I'll Make You Famous…




i am – Julia Roberts' Placenta says:

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
we had twins

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
can you handle it

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
or should i say – can your asshole handle it you sick fuck

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
or should i say a sick fuck involves a hand and your asshole…

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
Poppers make the heart grow fonder

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
how abou8t matza fry i like matza fry

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
is that the pancake shit, it’s got nothing on placenta

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
my mom used to make me eat placenta, every time she had another kid, we were poor, and the government gave us more money the more kids she had. I was the oldest of 14… She would make it for dinner. I guess that means I ate 13 placentas growing up. We couldn’t afford milk, since she was always preggers, she would just make us all drink breast milk….maybe that is why I am the way I am…

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
thats it!’

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
i love that shit

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
i love it too

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. says:
knock me up, fatherfucker.

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
when we hook up… you can make that for me for breakfast after i show you a good time

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
I am getting you pregnant in january – just deciding on what position i want

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
we will call you The Chick With Aucular Herpes

minx is the snuff that dreams are made of. hello. i am addicted to drunkenstepfather. says:
i like knee breeches

i am – Julia Roberts’ Placenta says:
you can be on your knees…

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