Plastics in the ocean is a trendy cause on the internet, which I am not against, even though I typically hate trendy things because I love the ocean and I think killing the ocean life for our consumption is pretty fucking gross….
Save the fucking Dolphins / Whales / Turtles and Sharks..but I also know that humans are fucking gross, they are greedy slobs and their disgusting trying to get rich tactics have shaped a really shitty fucking society for all the live in…
From mass producing shit we don’t need, to poisoning our food, our water, forcing us to work shitty jobs to buy shit we don’t need, ending up more miserable in debt, but we have that shiney shit to remind us that it wasn’t what we needed to be fulfilled, and that working every day for it is not fucking worth it..
Imagine a life of the early settlers, working the land, trading what you grow for what others grow, no need for money or currency or anything, and no real waste cuz we have nothing to waste…spending our days at home all day like me, instead of going to an offic and dying prematurely thanks to stress from nonsense problems that don’t fucking matter, especially when you’re just a paid employee..instead of dealing with stresses that do matter like living the best life..
Point being, individuals doing waste free now cuz it is trendy, or people drawing attntion to plastic on the beaches are too little too late, the damage is done, and unless big business stops destroying the world you plastic straw ban isn’t gonna do shit….
BUT if you get naked like Anja Rubik….to promote a clean world…it’s a nice way to bring awareness to what we already know. We are pigs….and government and big business doesn’t care about us or our world…or society…they care about lining their pockets…which brings up the one thing we need to unite on and that is that TAXATION is theft, these people man…they are fucking all of us everyday…
Here are the pics from instagram with found plastics…to remind you that activism is best when nudity is involved…
Posted in:Anja Rubik