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Kris Jenner and Day 5, 6 and 7 of Love Magazine Advent Calendar of the Day

Love Magazine did it…they went Kardashian…because the world is a pile of fucking fame whores..


Day 7- Kris Jenner By Doug Inglish

I understand why Love Magazine would bother with Kris Jenner in their ADvent Calendar. She’s an old timer hooker, and she’s got a huge brand under her hooker watch…meaning they’ll get press..

I don’t understand why Love Magazine would bother with Kris Jenner, if they are really interested in art and fashion and creating quality content…feeding into the Kardashian movement, even if it is ironic and they are mocking Kris Jenner, doing her synchronized swimming act you know she probably learned in her 20s to get into the rich people parties before marrying the rich people…it’s still Kris Jenner.

I find it irresponsible for any media outlet to try to cash in on social media ad dollars, and doing it by using anyone in this terrible family of bottom feeders who are now at the top…

I get it, they did instagram modeling, famous for nothing best…and they command huge budgets because of a huge audience…but for a magazine of “forward thinkers” to say “let’s use her”…in any way that doesn’t make her look like an asshole that she is…maybe have her standing in execution stance and shot with rubber bullets or something..but to glam the trashy up and do this…deserves all the little hipsters to stand up and revolt…

The problem is that all the little hipsters are famewhores, obsessed with the people with a bigger following…and would be more into trying to get a selfie with them…

The world is fucking doomed…just watch this fucked up, early softcore porn shit….

Love Magazine saves the weekend of the no names…

Day 6- Immy Waterhouse by Boo George


This is Immy Waterhouse smoking in bed, in black and white, because it’s artsy and dramatic…I assume Immy Waterhouse is related to Suki Waterhouse, as these sisters of models often try to be models too…and the whole thing is pretty uneventful…

Day 5- Caoline Flack by Sam Faulkner:


Caroline Flack is a chubby girl with bit tits in some high waisted lingerie dancing awkwardly, as chubby girls often do, ….because they are far better at sitting and eating than anything that gets their heart rate up long enough to possibly have a heart attack…but then again, I’ve had sex with fat girls who really fucking bring it, but they were far more coordinated dancers than this..but then again…maybe they are just trying to be jokers…who cares..

Posted in:Jenner|Love Magazine|SFW|Videos


