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stepLINKS of the Day

I’m still waiting for my penis to hit puberty It could happen… If everything’s a simulation, I could probably just will it… Or I could be like you and just get off to big black dudes fucking my wife as my proxy…. HOWEVER…she’s disgusting to look at…so that’s a terrible idea, if anything I’d have […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When I watch a movie, I want so badly for the main character to be a hot chick, so that I connect with her, so that I want her to win, because when she’s ugly, I just don’t care what happens to her and I shut the fuck down… When I watch horror movies, it’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Are you ready for another grocery store story, it’s all I got…. Well, I was in the dairy aisle buying my wife some cheese products to shut her fat ass up, and there was a young couple, all well dressed and sophisticated, and they were both wearing one of those duck bill COVID masks like […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In a world of oversharing, overhyping yourself, I mean I come across people on social media and it’s just all this self promotion, no one saying they suck at life, everyone saying how great they are and how everyone else sucks at life, pretending their bullshit coddled existence is some struggler or that they’ve overcome […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I guess with this new fake and gay energy crisis, where they’ve decided they don’t have enough energy to heat your homes this winter, and that their will be blackouts and restrictions, which they are already pushing in California, where they are also pushing that you go fully electric with car and life, only for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Another day, another attack on women, while pretending that the attack on women already happened because of the patriarchy or some other bullshit, when it’s actually happening right now! They call us dudes who celebrate women or want to have sexual with women, because they are wonderful creatures to look at misogynists, while manipulating women […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny to see the two sides of society unfolding… You’ve got the basic normies, who have always been around, they are the masses they buy into whatever they are told and just keep on buying into what they are told to buy into, making a lot of people rich, while maintaining a level […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s unfortunate that I am unappealing to people, you know abrasive, leave a bad taste in their mouth, even before coming in their mouths, or should I say cumming so you know what kind of toxic sperm because I am dying joke I am making.. If I could highlight my jokes, I would, so people […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw some VOGUE article titled something woke and click baity like “how female war correspondents are dealing” – that’s sexist bro. I’m sure real women, who do shit like war correspondents are dealing with it like male counterparts are. It’s funny that I’m called the misogynist, when really, they are the one differentiating and […]




Sienna Miller Lingerie of the Day

I don’t know if this is Sienna Miller and Jude Law in lingerie posing together, but it’s some lame attempt at making fun of TRANNIES, or CROSS DRESSERS, which I guess is always a good time….because this is clearly not being edgy or progressive by co-starring a transgender like a SI SWIMSUIT ISSUE trying to […]