I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Friendster Message of the Day – Robyn

This was a message I got today, it made me laugh….a little. The reason I laughed is because she doesn’t know that I am in fact her ex boyfriend. Ok. I am lying. Whatever Fuck all of you!

From : Robyn
Subject: Re:Are you back?

Dear Jesus,

I’m sure you are a really great guy but unfortunetly there has been a mix up. My ex-boyfriend broke into my Friendster homepage and thought it would be so funny to request your “Friendstership”. I guess he thought your profile would be shocking to me. However I have done more and seen more than he would probably care to know, therefore nothing offends me or freaks me out. I think thats what he was hoping for…

Sorry about all this, you sound very interesting.
Gotta go, I’m choreographing a sweet dance routine to the new Britney Spears remix in front of the mirror..

Oh just in case you want to fuck with him, he is Alex on my page of friends. Do whatever you want!

Robyn is Here

Robyn looks like this Here

Robyn is not my newest friendster!

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