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stepLINKS of the Day

Women I know in everyday life always make comments that the only pics I like on social media are of some hot half naked model or aspiring model….and my only response to that is that looking at pics of hot half naked girls is all I know…I’ve made a life of it…sure it’s not much […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Keep your PUSSY in your PANTS you FAT Pig…. Opps that was a text message for my wife… Here are some stepLINKS…. Seal Called Out Out Oprah and it’s Good CLICK HERE Ashley Graham Sexually Assaulted at 17 Cuz She’S Hot CLICK HERE Lady Gaga Cleavage CLICK HERE Weinstein’s Wife Scores 15-20 Million dollars in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Some days very little happens, especially when you do not leave your house because you’re an anti social agoraphobic who doesn’t like the winter because girls wear too much clothes for your pervert viewing, even though you’re hardly a pervert in this sexed up porned up world of perverts…. So very few eventful things go […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Christmas is coming HO HO HO! and so should you…think of me as your cum encourager…in the least gay way possible…But when it comes to Hos I prefer the DADDY ISSUES that makes them whores…over the fact that they are Hoes… Ultimately everyone is damaged…everyone is a pervert weirdo…and life is about finding the least […]




Morning Hangover of the Day

I had an argument with a woman that life as a white man isn’t as good as it used to be, because I am visibly a white man, no one can tell I’m a Mexican…and she took offense to it, saying “Oh right, white male privilege or some shit, and I just said “is you […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was not finding THIS TUMBLR … The highlight of my day was realizing that not all women out there are fat. I was forced to walk by two colleges today and the majority of the girls I saw were skinny in leggings looking good…the kind of tall lean thing you’d […]




stepLINKS of the Day

A hot attention girl I’ve been getting nudes from for a very long time reached out to me today to tell me she’s on her way to a photoshoot.. Typical behavior from a chick, they all fucking love photoshoots… They love posing, they love being on camera, and based on Instagram, they love half naked… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Today was not as good as OJ getting off Parole from a crime he was “over-punished” for because a judge had a vendetta.. At this point who even cares about OJs dead sluty disrespecting wife…she was basically a Kardashian…and OJ did what other people probably have wanted to do….what he though was right… THE ONLY […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It must have been gay pride or something because I saw an abnormal amount of fat girls dressed slutty and dancing up on gay men complaining about how the president of the united states publicly sexually assaulted a woman…I mean…I guess I only saw one…but we get it he claims to grab hookers by the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This is my tinder opening line: I am going to run my tongue from your toe…down your foot….along your calf, over your knee, and up your thigh…slowly…real fucking slowly…until I reach your beautiful fucking pussy, then i am going to stop and stare deep into your eyes….as you slowly drip out of your pussy….getting wetter […]