monday nights…they crazy…but not as crazy as these links… Kim Kardashian on […]