I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Illegal Picture of the Day

I don’t feel guilty looking at these pics if the girl is confident posting them. However, this shit’s gotta be illegal cuz a 16 year old rockin out in her underwear seems like something you shouldn’t be taking part in if you aren’t 16 or younger. I got a theory that if you pick up a young girl in the club never ask her how old she is, just the fact that she’s up in there is proof enough and you can go home with her, without worries. The doorman’s job is to approve the girls you can legally fuck…so if he does a bad job, you get to luck out. If you’re out in the playground lookin for dates, brother, you gotta switch up that strategy, cuz if not you’ll make my sexual offender of the day post, and I don’t think your mom would be too proud.

If you are wondering what pic I am talking about check the Myspace Profile Here

I didn’t feel right posting it, not cuz I am soft(figuratively) but because I don’t need to get arrested, again.

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